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Taking sexism and misogyny seriously

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 3:40 am
by _Lemmie
Excerpts from Filipovic’s piece on CNN:
Attacker who killed judge's son didn't hide his hate

Opinion by Jill Filipovic
Updated 7:30 PM EDT, Tue July 21, 2020

(CNN)If there is one lesson to take away from the tragic killing of Daniel Anderl, the son of US District Judge Esther Salas, and the shooting of Salas's husband, Mark Anderl, it is this: Misogynist extremists aren't just kooks or pathetic losers; they're dangerous.

The man believed to be responsible for the shootings is Roy Den Hollander, a "men's rights" activist and self-described "anti-feminist" lawyer. He shot and killed himself after allegedly killing Daniel Anderl and shooting Mark Anderl.

While the targeting of a federal judge and her family is shocking, Den Hollander's violence shouldn't be surprising. This is, after all, a man who called the Violence Against Women Act the "Female Fraud Act," only to then to allegedly commit violence against a woman's family.

...Den Hollander cannot just be dismissed as a lone wolf or deranged person.

He was a lawyer who had appeared in front of Judge Salas in a case about another one of his pet issues: The male-only draft.

...He's also far from the only men's rights activist who has promoted, incited and encouraged violence against women -- or and has been violent himself.

...Men's rights websites and forums have created a culture in which it's considered funny and normal to threaten women with rape and fantasize about killing or injuring them, perpetuating a twisted worldview in which women are at fault for their own victimization.

Lots of these men listen and take this garbage seriously.... Some men's rights advocates distinguish themselves from "incels," or men embittered by their lack of sexual success, who in turn distinguish themselves from the "pick-up artists" or PUAs who aim to sleep with as many women as possible. But they all overlap in the "manosphere": The corners of the internet dedicated to anti-feminism and misogyny.

Not that men need internet misogyny in order to kill or abuse women.... None of these men exist in a vacuum. Some, like Den Hollander, erect the framework of a political theory around their hatred of women and are savvy enough to use the polite language of the law when they're in a courtroom or on television.

They often begin by working within established institutions, seeking to undermine them -- using the courts to bring a host of claims, as Den Hollander did.

But you don't have to dig far to see extremism lurking, including the justification of violence. And there have been a disturbing number of these men who have moved on from posting their hatred online to engaging in acts of violence and terrorism -- not unlike other extremists around the world.

For too long, though, American law enforcement, our most trusted institutions and the media have looked the other way on misogynist extremists in the United States, refusing to take them particularly seriously and brushing off the hatred of women and even gender-based violence as unfortunate but fixed parts of normal life.

....But while we were rolling our eyes at the man on a crusade against Ladies Night, he turned into the living embodiment of that famous Margaret Atwood quote:

"Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them." ... index.html

Re: Taking sexism and misogyny seriously

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 4:44 am
by _Doctor CamNC4Me
Well. Here I was thinking this had to do with the ongoing weirdness surrounding the Epstein case. Although perhaps Epstein and his client list kind of dovetails with the topic. Anyone have any idea how many MRA's or Incels have murdered people lately? Is this a thing that's actually being tracked? Do the statistical numbers of murdery Incels give rise to concern, and if so what do?

- Doc

Re: Taking sexism and misogyny seriously

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 4:54 am
by _Lemmie
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 4:44 am
Well. Here I was thinking this had to do with the ongoing weirdness surrounding the Epstein case. Although perhaps Epstein and his client list kind of dovetails with the topic. Anyone have any idea how many MRA's or Incels have murdered people lately? Is this a thing that's actually being tracked? Do the statistical numbers of murdery Incels give rise to concern, and if so what do?

- Doc
Since you asked, from the same article, although focused on the victims, not just incels:

Not that men need internet misogyny in order to kill or abuse women.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly one in five women have experienced severe violence at the hands of a partner. The easy availability of guns in the United States makes this violence, pervasive the world over, particularly deadly here.

