let’s review the other translations for Katumin in the Egyptian Alphabet sections of the Kirtland Egyptian papers, where it is spelled “Kah tou mun.” Remember, that in the Egyptian alphabet, some of the translations are presented in order of five “degrees”:
1st degree: “The name of a royal family in the female line.”
2nd degree: “A distinction of royal female lineage.”
3rd degree: “Descent from her by whom Egypt was discovered while it was under water.”
4th degree: “A lineage, a daughter of Ham.”
5th degree: “A lineage with whom a record of the fathers was entrusted by tradition of Ham, and according to the tradition of the elders, by whom also the tradition of the art of embalming was kept.”
Similarly, for the word “Ho oop hah,” here are the five degrees:
First Degree: “Crown of a princess, or unmarried queen.”
Second Degree: “Crown of a married queen.”
Third Degree: “Crown of a widowed queen.”
Fourth Degree: “Queen who has been married the second time.”
Fifth Degree: “Queen Kah tou mun: a distinction of Royal female lineage or descent, from her whom Egypt was discovered while it was under water, who was the daughter of Ham.— a lineage with whom a record of the fathers was entrusted by the tradition of Ham and accord ding to the tradition of their elders; by whom also the tradition of the art of embalming in was kept.”
It is interesting that some of the degrees here seem to go along with the life-stages of a certain queen along the path of her life, as if the degrees sometimes correspond to time in some way.
Even though this hieroglyph for the Cobra is used to spell other things, the general word in Egyptian for Cobra is Iaret, pronounced “Yaret.” Usually, another hieroglyph for the Cobra, Gardiner’s sign list I12, is used to represent Iaret:
The Greek word for this is Uraeus. What are some of the other readings of Iaret/Cobra? As Professor Scott B. Noegel, Chair, Dept. of Near Eastern Languages and Civilization at the University of Washington tells us:
("On Puns and Divination: Egyptian Dream Exegesis from a Comparative Perspective,"
http://faculty.washington.edu/snoegel/P ... 202006.pdf)
As Professor Noegel transliterates it here, Uraeus/ Iaret/Cobra can also be read as KT or KTY, which are the first two consonants of the name KaTumin! As for the other consonants, as observed by Vincent Coon, the hieroglyphic after this actually spell an M sound in the word mdw, (or the Hebrew mateh/rod, as Vincent points out, acrophonically representing an M), and then following that are the Egyptian uniliteral letters I (the reed symbol) and N (the water symbol), going from right to left here:
In other words,
in the very hieroglyphics pointed out by Joseph Smith, spells out the very name of Princess Katumin.
It is predictable that there would be some pushback from ex- and anti-Mormons about the idea of the mdw pillar/pole hieroglyph standing for the M sound as a uniliteral, when it is typically a trilateral. Nevertheless, as certain authors have put it:
"A major change in hieroglyphs took place under the Ptolemaic Dynasty (305-30 BC), when Egypt was ruled by a Greek dynasty. During this time the Egyptians created many new glyphs. Priests were especially interested in writing religious texts in more mysterious and complex manners. The priests often used new glyphs to form specialized codes and puns understood only by a group of religious initiates. After the Romans conquered Egypt in 30 BC, the use of hieroglyphs declined, and eventually their use died out. The last firmly datable hieroglyphic inscription was written in AD 394." (