Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

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Re: Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

Post by Shulem »

Shulem » Mon Jan 13, 2020 11:12 am wrote:
Andersen is a liar for the Lord with a smirky smile. He pretends to be a prophet, seer, and revelator but he's nothing more than a charlatan having no special gifts. Andersen can't prophesy, can't see the future, and his revelations are nothing more than regurgitated statements made by earlier leaders who pretended to be prophets.

NelSatan is more of the same -- a fake, a phony, and a false prophet, running a church that is falling apart at the seams.
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The Church doesn't care about Puerto Rico

Post by Shulem »

Shulem » Mon Jan 13, 2020 2:23 pm wrote:
Not a penny of the $100 Billion will go to Puerto Rico!

It's Jesus's money. Those people can suffer.

Just say "NO" to Puerto Rico, President NelSatan! Keep your 100 billion safe for Jesus' sake.

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Re: Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

Post by Shulem »

I have a question » Mon Jan 13, 2020 3:37 pm wrote:
In May 2017, the Natural Resources Defense Council reported that Puerto Rico's water system was the worst as measured by the Clean Water Act. 70% of the population drank water that violated U.S. law.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puerto_Ri ... _and_Maria

I’m guessing the Church could fix the water purity issue in Puerto Rico for the cost of less than one years interest on $100 billion. The Church will spend exponentially more on renovating the Salt Lake Temple than it will on alleviating suffering in Puerto Rico. By their actions...something something something...
Shulem » Mon Jan 13, 2020 3:50 pm wrote:I thought of that but they won't. Yellow hands on t-shirts and donations to the Humanitarian Fund is all those poor suffering people in Puerto Rico are going to get. The White Men who lead the Church don't give a damn about those people. They can suffer. After all, it's God's will that they suffer because that's why he sent the hurricane and the earthquakes in the first place. It would be wrong for the church to intervene when God wants them to suffer.

Save the $100 billion for Jesus' coming. Greedy Jesus needs the money for his coming back party.
I have a question » Mon Jan 13, 2020 4:22 pm wrote:If and when Jesus comes back, the first thing he’ll do is cast the money hoarders out of His Church.
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Re: Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

Post by Spectator80 »

Shulem states that Jesus is dead and, therefore, is not coming back. I believe he's right. Many early Saints were certain Jesus would return in their lifetimes. They were miainformed just as today's faithful are misinformed. All the horrors and atrocities this earth has experienced
since Jesuis' death would, one would suppose, cause Jesus to return to purify the earth. The Holocaust alone should been sufficient; ofcouse, it wasn't. Humankind wants to embrace the dream, to believe in a savior. Alas, he does not exist. End of story.
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Re: Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

Post by Shulem »

Spectator80 wrote:
Mon May 30, 2022 1:17 am
Shulem states that Jesus is dead and, therefore, is not coming back. I believe he's right. Many early Saints were certain Jesus would return in their lifetimes.

If the planet survives and Mormonism is around 500 years from now, the name of the Church or organization it mutates into will be changed. The so-called "Latter-days" will be stricken from the record. And this man will ever be remembered for the LIAR he is.


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Tropical Storm Fiona in the Caribbean, Sept. 17, 2022.

Post by Shulem »

Entire island of Puerto Rico loses power as Hurricane Fiona approaches
Fiona strengthened to a Category 1 hurricane on Sunday.


Buckle up ye Puerto Ricans! The Lord is blessing you again!!

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