According to the group Everytown for Gun Safety, close to a million women in America have survived being shot or shot at by an intimate partner, and another 4.5 million have been threatened by a partner with a gun.

Fifty-two women are killed after being shot by an intimate partner every month, according to Everytown -- and many more, obviously, are seriously injured.

Eighty percent of children killed in mass shootings between 2009 and 2018 were murdered by as part of a domestic violence incident -- often situations where an angry man kills his current or former partner and their children, and sometimes himself.

Re: Taking sexism and misogyny seriously

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 5:28 am
by _Doctor CamNC4Me
For sure Men have done all that. I was curious about the MRA and Incel angle. I'd Googley-fu it, but I'm current on a tiny phone killing time at a former brothel-turned-hostel (purportedly opened and ran by a savvy madame to service railroad workers - gross) and typing is onerous.

- Doc

Re: Taking sexism and misogyny seriously

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 10:44 am
by _Lemmie
Oh. I don’t know, but a little more from article, along those lines:
He's also far from the only men's rights activist who has promoted, incited and encouraged violence against women -- or and has been violent himself.

Many men come to the men's rights movement because they believe they've been wronged by the court systems, often after allegations of domestic violence, or when required to pay child support.

Once they're there, they're treated to a barrage of lies, misogyny, propaganda and racism.

Men's rights websites and forums have created a culture in which it's considered funny and normal to threaten women with rape and fantasize about killing or injuring them, perpetuating a twisted worldview in which women are at fault for their own victimization.

Lots of these men listen and take this garbage seriously. Before men's rights ideology was rampant on the internet, Marc Lépine murdered 14 women in Montreal, writing in his suicide note that "I have decided to send the feminists, who have always ruined my life, to their Maker."

In 2009, George Sodini shot three women dead and injured nine others; he was angry that women wouldn't have sex with him as often as he would have preferred. That was also what motivated Elliot Rodger, who killed six people in 2014, and a dozen other men who have killed or tried to kill women and claimed sexual frustration as the cause.

Some men's rights advocates distinguish themselves from "incels," or men embittered by their lack of sexual success, who in turn distinguish themselves from the "pick-up artists" or PUAs who aim to sleep with as many women as possible. But they all overlap in the "manosphere": The corners of the internet dedicated to anti-feminism and misogyny.

Re: Taking sexism and misogyny seriously

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:29 am
by _subgenius
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 4:44 am
Well. Here I was thinking this had to do with the ongoing weirdness surrounding the Epstein case. ...
Well, I'm just so sure its just a coincidence. Lets just focus on something else, mkay?

Re: Taking sexism and misogyny seriously

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 7:34 pm
by _Molok
Subs has been a lot more vitriolic than normal this week. I don’t think he’s taking this election season so well. It’s so much fun watching the mental breakdown of a racist waste of life like him

Re: Taking sexism and misogyny seriously

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 1:18 am
by _ajax18
Many men come to the men's rights movement because they believe they've been wronged by the court systems
Many of them probably were wronged by the court system. The woman usually has the upper hand under the status quo.

As we continue to raise children in an environment devoid of faith and Christian values, we're going to continue to see more and more violence and vengeful behavior in relationships.

Re: Taking sexism and misogyny seriously

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 1:30 am
by _Jersey Girl
ajax18 wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 1:18 am
Many men come to the men's rights movement because they believe they've been wronged by the court systems
Many of them probably were wronged by the court system. The woman usually has the upper hand under the status quo.
In what ways do you think women have the upper hand in the court system?

Re: Taking sexism and misogyny seriously

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 6:09 am
by _Gunnar
Jersey Girl wrote:
Thu Jul 23, 2020 1:30 am
In what ways do you think women have the upper hand in the court system?
I would like to see his answer to that question too. Probably one of the things he will claim is that women sometimes do seem to have an unfair advantage in child custody cases. From what I have seen in the news, there does seem to be some justice in that claim.