Speculatively : Who is Elohim, Jeovah and Holy Spirit? ONE?

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Speculatively : Who is Elohim, Jeovah and Holy Spirit? ONE?

Post by _SAVELLI1 »

Our direct Jehovah is quite like a "title" of power or of command, like in military structure. In an army we have a "general as commander of it". But one Army may be a branch of a greater Army, as if Sons are Branches power from a Father.

Thus Heavenly Father is a "Greater General" or "greater Sabaoth Jehovah = Heavenly Commandant" than our "Jehovah", our "Sabaoth", Who is able to sat on the great "pew" or "chair" or command of the "great" commandant in chief, Heavenly in Chief. Who in fact "progressed" to such point. As in great past was just a mortal man, with Heavenly Mother, exactly as we are now, or as Jesus: quite powerless persons, living without active divine powers but Jesus having the “tittle of general, but inactive in self powers.

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In fact we have that Jehovah Gods are like PROXY of DIVINE POWERS because they acquired two natures that became welded as one, impossible to separate, as if when we grafted one type of tree into another. Having a “Supreme Tree, Supreme power of Creation”, in Who are grafted the immediate Gods, Trees of Life who graphited other Gods….

As In the case of Trees of Life “graphited” one in a superior “Tree of Life”, the distinction is very great, as the result is the union of the "most general commandant Jehovah" into the "SUPREME JHOVAH BEING". Thus the result of the Union we can reason as Jehovah himself graphite on a SUPREME JEHOVAH = SUPREME BEING HIMSELF, with Jehovah being the "Divine VERB, SPOKESMAN, Proxy" of the Supreme God or of the immediate superior Commandant Jehovah.

They are distinct, but impossible to separate: are just “One TREEE” as part of a “Supreme Tree = Being”. In such sense, any "God" is the "supreme SERVANT, supreme PRIEST or PRIESTESS" of the SUPREME BEING, the ONE GOD who is “I AM always”. In which the Supreme I AM is living in HIM or HE as supreme SERVANTS and PROXY and VERBS. Quite like they are LIVING DIVINE TEMPLES, for ever as in the SUPREME TEMPLE.

We could reason the SUPREME BEING is someone quite like as a SUPREME SPIRITUAL BEING, in space and time (as "is" being "alpha" to "omega" and again to "alpha", in a circle. as if in an "eternal circle" of supreme time, thus such attribute becomes of "Gods" also. As Proxy and VERB, SPOKESMAN as our direct God Commandant, Lord od Armies, can say “I AM”.

It is difficult to provide an explanation for the relationship between the SUPREME BEING, the ONE GOD, and the Gods, easy when the model is provided for the INSIDE viewpoint.

Thus it is nice to use John 15:1-6 that is related to Heavenly Father and his Son relationship as being that of a branch of VINE FATHER becoming the VINE SON and with VINE SON becoming another VINE TREE, not free but dependant of the Will of the FATHER. Thus they are exactly of the SAME VINE NATURE. (“VINE” like “diVINE”).

A person who see the VINE FATHER also "see" the VINE SON as being exactly "EQUAL", same features, power, behaviour and fruits.

The VINE FATHER becomes proud that the VINE SON also have branches to have greater production of grapes of good quality that yields wine of great quality and amount: divine.

In fact the desire of a Divine living tree is to have great and good descendants, equal to him.

That is the righteous goal of the species: multiplication. But for that goal is achieved, there is need of combat of EVIL DISEASES. And in this teaching this is not done by the FATHER or the SON, but by something MORE POWERFUL and free to move, the SUPREME BEING, the GARDNER feature.

In the teaching such POWER is shown as being with ANIMAL FEATURES besides VEGETAL FEATURES., able to gather such EVIL branches and to transport them to faraway place (as if to HELL) to BURN THEM. As if to keep the VINEYARD clean of PARASITES and sickness.

This is to show that there are TWO DISTINCT types of NATURES acting in SUPREME DIVINE LIFE. One is quite like of "vegetal" and other is quite like of "animal". And in the attached figure, we can see that the "little man" is the symbolism of the "supreme being, the ONE GOD, the SUPREME JEHOVAH AND elohim", as if the little man Who decides to plant and took care of the grape vine... as SUPREME BEING being prior to any Gods.

SEE the enclosed very enlarged view of John 15:1-15:6

A more strict view of John 15:1-15:6 presents the relationship between the Local God “FATHER ELOHIM”, PROXY and SUPREME PRIEST of SUPREME BEING, with two other Gods “graphited” on Him, as the SON and the HOLLY SPIRIT. They are the same “nature and features” of the FATHER GOD, ELOHIM. As they compose just “ONE”, living parts of a Father TREE and of the SUPREME BEING TREE OF LIFE. They are also PROXY and SERVANTS of the GOD FATHER, and through GOD ANCESTORS they are ONE with the SUPREME BEING.

We can see that FATHER had two very long and developed “BRANCHES” who bend to the ground at one point in where sprout ROOTS, and thus turn the SONs able to provide their own “SAP”, DIVINE POWER, while they continue to receive FATHER’s DIVINE SAP. And Their DIVINE SAP (sons) can also flow to FATHER’s TREE of Life.

In the case of Jesus, the GARDNER raised the TREE of LIFE out of the GROUND, and continued TREE of LIFE but unable to produce His own Divine Sap, that remained being provided by the FATHER. Thus the miracles where provided through the powers of ELOHIM, the FATHER. When ended mortality, GARDNER lowered Jesus to the “GROUND” and again his ROOTS returned to produce the SELF DIVINE “SAP”. We are small branches graphited (branches) in Jesus. Thus, for our condition we have a TRINITY of Gods who are just “ONE”, one TREE of LIFE.
sEP 15, 2011, sEP 16, 2011 ELYmyGod SABaoth KOCH AKE
Last edited by Guest on Fri Sep 20, 2019 11:59 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Speculatively : Who is Elohim, Jeovah and Holy Spirit? O

Post by _ludwigm »

- Whenever a poet or preacher, chief or wizard spouts gibberish, the human race spends centuries deciphering the message. - Umberto Eco
- To assert that the earth revolves around the sun is as erroneous as to claim that Jesus was not born of a virgin. - Cardinal Bellarmine at the trial of Galilei
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