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Re: Taking sexism and misogyny seriously

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 7:07 pm
by _honorentheos
The OP is about people being killed and assaulted. Good Jesus.

"But guys get screwed in divorces."

Uh, y'alls point in relation to the OP is what, exactly?

Re: Taking sexism and misogyny seriously

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 7:19 pm
by _Jersey Girl
honorentheos wrote:
Fri Jul 24, 2020 7:07 pm
The OP is about people being killed and assaulted. Good Jesus.

"But guys get screwed in divorces."

Uh, y'alls point in relation to the OP is what, exactly?
Hey who appointed you god of the thread? I responded to Lemmie's post and asked ajax to expand on his post...and well, just go over the thread and give us all grades why don't ya?

Re: Taking sexism and misogyny seriously

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 7:34 pm
by _honorentheos
I just pointed out Lemmie brought up a pretty serious issue with deadly consequence but the bulk of resulting conversation became a debate over men being screwed over in divorce court.

That seems to be more than missing the point. According to this thread, men have most of the guns and good cause for resenting women they get shackled to in life thanks to the system screwing them over. After reading the OP I think a person could justly ask where exactly people think they are going with this.

You want a grade? Submit a one page essay, single spaced, on the most influential guitar riff of all time. It will get an F for being unrelated to the OP and mostly based on subjective opinion but hey, who cares.

Re: Taking sexism and misogyny seriously

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:26 pm
by _Jersey Girl
Can it be the most influential riff of all time played on a piano?

Re: Taking sexism and misogyny seriously

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:43 pm
by _honorentheos
Jersey Girl wrote:
Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:26 pm
Can it be the most influential riff of all time played on a piano?
Only if it's a guitar riff played on a piano. Beethoven's Fifth is an autofail. Fur Elise? Furgitaboutit.

Re: Taking sexism and misogyny seriously

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:43 pm
by _Lemmie
I did find it disturbing that an OP about male extremism and anti-feminism online spilling over into deadly real life violence ended up where we are.

Ajax’s assumptions and conclusions that started this were not valid, and it is supremely ironic to me that a thread about the violence associated with extreme anti-feminism turned into an explanation of why and how the male position appears unfairly treated in courts....although I do appreciate the thoughtful explanations.

Re: Taking sexism and misogyny seriously

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:48 pm
by _Jersey Girl
honorentheos wrote:
Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:43 pm
Jersey Girl wrote:
Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:26 pm
Can it be the most influential riff of all time played on a piano?
Only if it's a guitar riff played on a piano. Beethoven's Fifth is an autofail. Fur Elise? Furgitaboutit.
Not even close.

Re: Taking sexism and misogyny seriously

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:49 pm
by _Jersey Girl
Jersey Girl wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 7:50 pm

I don't know a lot about this Incel issue. When I first saw Cam use that word I had to go searching it up. I haven't quite worked that all out in my own mind yet. I guess I could offer a kind of old school description of what I think it means to be an Incel. Let me try...

An Incel is someone (typically male?) who isn't getting any and so he hates the f-ucking guts of every female because they all mirror back to him his own sense of inferiority so that even the contempt he feels is manifested both outward and inward.

Anyone? Is that close?
Can someone tell me if I was on the right track with this?

Re: Taking sexism and misogyny seriously

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 10:06 pm
by _Lemmie
What surprised me is how long the murderer has been in the public eye:
”Feminists have warned us — and now another "men's rights activist" turns to murder...
Angry misogynists who commit murder aren't lone wolves — they're part of an increasingly violent movement”

By Amanda Marcotte

....As a New Yorker profile in 2007 made clear, Den Hollander was obsessed with the idea that he was entitled to having younger women sexually available — or, in his words, "waiting to give delights, understanding and loyalty." Since that wasn't working out, he spiraled into tantrum and sued everyone in sight, desperately seeking prove that men are the real victims of oppression.

For much of Den Hollander's career as a professional misogynist, liberal observers treated him as a joke. I certainly made fun of him at my former blog for his Ladies Night suits, as the guy who wanted to believe that "the stripper really likes him." Den Hollander was once the butt of a joke on a segment for "The Colbert Report." On Fox News, however, he was greeted as a hero, brought on to claim that women "are a suspect class" who "walk all over [men] in their stiletto heels."

But this shooting is a sobering reminder of a grim reality, which is that the misogyny that Den Hollander was peddling can far too easily go dark and turn to violence. Cheered on by an online community of bitter woman-haters who blame feminism for all their woes, men like Den Hollander frequently turn to outright terrorism against institutions and communities who didn't give them all the goodies to which they think their sex entitles them. ... to-murder/

Re: Taking sexism and misogyny seriously

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 10:08 pm
by _Lemmie
Jersey Girl, from the article I just quoted , a quick incel definition:

The most famous of these, of course, was Elliot Rodger, who went on a 2014 shooting spree in Isla Vista, California, killing six people and injuring 14 others, apparently seeking revenge for his perception that "you girls have never been attracted to me."

Rodger identified as an "incel," which is short for "involuntarily celibate" but better describes an ideology of men who believe that, because of feminism, they are being denied sex with women of the "hotness" caliber they believe they deserve. ... to-murder/