Special Investigate Obama and Iran

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Re: Special Investigate Obama and Iran

Post by _Maksutov »

Water Dog wrote:
EAllusion wrote:It goes without saying the charge that the Obama admin "colluded" with Iran to help it obtain nuclear weapons is absolutely bananas and investigations aren't justified based on the mere desire to go after opponents with sham conspiracy charges. This charge probably rests and an absurd equivocation of "collusion" to incorporate US nuclear diplomacy, but it's hard to say for sure as it is so crazy.

Nothing bananas about it. Obama was reported to have sent an emissary to Iran before he was even president-elect. Mountains of evidence of collusion after he became President. And the issue here is not collusion. One, collusion is not illegal. Two, define what it even means. The potential issues with Obama re Iran are other types of law breaking. You can read a zillion in-depth articles on places like National Review, which go into great legal depth explaining numerous times Obama broke the law in his dealings with Iran, money transfers, etc. The ransom payment for instance. Then there is all the issues of public statements, statements made to congress and other authorities. You guys are making quite a big deal out of Flynn "obstructing justice." You're nothing but a hypocrite, EAllusion. And this is why our politics is so nasty. Libs won't admit their own faults, they don't hold their people to the same standard.

EAllusion wrote:The investigation into Russian election interference and Trumpist connections to it is based on credible suspicions like Donald Trump getting on national TV and saying he fired the director of the FBI because of it.

What credible suspicions? Cite them you shameless liar. Oh that's right, Hillary lost, unfathomable. This is the sum total of your "credible" suspicion, combined with a hit job dossier manufactured and paid for by the DNC. And the investigation started prior to this. How can firing Comey be a cause for an investigation when the investigation was already underway? Obama initiated the investigation while Trump was still a candidate. He created a massive landmine for the incoming administration. When it's all said and done this will cement the destruction of Obama's legacy and prove him to be the most lawless president since probably Woodrow Wilson.

I guess you slept through Iran Contra, eh? And Watergate was before you were born? FDR was the most lawless since Wilson, dude. Reagan and Nixon close runners up. Get some goddamn perspective, Dog. There's corruption in both parties enough to derail our republic. They all need cleaned out.
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Re: Special Investigate Obama and Iran

Post by _Themis »

Water Dog wrote:
EAllusion wrote:It goes without saying the charge that the Obama admin "colluded" with Iran to help it obtain nuclear weapons is absolutely bananas and investigations aren't justified based on the mere desire to go after opponents with sham conspiracy charges. This charge probably rests and an absurd equivocation of "collusion" to incorporate US nuclear diplomacy, but it's hard to say for sure as it is so crazy.

Nothing bananas about it. Obama was reported to have sent an emissary to Iran before he was even president-elect. Mountains of evidence of collusion after he became President. And the issue here is not collusion. One, collusion is not illegal. Two, define what it even means. The potential issues with Obama re Iran are other types of law breaking. You can read a zillion in-depth articles on places like National Review, which go into great legal depth explaining numerous times Obama broke the law in his dealings with Iran, money transfers, etc. The ransom payment for instance. Then there is all the issues of public statements, statements made to congress and other authorities. You guys are making quite a big deal out of Flynn "obstructing justice." You're nothing but a hypocrite, EAllusion. And this is why our politics is so nasty. Libs won't admit their own faults, they don't hold their people to the same standard.

EAllusion wrote:The investigation into Russian election interference and Trumpist connections to it is based on credible suspicions like Donald Trump getting on national TV and saying he fired the director of the FBI because of it.

What credible suspicions? Cite them you shameless liar. Oh that's right, Hillary lost, unfathomable. This is the sum total of your "credible" suspicion, combined with a hit job dossier manufactured and paid for by the DNC. And the investigation started prior to this. How can firing Comey be a cause for an investigation when the investigation was already underway? Obama initiated the investigation while Trump was still a candidate. He created a massive landmine for the incoming administration. When it's all said and done this will cement the destruction of Obama's legacy and prove him to be the most lawless president since probably Woodrow Wilson.

You could try and think a little bit. Reality is we are not going to have all the actual evidence available, and there is going to be mountains of crap out there. The republicans have control of all three houses for almost a year now. If this is all true then why have they not been starting up investigations to get to the truth and charge those responsible? You could also think rationally if some of the crap you read really fits with obvious motivations. I can understand why many don't like Obama, but why would he want Iran to get nukes? Why would the UK and France want Iran to get nukes? Hell why would Russia and China want Iran to get nukes?
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Re: Special Investigate Obama and Iran

Post by _Molok »

Nah he just wants to be
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