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Re: Ukraine Gate...Impeachment thread 2

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 3:10 pm
by _Markk
canpakes wrote:Lol. Now you’re just willfully peppering your posts with stupid stuff that isn’t truthful. No wonder you can’t handle a simple question that requires you to deal with facts and reality.

The more that you ‘exaggerate’ about this situation, the more obvious the answer is to why Trump didn’t ask the DoJ to investigate, and the more ludicrous your defense of that becomes.

What did I say that is not true?

What did I exaggerate?

Here it is again

Now Focus, this is really the kicker...there the plain and open undeniable fact that the Vice Presidents son was working for a known, corrupt, mobster, dirty politician, with Russian ties...who was on the run...and he helped him get exonerated. And your whole argument and premise is, as you wrote, is that Shokin did not do enough to go after this Russian backed mobster, Mykola Zlochevsky, during his term as GP, who we know factually employed the VP's son, while the VP was in charge of over 2 billion in aid going to the Ukraine.

You and Honor have been arguing that Shokin did not do enough to fight corruption, especially against Burisma/Zlochevsky.

Yet Hunter not only worked for Zlochevsky, he played a part in getting him exonerated in the 23 million dollar case, which Shokin publicly objected to, and he appealed to the UK to reverse it. He also brought a suit against the prosecutor that signed the okay for the UK judge to give the 23 million back, and allow Zlochevsky to come back to the country.

You even wrote something about Shokin not getting a conviction against any oligarch or politician. Yet Zlochevsky is maybe the most prolific oligarch and dirty politician, except for Viktor Yanukovych, during this time frame. Yet Hunter, and this is factual, not only worked for Zlochevsky, he played a part in getting him exonerated from the said charges, so he could come back the Ukraine.

Joe Biden approved the GP, that ten months after replacing Shokin...the following (Which I linked up thread)

Following the Burisma Group’s full cooperation and willingness to submit to a thorough investigation and its findings, the Pechersk District Court of Kiev obliged the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine to close the case against Mr. Zlochevskyi and remove him from the wanted list. As a result of the Court’s decision the PGO fulfilled the relevant court order. The Ukrainian court decision is fully consistent with the decision taken by the U.K. court on January 21, 2015 and expert’s opinion based on the results of forensic and economic expertise, dated February 6, 2015. After considering Nikolay Zlocheskyi’s activities in Ukraine from 2002 to 2014, the British court ruled in favor of Nikolay Zlochevskyi and obliged the UK Serious Fraud Office (the SFO) to pay the defendant’s costs.

And not only did he approve this...he bragged about it years later.

This is all factual, and what is also, Zlochevsky is on the run, and is again wanted by the Ukraine for "theft of government funds on an especially large scale."

Hunter had a part in this by working for Zlochevsky...and Joe had a part in this by getting Shokin fired, and approving the replacement that would fully exonerate Zlochevsky/Burisma. By default, whether intended or not, Joe helped out Hunter also, in that Hunter who worked for Zlochevsky/Burisma...a known corrupt Government. If Burisma went down, and was further investigated as Shokin wanted...then who knows what would be found.

If you can't see this, you just don't want to. All I can do is just show the facts and get called names for doing so...which, LOL, shows you have nothing.

Re: Ukraine Gate...Impeachment thread 2

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 3:28 pm
by _Markk
MeDotOrg wrote:Markk, if you are so passionate about Hunter Biden, I wonder how you feel about Paul Manafort?

He got rich trying to pimp the corrupt Yanukovych regime to the west, only to become Trump's campaign manager. I keep wondering about how Donald Trump, who is so passionate about corruption in the Ukraine, would hire a man who had been out of American politics for many years as his campaign manager. What was Manafort's CV telling Trump, other than he was a corrupt minion of the Yanukovych regime?

I am not as sanguine as the President when it comes to Manafort's misdeeds. Neither was the America judicial system.

I touched on this in the last thread...Manafort is dirty and is where he needs to be. Yanukovych was really dirty for sure. And if Trump knowingly knew about Manaforts "darkside" in the Ukraine and elsewhere...that's bad, and show terrible judgment and if he was part of the corruption of Manafort he should pay deeply.

Moneyland a book Honor recommended to me touches on Manafort, and no doubt he is dirty, but I see no evidence other than he worked for Trump, that Trump was dirty in this...and to be far, Trump was investigated left and right on this by Muller, but if there real evidence that Trump was dirty in this...I will support an investigation.

How do you feel about my last post to you feel there is enough evidence to warrant an investigation of the Hunters involvement with Burisma, and by default Joe and all those that fall into the circle? Why, why not?

