Flashback: Hunter's Laptop Russian Disinformation

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Flashback: Hunter's Laptop Russian Disinformation

Post by ajax18 »

FLASHBACK — Watch: Biden, Democrats, Media Call Hunter Biden’s Laptop ‘Russian Disinformation’

Joe Biden, Democrats, and the establishment media claimed that Hunter Biden’s authenticated ‘laptop from hell’ was “disinformation” and “propaganda” from Russia amidst the 2020 presidential election season.

Despite the reporting of now-Breitbart’s Political Editor Emma-Joe Morris, who broke the story of Hunter’s laptop for the New York Post in the fall of 2020, Biden and his allies were quick to discredit the authenticated laptop as having “no basis” and being a “disinformation” campaign from Russia. Among those who discredited the story include then-presidential candidate Joe Biden, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, and now-White House press secretary Jen Psaki.

On Wednesday, the New York Times finally admitted that Hunter’s laptop was authenticated in a report that Hunter paid an outstanding $1 million tax bill to the IRS to evade a conviction.
https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022 ... formation/

It took until paragraph 24 for the New York Times to finally admit this wasn't Russian disinformation. In the meantime Facebook successfully shielded candidate BIden by banning the New York Post from publishing the story and upholding Biden's lies demonstrated in the video clip. With the Democrat government is pressuring Facebook to toe the Democrat narrative and party line, one has to ask if the first amendment means much. How are we that different from the people in Russia in what information we're allowed to consume and point out? The first amendment of the Constitution is indeed hanging by a thread.
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Re: Flashback: Hunter's Laptop Russian Disinformation

Post by canpakes »

Clarify: are you saying that ‘the media’ tried to claim that there was no actual laptop, or that ‘the media’ claimed that whatever was on it did not showcase the alleged shenanigans of rumored Biden Crime Family© activities?
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Re: Flashback: Hunter's Laptop Russian Disinformation

Post by K Graham »

canpakes wrote:
Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:37 pm
Clarify: are you saying that ‘the media’ tried to claim that there was no actual laptop, or that ‘the media’ claimed that whatever was on it did not showcase the alleged shenanigans of rumored Biden Crime Family© activities?
He doesn't know what the hell he's saying, he's just mindlessly regurgitating the dishonest Brietbart as always. No one claimed there was no laptop. What the Right Wing media always claimed were that the Laptop proved all kinds of nefarious and illegal activities, which were never proven to be true. Now all they have left is to manufacture some kind of usual BS "media didn't report it" nonsense.
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Re: Flashback: Hunter's Laptop Russian Disinformation

Post by canpakes »

ajax18 wrote:
Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:30 pm
…Facebook successfully shielded candidate BIden by banning the New York Post from publishing the story ...

Facebook absolutely did not ban the Post from publishing its story. Facebook doesn’t own the Post.

Cool revisionist history, though.
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Re: Flashback: Hunter's Laptop Russian Disinformation

Post by ajax18 »

canpakes wrote:
Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:37 pm
Clarify: are you saying that ‘the media’ tried to claim that there was no actual laptop, or that ‘the media’ claimed that whatever was on it did not showcase the alleged shenanigans of rumored Biden Crime Family© activities?
Click on the link and watch the video clips.

Exclusive– Meltdown: CNN’s Brian Stelter Refuses to Walk Back His False Claims Hunter Biden’s Laptop Emails Were ‘Russian Disinformation’

Brian Stelter attends the 15th annual CNN Heroes All-Star Tribute at the American Museum of Natural History on Sunday, Dec. 12, 2021, in New York.

CNN anchor Brian Stelter on Friday refused to walk back inaccurate claims he promoted on his program when he claimed Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” emails were “Russian disinformation.”

“Hey, just curious, when did I claim ‘Hunter Biden’s laptop emails were likely Russian propaganda’? Can you send me the quote?” he sent in a direct message on Twitter to this reporter, a reference to a Thursday Breitbart News article in which he was listed along with 14 others in establishment media for falsely suggesting the laptop was Russian propaganda and disinformation.

In response, Stelter was asked if he stood by the inaccurate claims he made on his show where he suggested the Hunter Biden emails may have been “made up” and could have been “Russian disinformation,” or if he was planning to retract the inaccurate comments.

Stelter was also provided with this video which clearly shows him using the phrase “Russian disinformation” to refer to the emails and suggesting they may have been “made up.”

The full clip from Stelter’s show, published on CNN’s website on Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020, right before the election, shows Stelter going through a rant for three full minutes on live television about this matter. In it, after making the case that the whole storyline was “created” in order to help then-President Donald Trump engage in what he called “whataboutism” with the media and left and Democrats, Stelter then cites his own outlet to say, “U.S. authorities are seeing if those emails we just talked about are connected to an ongoing Russian disinformation effort.”

