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The McRib is back!!

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:46 am
by _Dr. Shades
Just wanted to share some great news--The McRib sandwich is back!

If you've never had one of these, make it a point to run down to your local McDonalds for one. They're always around for a very limited time only, so don't put it off.

Back in the late '80s it would return once a year or so. Of late, it's returned much, much less often. I'll be making multiple trips for sure.

[EDIT: This thread was originally started back in 10/06, but the McRib is back again for 12/12, so it's time to resurrect this thread.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 7:03 am
by _Gazelam
Is that made with the stuff not suitable for hot dogs? I think I got a piece of bone in the last "mcrib" I had, way beack when. or maybe that was the AM/PM version I had. little quesy talking about it.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:16 pm

But this is a world of free choices so enjoy your McRib Dr. Shade

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 10:04 pm
by _gramps
Well, Dr. Shades, you might then enjoy Germany a whole lot.

You can get a McRib any day of the week over here.

I personally am a Big Mac fan still myself, once every few months, or so.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:36 pm
by _keene
I gots me a mcrib right now, let's have us a taste....

Mmmmmmmm...... Tastes like.... Death.... Yum.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:49 pm
by _Polygamy Porter
keene wrote:I gots me a mcrib right now, let's have us a taste....

Mmmmmmmm...... Tastes like.... Death.... Yum.
With the right about of surface burning, anything tastes good.

I can eat ground up pig nose, ears and asshole, so long as it is ground beyond recognition, shaped, cooked and given an even blackening on the grill.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:23 pm
by _Dr. Shades
Polygamy Porter wrote:With the right about of surface burning, anything tastes good.

The surface of a McRib isn't burnt.

I can eat ground up pig nose, ears and asshole, so long as it is ground beyond recognition, shaped, cooked and given an even blackening on the grill.

It's pure pork rib meat. It's nothing different than you'd get from an order of baby back ribs. The only difference is that the bones are already gone. Convenient, no?

To all you McRib haters, I have one thing to say: Why knock it if you've never tried it?

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:49 pm
by _Gazelam
I broke down and bought one last night. Without the bit of bone I got from the am/pm knockoff, it was tasty. I proobably wouldenbt of tried it without shades prompting, I did have to pick off the pickles and onions though, I think they steal away from the experience.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:50 am
by _Dr. Shades
Gazelam wrote:I broke down and bought one last night. Without the bit of bone I got from the am/pm knockoff, it was tasty.

By "am/pm knockoff," are you saying you got a McRib--or its equivalent--at a place other than McDonald's itself? No wonder you had a bad experience the first time!

I proobably wouldenbt of tried it without shades prompting, I did have to pick off the pickles and onions though, I think they steal away from the experience.

The pickles especially are what gives it its unique flavor combination. Did you at least try it without alteration first?

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:55 am
by _Gazelam
AM/PM is similar to a 7-eleven. Some ar emuch fancier than a 7-eleven, some are shady depending on what part of town your in. I used to go to one that was near a jobsite. I was in there probably 20 times, and never did figure out if the person at the cash register was male or female.

I did try a bite with the pickle, and scraped them off after that.