Re: Ukraine Gate...Impeachment thread 2

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 3:41 pm
by _canpakes
Well, you’ve lied about Joe being ‘in charge’ of 2 billion, which is a total at odds with the clip you posted yourself. Not to mention that you still characterize Joe as ‘in charge’ of it in the first place, when you know that Joe was just the messenger for the consensus of Western leadership. Joe certainly didn’t authorize aid in the first place, and any action to inhibit or stop the flow of aid would stop the flow of money misappropriated out to any source.

And now, you are saying that Hunter “played a part in getting (Zlochevsky) exonerated from the said charges, so he could come back (to) the Ukraine.” ... 4 years after first fleeing. Yet, this comes on the heels of your accusations that Hunter Biden has no experience in anything and didn’t merit his salary for any reason. Your messaging here is to throw whatever you can against the wall that might paint Biden in the worst possible light, regardless of fact.

You haven’t told me why your soviet-aligned sources should be trusted over the vast majority of Western opinion:

“Everyone in the Western community wanted Shokin sacked,” Anders Aslund, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, told the Wall Street Journal. “The whole G-7, the IMF, the EBRD, everybody was united that Shokin must go, and the spokesman for this was Joe Biden.”

Those Bidens sure are somethin’. They have a worldwide conspiracy operating for the sole purpose of having paid Hunter Biden some 50K a month for a few years.

I just can’t figure out why Trump never asked our DoJ to investigate such a grievous cabal of no-goodniks. : D

Re: Ukraine Gate...Impeachment thread 2

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 4:36 pm
by _canpakes
Forgot to add:

Following the Burisma Group’s full cooperation and willingness to submit to a thorough investigation and its findings, the Pechersk District Court of Kiev obliged the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine to close the case against Mr. Zlochevskyi and remove him from the wanted list. As a result of the Court’s decision the PGO fulfilled the relevant court order. The Ukrainian court decision is fully consistent with the decision taken by the U.K. court on January 21, 2015 and expert’s opinion based on the results of forensic and economic expertise, dated February 6, 2015. After considering Nikolay Zlocheskyi’s activities in Ukraine from 2002 to 2014, the British court ruled in favor of Nikolay Zlochevskyi and obliged the UK Serious Fraud Office (the SFO) to pay the defendant’s costs.

Markk, what did Hunter or Joe do here that is corrupt?

Re: Ukraine Gate...Impeachment thread 2

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 4:41 pm
by _Markk
Focus...that is why we need an investigation. I have discussed the evidences of possible corruption over and over. Please focus on what is being asked here and what the concerns are.

Re: Ukraine Gate...Impeachment thread 2

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 5:42 pm
by _canpakes
Markk wrote:Focus...that is why we need an investigation. I have discussed the evidences of possible corruption over and over. Please focus on what is being asked here and what the concerns are.

What is it you’re investigating? The Pechersk District Court of Kiev?

o_O “Focus...”

Re: Ukraine Gate...Impeachment thread 2

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 5:44 pm
by _canpakes
You haven’t told me why your soviet-aligned sources should be trusted over the vast majority of Western opinion:

“Everyone in the Western community wanted Shokin sacked,” Anders Aslund, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, told the Wall Street Journal. “The whole G-7, the IMF, the EBRD, everybody was united that Shokin must go, and the spokesman for this was Joe Biden.”

Re: Ukraine Gate...Impeachment thread 2

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 6:22 pm
by _subgenius
canpakes wrote:Forgot to add:

Following the Burisma Group’s full cooperation and willingness to submit to a thorough investigation and its findings, the Pechersk District Court of Kiev obliged the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine to close the case against Mr. Zlochevskyi and remove him from the wanted list. As a result of the Court’s decision the PGO fulfilled the relevant court order. The Ukrainian court decision is fully consistent with the decision taken by the U.K. court on January 21, 2015 and expert’s opinion based on the results of forensic and economic expertise, dated February 6, 2015. After considering Nikolay Zlocheskyi’s activities in Ukraine from 2002 to 2014, the British court ruled in favor of Nikolay Zlochevskyi and obliged the UK Serious Fraud Office (the SFO) to pay the defendant’s costs.

Markk, what did Hunter or Joe do here that is corrupt?

According to where you set the bar, Hunter did the same as Trump in order to achieve the status of "guilty".

Re: Ukraine Gate...Impeachment thread 2

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 7:13 pm
by _canpakes
subgenius wrote:According to where you set the bar, Hunter did the same as Trump in order to achieve the status of "guilty".

If you are talking bars, then it’s probably the case that you’ve simply been sitting at the end of one for too long, today. That’d be why you can’t and won’t reason that statement out.

But, cheers to you, anyway. And don’t forget to call for a Lyft.

Re: Ukraine Gate...Impeachment thread 2

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:18 pm
by _Chap
Markk wrote:Focus...that is why we need an investigation.

So tell me again why Trump does not order the DoJ to launch one?