Why and How Trump Won the Debate

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_Philo Sofee
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Why and How Trump Won the Debate

Post by _Philo Sofee »

Constant, nonstop flowing of utterly irrelevant trivial, off topic ranting in order to not have to answer to anything he has done or has not done for 4 years. Donald Trump masters them all in taking our eye off the topic which guarantees he can continue to do what he wants, how he wants to, legal or illegal, and no one will be able to catch him. Does he care if he is rude? No. Does he go by and with the rules? No. Does he respect anyone other than himself? No. Does he need to? NO! And here is why. Because he has been such an illegal fraud and liability that he will lost the rest of his life in litigations, accusations, and all sorts of activities.
HE KEPT IT THE WAY HE DID SO HE DID NOT HAVE TO ANSWER FOR ANYTHING...... he won. And no one appears to get it. To let an orderly investigation into his 4 years would ruin him, except for the braindead followers and blind sheep of his. Therefore, divide and conquer, obfuscate, and above all ALWAYS INTERRUPT OTHERS. It's the essence of his life.
Dr CamNC4Me
"Dr. Peterson and his Callithumpian cabal of BYU idiots have been marginalized by their own inevitable irrelevancy defending a fraud."
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Re: Why and How Trump Won the Debate

Post by _moksha »

What was his lie total?

Here are some listings - https://www.nytimes.com/live/2020/09/29 ... fact-check

https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/29/politics ... index.html

Trump was able to set a new low for Presidential debate decorum.
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_Jersey Girl
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Re: Why and How Trump Won the Debate

Post by _Jersey Girl »

Who said Trump won the debate? Trump didn't win the debate. Trump destroyed any possibility of debate.
Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up.
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_Philo Sofee
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Re: Why and How Trump Won the Debate

Post by _Philo Sofee »

This is just revealing the same Trump we have had for 4 years, and to think there are STILL people who actually believe a habitual liar, and will vote for him!
Dr CamNC4Me
"Dr. Peterson and his Callithumpian cabal of BYU idiots have been marginalized by their own inevitable irrelevancy defending a fraud."
_Philo Sofee
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Re: Why and How Trump Won the Debate

Post by _Philo Sofee »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Thu Oct 01, 2020 1:54 am
Who said Trump won the debate? Trump didn't win the debate. Trump destroyed any possibility of debate.
Exactly, and thus winning.......... there isn't going to be a second or third debate either.
Dr CamNC4Me
"Dr. Peterson and his Callithumpian cabal of BYU idiots have been marginalized by their own inevitable irrelevancy defending a fraud."
_Some Schmo
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Re: Why and How Trump Won the Debate

Post by _Some Schmo »

That was a win if the entire country losing is a win.
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_Jersey Girl
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Re: Why and How Trump Won the Debate

Post by _Jersey Girl »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Thu Oct 01, 2020 2:05 am
This is just revealing the same Trump we have had for 4 years, and to think there are STILL people who actually believe a habitual liar, and will vote for him!
Fragile egos. Fragile minds.
Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up.
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_Jersey Girl
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Re: Why and How Trump Won the Debate

Post by _Jersey Girl »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Thu Oct 01, 2020 2:06 am
Jersey Girl wrote:
Thu Oct 01, 2020 1:54 am
Who said Trump won the debate? Trump didn't win the debate. Trump destroyed any possibility of debate.
Exactly, and thus winning.......... there isn't going to be a second or third debate either.
What do you have a crystal ball?
Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up.
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_Philo Sofee
Posts: 6660
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Re: Why and How Trump Won the Debate

Post by _Philo Sofee »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Thu Oct 01, 2020 2:19 am
Philo Sofee wrote:
Thu Oct 01, 2020 2:06 am

Exactly, and thus winning.......... there isn't going to be a second or third debate either.
What do you have a crystal ball?
No, just a seer stone. :biggrin:
What I mean is, Trump WILL NOT..... I repeat, WILL NOT allow the topics and issues to be discussed. He will do ANYTHING, say ANYTHING to prevent anyone from looking at his performance in any manner. If he can't crow about how great his own excellency is, he will neve shut up until all are exhausted, and the time is up. There will be no progress done in any other debates. There is no point to them, nothing will be clarified or understood. We all know that. In that respect, Trump wins, because he has been the biggest flop in U. S. History as a leader, and he will do everything to keep our eyes of coming to that conclusion through the MASSIVE evidence pointing to it. That is how Donald has always done it. He says outrageous things making reporters forget the issues they want to ask him about. It would not surprise me in the least were he to pull out his thingy and stroke it in public in order to stop an analysis of issues that make him look bad. He has done stuff like that for 4 years, he ain't stoppin now.
Dr CamNC4Me
"Dr. Peterson and his Callithumpian cabal of BYU idiots have been marginalized by their own inevitable irrelevancy defending a fraud."
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Re: Why and How Trump Won the Debate

Post by _MeDotOrg »

As Jersey Girl said, Trump destroyed the possibility of a debate. If nihilism was his strategy, it worked.

The question becomes how much did Donald Trump gain by his behavior? Today I was thinking of Joseph Welch in the HUAC hearings, asking Joe McCarthy Have you no sense of decency sir, at long last? Chris Wallace did not provide that moment last night. (I was wondering how his father, Mike Wallace, would have handled the same situation).

Trump is 8 points down in the polls. He has to gain supporters. What he did last night galvanized his base, but he did not win the votes of suburban housewives or senior citizens who were on the fence. The next debate is a Town Hall format, and Trump's bullying would play even worse in front of an audience.
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