“Huh?” Stelter continued, emphasizing that the domestic connections for the origins of the Hunter Biden laptop story are apparent — thereby implying it also had foreign influences behind it. “Now, we already know some of the American producers of this drama because the New York Post says it was tipped off to the existence of the emails by Steve Bannon. Steve Bannon. Then, Rudy Giuliani gave the Post a copy of a hard drive containing the emails. Now, here’s where it gets even weirder. The Post claimed that the emails were found on a laptop computer that was brought to a repair shop in Delaware in the spring of 2019.”

As Stelter rolled his eyes expressing skepticism on live television about the Post’s stated origins of the story, he continued, “A shop employee saw the emails and then was worried about getting in trouble or getting in danger and he made copies of them?”

Then, Stelter continued opining raising doubts about the story. “There’s a lot about this story that does not add up,” the CNN anchor said. “The employee has not helped matters — he has contradicted himself in interviews with reporters.”

Stelter then outright suggests the whole thing was a complete hoax. “For all we know, these emails are made up or maybe some are real and others are fakes — we don’t know,” Stelter said. “But we do know this is a classic example of the right-wing media machine. A tip from Bannon and a hard drive dump from Rudy led a former producer for Sean Hannity’s show to write a story for the New York Post that gets splashed on the front page, that Rudy then used to trash the Bidens all over Fox, doing it almost every hour of the day, and Trump has been hyping the drama for days on end, and this is how it goes on and on.”

When pressed on these claims he made on his program by Breitbart News, Stelter refused to retract his false statements and insinuations — and instead falsely accused Breitbart News of not standing by its reporting.

“So… you clearly can’t back up your assertion that I claimed ‘Hunter Biden’s laptop emails were likely Russian propaganda’ — thanks for confirming that what you wrote is false,” he responded in minutes.

In response to that, Breitbart News sent a series of further detailed questions to Stelter, including asking him if he is cooperating with the ongoing internal investigation at CNN in the wake of now-former network president Jeff Zucker’s resignation. Zucker recently resigned his position as president of CNN after he was questioned about his relationship with longtime CNN executive Allison Gollust as part of the broader Cuomo investigation, which showed that former Chris Cuomo had aided his brother, then-New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, as he navigated a sexual harassment scandal.

Attorneys at law firm Cravath, Swaine & Moore were reportedly hired by CNN’s parent company, WarnerMedia, to look into the scandal. Cravath is “a Wall Street law firm that has long championed the legal causes of WarnerMedia,” according to Bloomberg Law.

That investigation, being conducted by former federal Judge Katherine Forrest from the law firm Cravath, has zoned in on Zucker’s affair with Gollust — and their closeness with the Cuomo family. Chris Cuomo, the former CNN anchor who was pushed out of the network as well, has come under fire for providing political advice to his brother, the then-Gov. of New York Andrew Cuomo. Gollust is a former Cuomo aide.

A former CNN employee confirmed to Breitbart News that the reason Stelter is “freaking out” about what he did or did not say on air at CNN regarding “disinformation” is because Stelter is concerned he “will be swept up in the internal investigation given his closeness to Jeff Zucker.”

Stelter has not replied any further when asked about these comments from the former CNN employee, to whom Breitbart News granted anonymity to protect this person’s ability to speak freely.

Stelter has also not answered a series of detailed questions from Breitbart News about his role and position when it comes to the internal investigation at CNN. Stelter did not answer when asked if he has already sat for an interview or deposition as part of Judge Forrest’s investigation or, if he has not yet been interviewed, does he expect to be requested to, and if asked, will he cooperate. Stelter has also not said whether if interviewed he will be honest about his communications with Zucker, Gollust, and Cuomo.

Stelter also would not agree to a broader interview about the problems at CNN and refused to answer if he had any thoughts on Cuomo’s lawsuit just filed against CNN and if he thinks Cuomo’s allegations against other CNN anchors like Jake Tapper and Don Lemon were credible.
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Re: Flashback: Hunter's Laptop Russian Disinformation

Post by canpakes »

“For all we know, these emails are made up or maybe some are real and others are fakes — we don’t know,” Stelter said.

That statement is legit, ajax. Can you be more specific about what the issue is?

Has the content of all claimed Hunter Biden emails been proven to have originated with Hunter Biden?

Has anything from any legitimate emails pointed to any conclusively illegal or problematic activities with Dad Biden?
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Re: Flashback: Hunter's Laptop Russian Disinformation

Post by Kukulkan »

I'll try to join in.

I can see where ajax is coming from. There does seem to be some degree of bias within the media when it came to looking the other way when it came to posting stuff that didn't cast Trump in the most positive light.

