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My New Video: Making a Survival Shelter that Works!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 5:08 am
by _Philo Sofee

This is the most fun I have had making a survival video. It snowed on me and my shelter did fantastic! built it from scratch like the old Mountain Men, and it worked beautiful. LOTS of fantastic forest and majestic mountains in the Kilgore Wilderness.

Re: My New Video: Making a Survival Shelter that Works!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 6:55 am
by _Jersey Girl
Crayon wrapped in dryer lint.

You're welcome.

And sleep with your hat on.

Re: My New Video: Making a Survival Shelter that Works!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:18 am
by _Jersey Girl
Fire starters: Collect up a whole mess of broken crayons or left over candle pieces. Double boiler. Melt it.

1. Pour the wax into the sections of a cardboard egg carton along with dryer lint and/or sawdust. Let cool. Each "egg" is a fire starter.

2. Dip a dry pine cone in the wax. Let harden on waxed paper. Each cone is a fire starter.

3. Fire burner: Coil a strip of corrugated cardboard into a clean tuna can. The cardboard is a wick so leave some sticking out the top. Sprinkle with sawdust and/or dryer lint. Fill to top with wax. Each burner should burn long enough cook you a meal. Set the cardboard on fire as if it were a wick.

4. Like I said, a crayon wrapped in dryer lint will start you a fire.


Sleep with your hat on your head. 80%+ of your body heat is lost through your head.
Put on a clean pair of socks before you go to sleep. So the sweaty socks you wore all day don't freeze your little tootsies.
Use a folded foil blanket with the fleece blanket. Put another foil blanket under you. Walmart. Shove it all into your pillow or make a bedroll.
Puffer jacket.

The eggs:

What kind of coffee did you use? Could you have packed the eggs in a container of dry coffee? Or...could you have cracked and mixed the raw eggs with the raw bacon, and frozen them inside a container? I think they would have overnighted well and been ready to cook in the morning.


I think if you had built up the floor with more pine boughs/needles or whatever, it would have been warmer and softer. Also pine boughs/needles on the sides for insulation. I don't know what was available around there. I didn't really see any leaves.

p.s. Don't eat Bambi.

Re: My New Video: Making a Survival Shelter that Works!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 3:21 pm
by _Philo Sofee
Excellent ideas and advice!!! Thanks Jersey Girl, you rock! Hey it was all fun...... it is so nice to get out and away from it all know what I'm talkin about.....

Re: My New Video: Making a Survival Shelter that Works!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:10 pm
by _Jersey Girl
Philo Sofee wrote:
Mon Oct 12, 2020 3:21 pm
Excellent ideas and advice!!! Thanks Jersey Girl, you rock! Hey it was all fun...... it is so nice to get out and away from it all know what I'm talkin about.....
I know you know I know what you're talking about. I can't tell you how many times this summer (when I was safer at home) that I was thisclose setting up my tent on the property. You know...way out along the fence line. As far from the house as you can get. Like...out there. :lol:

Just don't freeze off the better parts of Philo Sofee. :eek:

Re: My New Video: Making a Survival Shelter that Works!

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 12:06 am
by _honorentheos
I don't know if you consider it cheating, but I always cracked my eggs if I wanted to carry the weight in, and put them in a thermos with a screw-on lid. Then out them in my wet bag.

Re: My New Video: Making a Survival Shelter that Works!

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 1:54 am
by _Jersey Girl
honorentheos wrote:
Tue Oct 13, 2020 12:06 am
I don't know if you consider it cheating, but I always cracked my eggs if I wanted to carry the weight in, and put them in a thermos with a screw-on lid. Then out them in my wet bag.
That's a good idea, honor. You can get those smaller soup thermoses if that would hold a man size amount of cracked eggs. Whether or not it would be considered cheating has to do with one's objective, I think.

Re: My New Video: Making a Survival Shelter that Works!

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 4:28 am
by _Philo Sofee
Wow! never would have thought of that honor....what a fantastic idea!

Re: My New Video: Making a Survival Shelter that Works!

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 4:54 am
by _Jersey Girl
Did you ever learn how to make a buddy burner stove? It uses the tuna can (the buddy burner) fire burner I listed and is made of a metal coffee can. Ever do that? It would keep your cooking fire off the ground somewhat. I think it might be sturdy enough to hold your cast iron skillet but I can't say for sure. My camping cook set is aluminum so...light weight.

Two people can cook on the stove (thus the buddy) with one burner but it really depends on what you're cooking.

I do worry about people making fires directly on the ground. There is such a thing as root fires that can happen. I dunno...I couldn't see as much of the forest floor as I would have liked to see there but it looked really dry like it is here. Fires on the ground skeeve me out.

With the buddy burner stove you can set that on top of a table or something over aluminum foil. Then again, you might as well take a Coleman stove if you are going to do that. I only used the buddy burners to teach various outdoor cooking skills when primitive camping.

I've always said that aluminum foil is your best friend when camping. Though others may disagree. You can use it for a ton of things and use it over and over again. Examples, cooking, makeshift table top, a survival mirror----->I taught the "Hug a Tree and Survive" course outdoor survival skills for adults and children here in my state. :-D

And you can cook decent cake in tuna cans. Pineapple upside down cake..."upside down in a can". ;-)

Re: My New Video: Making a Survival Shelter that Works!

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 5:50 am
by _moksha
Kerry, I felt so sorry for you struggling to get up the next day. Must have hurt like heck.