Biden is inaugurated - congratulations, America!

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Re: Biden is inaugurated - congratulations, America!

Post by canpakes »

ajax18 wrote:
Sun Jan 24, 2021 2:24 am
Just because you can't track down a thief and prove beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury that the fuzzy low budget camera video image was in fact him doesn't mean he didn't rob the store.
You’d need to get to the point of having at least fuzzy evidence.

I was salivating at the possibilities for working class Americans like those working on the Keystone pipeline.
This is the new talking point. Biden’s executive order may have killed 1000 pipeline jobs. I’m skeptical about your concern over this given that a completed pipeline would have had a far more deleterious effect on the economy of your state and it’s coal industry.

Speaking of that, how did Trump do with ‘saving’ the coal industry, as he ‘promised’ he would do? ... 673822002/ ... l-they-go/

Most rich people don't stand up for working class Americans like Trump did. They just take advantage of their labor and use their tax dollars to cement their economic control over them.
It's the people he loves and those that love him.
If you think that Trump loves you, tell me why his businesses did not return to America to make their branded merchandise. Virtually all of his imported merchandise remains imported 4 years after having been elected. He didn’t care enough to change the one thing that he had total control over because he loves his profits more that you or any other American. And that issue is just on top of fleecing Americans for over a billion dollars of tax shifted from his business failures and on to the shoulders of you and your neighbors.
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Re: Biden is inaugurated - congratulations, America!

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

People talking about tradesmen losing jobs on a pipeline know exactly zero about jobs in the tradescraft. These guys do a job and move on. It's not like they were having a lifetime gig on the pipeline. It's akin to saying that if a base gets closed down the military is losing x-amount of jobs. No. They go to a different base; tradesmen go to a different gig.

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Re: Biden is inaugurated - congratulations, America!

Post by ajax18 »

Anyone notice Biden wasn't wearing a mask on federal property as his executive order demands.
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Re: Biden is inaugurated - congratulations, America!

Post by Gadianton »

Ajax wrote:I was salivating at the possibilities [of overthrowing the constitution and installing] Trump as dictator for working class Americans like those working on the Keystone pipeline.
Thank you for your honesty. The means justify the ends in the most extreme way imaginable. I have my doubts that you care so much for the working class, however.

By the way, Trump's support among working class whites is eroding, based on the election results. Please follow along with Canpakes. Trump hasn't done crap for the working class.
Ajax wrote:Just because you can't track down a thief and prove beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury that the fuzzy low budget camera video image was in fact him doesn't mean he didn't rob the store.
Good Lord, Ajax. You're worse than subs and possibly even faqs. Just because you can't definitively prove that Trump's speech incited the riot at the capitol doesn't mean his speech didn't incite the riot at the capitol. I suppose by your logic, we should go all in on prosecuting Trump if for no other reason than our inability to definitively rule out his guilt.

You really do long for autocratic rule.
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Re: Biden is inaugurated - congratulations, America!

Post by ajax18 »

You really do long for autocratic rule.
Autocratic rule can't be worse than what I have right now where a tyrannical majority insists America first equals white supremacy.
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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Re: Biden is inaugurated - congratulations, America!

Post by Gadianton »

Autocratic rule can't be worse than what I have right now where a tyrannical majority insists America first equals white supremacy.
At least you're honest. And I take it that I won't hear anything about the constitution from you. Perhaps you're consistent there, as I can't recall you ever appealing to the constitution. You probably hate the constitution.

However: CFR that the "majority" insists America first = white supremacy.

"America First" is an empty slogan. Just because Trump said "America First" doesn't mean he's really putting America first. I've seen nothing to indicate Trump has made America stronger, only weaker.

Giving the rest of the world the finger and pulling out of everything to put your own country first is like saying you're not going to deal with the politics of the HOA, the city, the schoolboard and all the nonsense, and putting your family first by taking them out into the mountains to live.

However, in the case of Trump, such an analogy gives him too much credit, as whatever he did rhetorically to put America first was secondary to putting Trump first.
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Re: Biden is inaugurated - congratulations, America!

Post by Gunnar »

Yes! Biden's inaugural speech was the best I have ever heard. Even some conservatives praised it, including Chris Wallace of Fox News, who called it the best speech he ever heard. What a stark contrast between his inaugural address and Trump's, which is arguably the worst and most divisive in American History.
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Re: Biden is inaugurated - congratulations, America!

Post by Chap »

Gunnar wrote:
Mon Jan 25, 2021 3:33 am
Yes! Biden's inaugural speech was the best I have ever heard. Even some conservatives praised it, including Chris Wallace of Fox News, who called it the best speech he ever heard. What a stark contrast between his inaugural address and Trump's, which is arguably the worst and most divisive in American History.
I actually listened to the whole of Biden's speech (how many who have commented in private and on the media have done so?), and indeed I watched the entire inauguration. The whole ceremony was an impressive, coherent and dignified affair, a deliberate act that said "No, Trump and his crazed mob did not break the US system". Biden's speech was the high point of that act of re-affirmation. It was a firm and dignified return to what one might once have said were the unquestionable core values of the US political process as most decent people have long conceived it.

I also listened to the whole of Trump's speech four years ago. It was a terrifying and disruptive rant, or, as one of the Bushes put it 'some weird crap'. It told us clearly what Trump would be like as President, right through to the end, and perhaps beyond. I hope that Biden's speech will be an equally reliable index to his future presidency.
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Re: Biden is inaugurated - congratulations, America!

Post by Gunnar »

Amen to that, Chap! It is extremely difficult for me to fathom how any intelligent, reasonable and moral person who listened to Trump's inaugural address could have come away from that with a high opinion of or confidence in him!
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Re: Biden is inaugurated - congratulations, America!

Post by leeuniverse »

ajax18 wrote:
Fri Jan 22, 2021 2:13 am
by the way Ajax... I wouldn't say "we couldn't prove" the Fraud. A LOT of it is provable. The actual problem is nobody is actually taking it seriously. Almost nobody is investigating it.
Sure, some of the reports turned out not to be fraud, but 90% of it most certainly is.

Here's just some of the evidence:
Thanks Lee. That's good information. Ben Shapiro seems to be certain there is no significant evidence of voter fraud. But I don't agree with Ben that Trump's tweets lost the election or that his complaints of voter fraud lost Republicans the senate runoffs in Georgia. First of all, it should never have been that close given the radical views of the leftist plutocrat Osoff and the marxist Warnock. Too many people voted for these extremists and they're going to pay a price for it whether they realize it or not.
Ya, Ben sometimes is wrong, and it's disappointing.
I've been watching elections for around 43 years, and while Democrats have ALWAYS had their 20+ various Voting Fraud schemes, there has been NOTHING like this degree of fraud. They have 100% fraudulently taken this election.
And let's be clear, Republicans have NEVER said this before.... The ONLY reason we are is because of the massive amounts of clear fraud that's occurred.

Let's look at it from common sense too....
1. Trump had the best economy then practically forever before covid.
2. Democrats primarily destroying people's lives, why would people vote for more of that?
3. Leftists destroying every major city in America, why would people vote for more of that?

No country on the planet allows Mail-in Voting entirely because of how easy it is to commit fraud, especially how the U.S. did it, just mailing out ballets to whoever's on the records.
The few country's which DO allow mail-in voting, even during Covid must PROVE beforehand that they are disabled, sick etc.
They must "pick-up" their ballots, and provide ID while doing so. etc.
They have massive security measures which almost NONE exist in contrast to the U.S.
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