Take for example the posting of Trump's tax returns by the NYT in September 2020. This was published a whole month before the whole New York Post Hunter Biden Laptop debacle occurred.
Twitter chose to restrict distribution of the story, citing its hacked material policy, which doesn’t “permit the use of our services to directly distribute content obtained through hacking that contains private information, may put people in physical harm or danger, or contains trade secrets.” The company later said that it blocked the story’s link specifically because it contained images of hacked material with personal and private information.
Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/16/Twitter ... wrong.html

It does seem quite unfair that they seemed to strictly apply said policy to the story on the laptop but turned the other way when it came to publishing someones private tax returns, which were most definitely obtained and leaked without Trump's consent.

I think there is merit to the argument questioning large social media conglomerates who act as fact checkers. Can we trust them to set aside their own bias even in the face of facts that may be in direct contradiction with their own views? I think there are arguments both ways.

I am totally open though to different interpretations and I am willing to change my mind on the matter.
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Re: Flashback: Hunter's Laptop Russian Disinformation

Post by K Graham »

Kukulkan wrote:
Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:35 pm
It does seem quite unfair that they seemed to strictly apply said policy to the story on the laptop but turned the other way when it came to publishing someones private tax returns, which were most definitely obtained and leaked without Trump's consent.
What's your evidence for this?

David Cay Johnson is the guy who miraculously received the tax return and he believes it very well could've been Trump or a Trump operative who sent it to him. It was only a portion of his 2005 tax return, which gave Trump the opportunity to shift the narrative by saying "See, see there's nothing there."
In his first public remarks about the leaking of part of his 2005 federal tax return, Trump claimed on Twitter that “nobody ever heard of” David Cay Johnston, the reporter who published the documents late on Tuesday. So why, Trump asked, would the pages show up in Johnston’s mailbox?

Less than a year ago, however, Trump himself called Johnston at his home in Rochester, New York, to berate the 68-year-old Pulitzer winner about a series of questions he had submitted for the property developer while working on an article about Trump’s troubling financial dealings.

“I just want you to know that if I don’t like the way you write it, I’m gonna sue you,” Trump said in the call on 27 April 2016, according to Johnston. When reminded that, as a public figure, Trump would need to prove Johnston had deliberately lied, he said: “I don’t care, I’ll sue you anyway,” before hanging up.

And this was only the latest in a series of conversations from a decades-old acquaintance between the two men that had taught Trump to take Johnston very seriously. In a 1992 book, Johnston became the first journalist to reveal that while living luxuriously, Trump paid no federal income tax in 1978 or 1979 – and probably for several more years – by legally claiming millions of dollars in write-downs.

Such a pedigree meant that, contrary to the president’s claim that Johnston was a nobody, few journalists were a likelier destination for a leak of Trump’s newer tax documents.

A political enemy of the president would have known Johnston would give the story credibility. At the same time, if the leak of this relatively favorable year’s summary was a deliberate act from a Trump associate seeking to distract from other White House problems, they too might have been wise to pass them to a proven muckraker such as Johnston for maximum deniability.

Speaking as he waited for takeoff on his flight home from New York City on Wednesday, Johnston said the authorized leak theory was feasible. “It’s a possibility, because Donald has this history of leaking things that make him look good,” said Johnston. “But given the angry statement from the White House last night, possibly not.”

That tirade released pre-emptively to reporters before Johnston went on air with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow was, in fact, the first acknowledgment he got from the White House.

Johnston said he had emailed details of the document to Sean Spicer, Trump’s press secretary, at about 5pm and offered to have a conversation on background to ensure that the document was authentic.

Spicer ignored him. Johnston emailed Spicer again shortly before broadcast, he said, and again received no reply. Then the Trump team briefed the nation’s White House correspondents on what was about to be reported elsewhere – a break from the typical rules of engagement, but not unheard of as a defensive PR tactic.

“He went and took what I gave him and gave it to other reporters,” said Johnston. “That’s as unethical as it gets. It tells me that the Trump White House lacks honor.”

The documents arrived at Johnston’s home in Rochester last week, he said, while he was in Palm Beach researching his next book about Trump.

As he used his iPhone to snap some photographs of Mar-a-Lago, the president’s private club, he received a call from his daughter Amy, one of Johnston’s eight adult children.

“You won’t believe what came in the mail,” she told him, adding that he needed to check his email inbox immediately. Amy had scanned the documents and sent them to her father as a PDF.

Next, Johnston stood frozen, pinching the phone’s screen with his fingers to enlarge the tax filing’s tiny rows of text. “Holy mackerel,” he said to himself.

Curtailing his Florida trip, Johnston packed his bags and headed for the airport. During a layover at Atlanta, he said, he stationed himself in the Delta lounge and coordinated a plan over the telephone with his colleagues at DC Report, the nonprofit online news outlet that he founded. They agreed to propose a collaboration with Rachel Maddow, whose television show has a loyal liberal following, and who has recently attracted attention for her strident commentaries on Trump’s murky finances.

