LDS Teenager Murdered at her High School in Parkland

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Re: LDS Teenager Murdered at her High School in Parkland

Post by _Markk »

Markk wrote:Let me throw this out also...what creates a school shooter? What plays a larger roll at the root of the problem?

Gadianton wrote:It's a complicated problem, very possibly including the hypocritical position of Hollywood liberals who make billions off of movies that glorify guns. But one aspect of the problem has a more clear link to the crime than all the others and straightforward means for prevention. That's where we should start. Interestingly, I don't see the NRA campaigning to ban media that glorifies guns. I wonder why that is?

would I ban media that glorifies guns? No.

Well, this is the real root of the problem though that no one wants to discuss. How is it anymore complicated than the gun issue...both our part of our history and fabric, and formed who we are as a nation. Both are also constitutional rights, and both part of a much bigger problem. To ignore it, when it is really the root of the problem, along with the ever moving collapse of the family and values is a cop out.

How did this individual gain an fixation for what he did...I think we both know it was a lack of parental supervision, help for his illness, and how our society lines up to watch people destroy other people in film, music, and social media. They can you tube people beating the crap out of each other for no reason and give thumbs up while sharing with others, and they also you tube kids blowing crap up with a different type of weapons and explosives. I can go on and on. The gun was the tool, not the reason this happened. We can attack the tool, or we can address the problem. A lot of folks here want to just take guns away from honest people, so people with issues can't abuse other people rights.

More on this later
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Re: LDS Teenager Murdered at her High School in Parkland

Post by _Markk »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:This kid was shot five times by another kid who had no business having access to a firearm:


How pro-gun people can look at this and think, "Yeah. What a shame. Gotta keep my guns, though." is beyond me.

- Doc

Maksutov wrote:They don't look. It wasn't their kid, Doc, and they have no compassion for their fellow American and their children. Their childish self centeredness means more than any other human life. Oh yeah, and they call it patriotism. They're watering the "tree of liberty" with the blood of murdered children.

Your playing on emotions and assuming gun owners don't care...where is the voice for these children guys

ALERT, don't click if you have a weak stomach

I do not support people shooting children, or any innocents...however do you support ripping babies apart?

Quit with the hypocrisy one here is condoning what happened, or supporting it, or is it directly funded by the government, as abortion is.
Don't take life so seriously in that " sooner or later we are just old men in funny clothes" "Tom 'T-Bone' Wolk"
_Kevin Graham
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Re: LDS Teenager Murdered at her High School in Parkland

Post by _Kevin Graham »

Markk wrote:
Your playing on emotions and assuming gun owners don't care...where is the voice for these children guys

And what you do is much worse, which is to play on emotions and ignorance.

Markk wrote: I do not support people shooting children, or any innocents...however do you support ripping babies apart?

No one likes abortion. But the anti-abortion nuts who bring this up are typically the same people who refuse to support measures to help reduce abortions. Meaning, just like killing children with guns, you don't really care about those dead babies either. For example, you attack and maligned Planned Parenthood which has actually contributed to fewer abortions by facilitating the process for those who need them, making sure they happen well before a fetus reaches the second trimester. The vast majority of assisted abortions are in the first trimester and God is responsible for more miscarriages than human assisted abortions.

Markk wrote: Quit with the hypocrisy Mak...

No you quit with the hypocrisy. you don't care about saving babies anymore than you care about saving school children.

Markk wrote: no one here is condoning what happened, or supporting it

You are one of the many enablers. Without people like you there'd be no NRA to fund the bribed congressmen who are ordered to shape legislation to help keep money flowing to the gun industry, which just circulates back to the NRA/politicians. It is an incestuous love affair among the corrupt and you're an important part of that vicious circle.

or is it directly funded by the government, as abortion is.

Government involvement in facilitating abortion services correlates to a drastic reduction in abortions as well as an increase in safe abortions. ... -abortions
_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: LDS Teenager Murdered at her High School in Parkland

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

Oh. I see we're doing the thing where we bring a completely unrelated topic into the conversation in order to preserve your obsession with owning a gun? Is that's how it's done?

Well, crap. The following things are good reasons to keep guns:

1) Disease.

2) Car crashes.

3) The death penalty.

4) Child molestation by clergy.

5) Opiates killing Americans in droves.

6) Air pollution isn't being properly addressed.

7) Someday an asteroid will hit the Earth.

See? See how much of a damn a gun owner cares about people getting shot? Tsk tsk. It's so sad that there are other issues we aren't immediately solving, so therefore we get to keep guns because we reeeeeeeeeeeally like the way they make use feel.


- Doc
In the face of madness, rationality has no power - Xiao Wang, US historiographer, 2287 AD.

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_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: LDS Teenager Murdered at her High School in Parkland

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

Markk will probably say something to the effect that unwanted children and children raised by single mothers are in effect more likely to do x-y-z, which, truth be told is fairly accurate. Ironic that he'd point out abortion as being problematic when in fact it's the reduced rate in unwanted children that has most likely contributed to our overall decline in crime since Roe V. Wade was made legal.

These guys don't make any sense. Their solution is to keep guns legal because we need to protect ourselves from criminals who would be produced by an order of magnitude more if we outlawed abortion. It's the perfect feedback loop. I don't really get how they think. Weird.

- Doc
In the face of madness, rationality has no power - Xiao Wang, US historiographer, 2287 AD.

