Elder Gong "hears" Jesus -- so does Ballard!

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_Dr Moore
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Re: Elder Gerrit with. Gong "hears" Jesus

Post by _Dr Moore »

"Hear Him" as a marketing campaign fits well with recent moves to emphasize Jesus Christ. It seems a calculated risk.

Compared with other recent campaigns, such as "Raising the Bar" and "Hastening the Work", which were very specifically targeted to Mormom missionary work, I think even LDS leaders would have to agree that "Hear Him" applies generically to any Christian sect, or for that matter to religiously independent admirers of Christ.

If that is the point -- to spread more of the goodness of Jesus in the world -- then I feel it's a laudable effort. A calculated risk, because of course what leaders want people to "Hear" is the voice of Christ encouraging hearers to embrace Mormonism and adhere to its model of Christianity.

I wonder how LDS leaders might react if a grassroots social media movement were to embrace "Hear Him" by sharing stories about how the voice of Christ led in other directions, away from the LDS church.
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Re: Elder Gerrit with. Gong "hears" Jesus

Post by _Shulem »

"Hear Him"

Hear what? Christ or the leaders of today's Mormon Church? The leaders are more concerned about the members hearing the leaders more so than the members hearing Jesus for themselves. Elder Gong continues his ministry in April of 2019 talking about hearing but here we must be reminded that those who heard also SAW Jesus for themselves unlike today:
Gong wrote:Our Savior told His New Testament disciples, “Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold.” In the Americas, the resurrected Lord testified to Lehi’s covenant children, “Ye are my sheep.” And Jesus said yet other sheep would hear His voice.
Those who heard Jesus in both continents got to not only HEAR Jesus but they also got to SEE him. That is a far greater witness then members of the Church have today as they listen to regurgitated testimonies from apostles who never actually claim to SEE Christ. In other words, today's witness is inferior to the superior witness of old times.

But in this very instance Gong continues:
Gong wrote:Jesus Christ invites the Church to receive all who hear His voice
Let's be clear that the Jews and the Nephites got to "HEAR" his voice and SEE him. Today's faithful get neither! This business of hearing his voice is like the wind or a shadow that can't be proven or verified. In other words, Gong is nothing more than a salesman with no actual goods other than cheap promises of something to come.

I contend that you don't need Jesus. Even more so, you don't need the Church.

Keep your money and don't get taken!
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Re: Elder Gerrit with. Gong "hears" Jesus

Post by _Shulem »

Dr Moore wrote:
Fri Jul 17, 2020 3:17 pm
I think even LDS leaders would have to agree that "Hear Him" applies generically to any Christian sect, or for that matter to religiously independent admirers of Christ.
If what the member hears doesn't agree with what the leaders hear then that means you never really heard anything from Jesus. It's some other voice. Perhaps Satan or your own wishful thinking. If you're out of step with what the leaders hear then you are deaf.

In other words, you must hear what the leaders want you to hear. So, think about what they want you to hear until you hear it!

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Re: Elder Gerrit with. Gong "hears" Jesus

Post by _Hagoth »

I heard Jesus: "Come down from their cross and get the hell out of here, man!"
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Re: Elder Gerrit with. Gong "hears" Jesus

Post by _Shulem »

Elder Gong light my Bong!


See Jesus. Hear Jesus.

Meet me, Jesus, meet me!

Oh meet me in the middle of the air!
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Re: Elder Gerrit with. Gong "hears" Jesus

Post by _Shulem »

I hear Jesus, Elder Bong.

He's in my head.

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Ballard baby "hears" Jesus

Post by _Shulem »

And now for a bonus!

Russy Ballard hears Jesus too! That's right kiddies!


I'm not making this up. This is real Church drivel reported here: How I Hear Him in Still and Quiet Moments
Ballard wrote:Receiving revelation only comes, at least in my case, when I have those still and quiet moments. I have found I cannot connect with heaven in a mass of clutter.
Ding, ding, ding! Ballard "ONLY" gets revelation when he quietly heads off to his private retreat and entreats or begs the Lord to make him think he's getting a revelation. It's all on Ballard's schedule and in Ballard's way -- he ONLY get's the revelations when he thinks he's ready to get them in his personal quiet moments. Thus, the Lord's hands are tied. No sending revelations out in the open at odd moments and especially if there is any noise or distractions in the background. It must be in Ballard's way according to Ballard's expectations. This is how Ballard pretends to revelation as he makes it all up in his own mind. The Lord must conform to Ballard's way and cannot -- never -- never ever -- send a revelation if Ballard's mind is not perfectly quiet having no distractions whatsoever. Sorry Lord, you'll have to wait till Ballard is ready. And whispers only, please.

Voila, it's a revelation!


Time to quiet my mind so I can get a real revelation just like they did in the Bible.

_Craig Paxton
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Re: Elder Gong "hears" Jesus -- so does Ballard!

Post by _Craig Paxton »

Hearing voices in your head is a symptom of schizophrenia.
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Re: Elder Gong "hears" Jesus -- so does Ballard!

Post by _Shulem »

Gong & Ballard are like a pair of jokers. They call themselves apostles, but, apostles of what? Hearing voices in their heads that are mere impressions and feelings? This is a far cry from what the apostles of the Bible had to declare. When they saw the Lord they made it known. They testified. In fact, you didn't have to be a so-called apostle just to see the Lord! Ain't that right Jersey Girl? You're a Christian, I think.
John wrote:Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that he had spoken these things unto her.
When you "see the Lord" you're expected to make it known -- to testify, to witness, and make it known to everyone that you've seen the Lord. That's practically a biblical mandate.
John wrote:The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord.
Gong & Ballard really need to take a lesson from the Bible and realize that when you "see the Lord" you need to make it known and let the world know you are a witness.
Acts wrote:But Barnabas took him, and brought him to the apostles, and declared unto them how he had seen the Lord in the way, and that he had spoken to him, and how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus.
Seeing the Lord is not something that should be kept under a bushel or kept private. It should be proclaimed on the housetops and published abroad -- "I HAVE SEEN THE LORD".
1 Cor wrote:After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep.
It's safe to say that Gong & Ballard have NOT seen the Lord. None of the Mormon apostles have seen the Lord. They like to get up and look extra holy and chosen when in reality they are nothing more than used car salesmen trying to make a buck and talking about imaginative voices in their heads.

Gong & Ballard: I personally accuse you of having NOT seen the Lord! You're not apostles. You're not special witnesses like you say. You are liars for the Lord!

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Re: Elder Gong "hears" Jesus -- so does Ballard!

Post by _Shulem »

Stop talking about hearing me in your thoughts and impressions. Come forward and SEE me if you wanna be a real apostle!

I'm the Son of Mary!

Reach hither thine finger and feel my navel.

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