“I actually wanted to do Lawrence O’Donnell, because he’s more of a tax expert,” Johnston said. “But Rachel has the bigger audience, and she’s very hot right now. She’s been hitting these issues very hard.”

Johnston and Maddow brushed aside complaints from Trump sympathizers that publishing someone’s tax return without consent could amount to a felony, arguing that the first amendment of the US constitution gave them protection to release documents that were innocently obtained.

“I didn’t do anything to solicit this beyond having a tip line on our website,” said Johnston.

According to a scan provided to the Guardian, the documents were sent in an envelope that was postmarked on 9 March in Westchester, a commuter county just outside New York City, where Trump owns a golf course and country club.

Some have speculated that because the document dates from 2005, that indicates it may have originated from proceedings of a libel lawsuit Trump pursued against Tim O’Brien, a reporter who wrote a biography of Trump in 2005.

Some Trump tax documents were known to have been turned over for the case, but appear to have been placed under seal. O’Brien is forbidden from discussing them.

Johnston said that he knew O’Brien but the pair were not friends. In late January, he said, they ran into one another for the first time in years at the funeral of Wayne Barrett, another veteran Trump chronicler. Johnston doubts that O’Brien had anything to do with the leak.

“It could have come from someone at the firm that handled it, it could have come from someone at Trump Organization, it could have come because it was copied for a government regulatory proceeding, or litigation. I don’t know,” he said. “All I cared was whether it was authentic, and the White House confirmed it.”
Hey did you ever think to ask yourself why a story like this is important at all? Hunter Biden is a nobody. He's not an elected official. Who cares if he is a crack addict who films his 9 inch shlong and likes having sex with Asian girls? Why would this kind of story, even if everything said about it turned out to be true, be more important than say, the current President being caught cheating on his taxes, which anyone with a friggin brain knows he did? There really is no suspense when it comes to whether or not we know Trump broke laws. Of course he did. That was his trademark as President.

If we found out Trump's sons were filming themselves naked and were packing what Hunter is packing, they'd likely be bragging about it and people like Atlanticmike would be salivating over it as proof that Conservative types are more manly.
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Re: Flashback: Hunter's Laptop Russian Disinformation

Post by canpakes »

Kukulkan wrote:
Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:35 pm
I think there is merit to the argument questioning large social media conglomerates who act as fact checkers.

The perceived fairness of any fact checking is a valid question, but that follows another, overriding issue. There’s a difference between a large media company (the Post) freely deciding what it wants to promulgate via its own resources, versus asking an unaffiliated large social media company to propagate the Post’s property, via that social media company’s own resources.

I have a hard time buying into the argument that Twitter or Facebook owe an amplified voice to any particular source, given that they are their own businesses, and should be allowed to determine how their platforms are utilized within the law. That’s upsetting to some folks, but in the same way, I’m not going to be upset if Home Depot doesn’t carry Confederate flags in its home and garden center, simply because Home Depot has widespread nationwide reach into the consumer marketplace. Being in that position does not impose a demand upon them to meet everyone’s needs ... for free, to boot.
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Re: Flashback: Hunter's Laptop Russian Disinformation

Post by honorentheos »

The response to reports a laptop reportedly belonging to Hunter Biden that contained incriminating emails related to access to Joe Biden while VP was based on multiple factors.

First, reporters requesting access to the data were given print-outs of emails but refused access to electronic copies that could contain metadata needed to verify their origins. Rudy Guiliani was largely pushing this story, having undermined his reputation with his activities leading to, and during, the first impeachment of Donald Trump.

Second, and related to the above, the press recognized that the so-called October surprise in 2016 affected the outcome of that election when the FBI announced they were revisiting the "Hillary Email" scandal that proved irrelevant otherwise. It reframed journalism's understanding of their role in elections, especially around October before a national election, and that responsible journalism demands avoiding being manipulated by political scandal deployed as a campaign strategy. Which, make no mistake, the Trump campaign blatantly believed would make the Hunter Laptop scandal their hole card in 2020. After it failed to gain traction outside of right-wing media where Trump already owned the majority of votes, the Trump campaign bounced between constant public complaint about the media not seizing on their hoped-for scandal and laying the groundwork for claiming the Democrats were getting ready to steal the election through massive fraud.

Make no mistake, it didn't go anywhere because the Trump campaign failed to do more than assert "SCANDAL!" The press did take it serious enough to start investigating and it stopped when the evidence was withheld. Even Tucker Carlson dropped the story after Rudy refused to provide him with more than the printouts. Make of that what you will.
Last edited by honorentheos on Sat Mar 19, 2022 10:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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