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Re: LDS Teenager Murdered at her High School in Parkland

Post by _Maksutov »

Markk wrote:
Quit with the hypocrisy one here is condoning what happened, or supporting it, or is it directly funded by the government, as abortion is.

Hypocrisy is politicians taking NRA money and tweeting thoughts and prayers. They don't give a damn. It ain't about me. And unlimited abortion is not directly funded by the government, so you're a liar. You're so desperate to shift blame that you'll throw anything at the wall. Pathetic.
"God" is the original deus ex machina. --Maksutov
_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: LDS Teenager Murdered at her High School in Parkland

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

Maksutov wrote:
Markk wrote:
Quit with the hypocrisy one here is condoning what happened, or supporting it, or is it directly funded by the government, as abortion is.

Hypocrisy is politicians taking NRA money and tweeting thoughts and prayers. They don't give a ____. It ain't about me. And unlimited abortion is not directly funded by the government, so you're a liar. You're so desperate to shift blame that you'll throw anything at the wall. Pathetic.

This is how “F” ing ridiculous things are with these people:

Elementary School - Get shot.

High School - Get shot.

College and University - Get shot.

Go to the movies - Get shot.

Go to club - Get shot.


Hanging out in my yard - Get shot.

Depressed. - Shoot myself.

Just zero “F” ing empathy to do anything about the problem. Get. Rid. Of. Guns. Treat mental illness. Provide birth control. There you go. This isn't a damn ing mystery.

- Doc
In the face of madness, rationality has no power - Xiao Wang, US historiographer, 2287 AD.

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Re: LDS Teenager Murdered at her High School in Parkland

Post by _Themis »

Meadowchik wrote:You can bet your butt that if he had a gun, my calculations would have been different. All it takes to use a gun effectively is a fit of rage. The fact that a firearm makes it so easy to kill may also make the fantasy more attractive, especially to someone who isn't normally violent.

You bring up a good point which impacts areas that allow citizens to carry guns in public. The idea of more good people carrying around gun makes society safer is false and the exact opposite. All to often humans get upset and then end up using what ever they have on hand to attack another. It reminds me of that retired police officer killing a man at the movies over texting on his phone. A man who appears to have been a good guy his whole life serving the community. While I am in favor of being able to own some guns, I also recognize they don't make me safer, but less safe. While I can decide if the risk is worth it for myself I don't have the right to decide that with the public. I have never had a need to use a gun to defend myself from criminals and I don't personally know anyone who has.
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Re: LDS Teenager Murdered at her High School in Parkland

Post by _DrW »

Asking for your indulgence - I came into work today because my wife was going to be at the funeral for Alaina Petty.

Mourners are gathered at the Coral Springs Stakehouse - very likely far more than would normally attend Stake Conference. As the Mormons on the board will understand, if the parents hold Stake positions, which her parents did, then pretty much everyone in the stake will know their teenage children. That's just the way it works. There will likely be many non-members from her school as well because Alaina was a smart, talented and popular young woman.

Today, LDS parents will have to explain to their young children what happened and why Alaina will not be at Church any more. Then they will have to come up with an answer when the kids ask if the same thing will happen at their school.

Those on the board who are convinced that a 19 year old should be allowed to buy an AR-15 should to go to:

and have a look at Alaina's photograph and short biosketch. They need to think about the fact that she will never have the chance to grow up, marry, raise a family, or even have a life. They need to ask if things can continue the way the are in this country when it comes to the laws and culture that permit this kind of tragedy approximately every three days (at least 18 times so far this year).

Then look at the other 16 photographs, and think about the new reality for the hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of parents and children in South Florida, Washington State (my daughter's family), and elsewhere, who knew, loved, cared for and even depended on, one or more of these victims.

These were innocent people with families. They were brutally murdered for the simple reason that Republicans are convinced that a 19 year old kid should have ready legal access to a highly lethal military style weapon - one that was designed for no other reason than to efficiently kill human beings.

Today is a holiday so no one else is in the office - no one to be embarrassed at seeing the tears in this old man's eyes.
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_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: LDS Teenager Murdered at her High School in Parkland

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »


It is important to sum up all that Alaina was and meant to her family Image titleand friends. Alaina was a vibrant and determined young woman, loved by all who knew her. Alaina loved to serve. She served her community through her participation in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas JROTC program and her countless hours of service as a volunteer for the "Helping Hands" program of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Alaina was part of hundreds of volunteers that rushed to the most heavily impacted areas of Florida to clean up and help rebuild the lives of those devastated by Hurricane Irma. Her selfless service brought peace and joy to those that had lost everything during the storm. While we will not have the opportunity to watch her grow up and become the amazing woman we know she would become, we are keeping an eternal perspective. We are grateful for the knowledge that Alaina is a part of our eternal family and that we will reunite with her. This knowledge and unabiding faith in our Heavenly Father's plan gives us comfort during this difficult time.

I'm sorry. I don't think your desire to pack heat trumps her blood being spilled. Doing nothing ensures another young woman like this one is murdered by a firearm.

It's absolute insanity.

- Doc
In the face of madness, rationality has no power - Xiao Wang, US historiographer, 2287 AD.

Every record...falsified, every book rewritten...every statue...has been renamed or torn down, every date...altered...the process is continuing...minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Ideology is always right.
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