The next developments in the collusion story

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Re: The next developments in the collusion story

Post by _Ceeboo »

Sup Schmo! :smile:

Some Schmo wrote:It seems to me that if you value loyalty, it can get you into real trouble if you let others do your thinking for you.

Yes, this is also quite true in religion as well.

Right now, we have a GOP that doesn't question what the White House is doing, and it's leading to all kinds of problems. A great number are loyal to party over country, and they justify it with talking points gleaned from "conservative" radio.

To be fair, a great number are "loyal to party over country" can surely be found littered all over both sides of our American political landscape. It is without question, in my opinion, what is found at the very core of the problem/problems within current American politics as well as many American citizens.

One of the real problems, as I see it, is that far too many of our elected officials are deeply concerned (first and foremost) with doing whatever it takes to secure their particular governmental seat - in the next election - meaning that they all parrot their party's motto - and maintain complete party loyalty - directly because that is what gives them the best chance at re-election. It's ridiculous!

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Re: The next developments in the collusion story

Post by _subgenius »

The CCC wrote:Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manifort, all legal officials of Trump's campaign attended a meeting with a Russian lawyer close to Putin, with claimed dirt on Hillary Clinton. They are required to know/supposed to know the Campaign Finance Laws.

none of this violates campaign finance laws, but thanks for getting back to that whole pretending-to-know-what-you-are-talking-about thingy

maybe, instead of guzzling at the fountain of op-eds, you should try to actually read (for yourself) the laws about which you claim others have violated
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_Jersey Girl
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Re: The next developments in the collusion story

Post by _Jersey Girl »

Ceeboo wrote:
During the election - when we were down to Hillary Clinton and Donal Trump - I remember feeling like I was out in limbo somewhere, floating in the wind - having no voice and no representation.


At this point, the only power I have to make a political statement is to take my affiliation away from both parties. That's the only "big gun" I have to break out other than writing campaigns to my representatives.

I agree with every single word you wrote in the remainder of your post.
Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up.
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_Kevin Graham
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Re: The next developments in the collusion story

Post by _Kevin Graham »

subgenius wrote:
The CCC wrote:Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manifort, all legal officials of Trump's campaign attended a meeting with a Russian lawyer close to Putin, with claimed dirt on Hillary Clinton. They are required to know/supposed to know the Campaign Finance Laws.

none of this violates campaign finance laws, but thanks for getting back to that whole pretending-to-know-what-you-are-talking-about thingy

maybe, instead of guzzling at the fountain of op-eds, you should try to actually read (for yourself) the laws about which you claim others have violated

Uh, read the law moron. From your link:

(b)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals in connection with elections. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election...

(g)Solicitation, acceptance, or receipt of contributions and donations from foreign nationals. No person shall knowingly solicit, accept, or receive from a foreign national any contribution or donation prohibited by paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section.

Trump's son is a criminal now, just like his father who relies on high powered attorneys to keep him out of prison in his many fraud suits. And now his son in law is in deeper doo doo because he lied about his communications with the Russian attorney.

But please, keep showing us just how sub genius you really are by regurgitating anything and everything Sean Hannity says.
_The CCC
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Re: The next developments in the collusion story

Post by _The CCC »

Apparently Don Jr. has just admitted to committing a crime. But we'll just have to wait for a criminal trial to be found guilty of that crime. IE: O.J. Simpson was found not guilty of double murder. He was found financially liable for their deaths.
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