Deep State Strikes Again

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Doctor Steuss
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Re: Deep State Strikes Again

Post by Doctor Steuss »

Doctor Steuss wrote:
Tue Jun 20, 2023 3:20 pm
Deep State wrangled guilty pleas from Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden is obviously now a Republican, which is why he was targeted.

Weaponized DOJ Court Filing
For added fun (since the right is up in arms about the leftist weaponized DOJ "slap on the wrist" that Hunter received) -- David Weiss (the all-caps name at the bottom of the plea deal letter), is a Republican Trump nominee. Proving further that Trump is deep state, but also not, because deep state RINO, something, something.
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Doctor Steuss
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Re: Deep State Strikes Again

Post by Doctor Steuss »

Yesterday evening, the totally weaponized deep state Department of Justice filed to protect Trump from having to testify in a case where he's being sued.

Since the deep state weaponized DOJ is protecting Trump here, we can only assume that Trump is a deep state socialist marxist democrat.

Ispo facto, abracadabra.

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Doctor Steuss
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Re: Deep State Strikes Again

Post by Doctor Steuss »

The Deep State, in the most left-leaning state in America, has once again weaponized itself against political opponents. This time by arresting... oh, wait... whoops.

A transgender Democrat politician.

Well, she probably supported Trump secretly, or something.

AP Article (Trigger warning -- SA / Children)
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