Why Do Biblical Christians Think God Doesn't Inspire the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

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Re: Why Do Biblical Christians Think God Doesn't Inspire the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

Post by KevinSim »

IHAQ wrote:
Mon Oct 31, 2022 1:47 pm
Kevin, you seem to start threads and then not contribute to them.
I'm starting to think that the Discuss Mormonism forum is an aristocracy. If someone doesn't spend twenty-four hours each day reading posts to her/his thread and then doesn't immediately respond to those posts, then other posters declare that someone has abandoned the thread.
IHAQ wrote:Anyhow, on the assumption things have just simply slipped your mind please go back to the thread linked below (another one you started and then bailed out on) and answer the outstanding questions...

This is another thread you started but ran away from...
IHAQ, back when I was trying to keep up with those threads posters dinged me for answering old posts; now you're dinging me for not answering old posts; will you guys please make up your minds? Furthermore, I took a look at both of those links; they don't point to questions people asked me. IHAQ, can you at least link me to the posts that have the questions you want me to answer?
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Re: Why Do Biblical Christians Think God Doesn't Inspire the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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Re: Why Do Biblical Christians Think God Doesn't Inspire the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

Post by IHAQ »

KevinSim wrote:
Thu Nov 03, 2022 3:36 pm
IHAQ wrote:
Mon Oct 31, 2022 1:47 pm
Kevin, you seem to start threads and then not contribute to them.
I'm starting to think that the Discuss Mormonism forum is an aristocracy. If someone doesn't spend twenty-four hours each day reading posts to her/his thread and then doesn't immediately respond to those posts, then other posters declare that someone has abandoned the thread.
IHAQ wrote:Anyhow, on the assumption things have just simply slipped your mind please go back to the thread linked below (another one you started and then bailed out on) and answer the outstanding questions...

This is another thread you started but ran away from...
IHAQ, back when I was trying to keep up with those threads posters dinged me for answering old posts; now you're dinging me for not answering old posts; will you guys please make up your minds? Furthermore, I took a look at both of those links; they don't point to questions people asked me. IHAQ, can you at least link me to the posts that have the questions you want me to answer?


Last edited by IHAQ on Thu Nov 03, 2022 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why Do Biblical Christians Think God Doesn't Inspire the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

Post by KevinSim »

msnobody wrote:
Mon Oct 31, 2022 1:31 am
It is my understanding that a true prophet would have had a divine encounter with God, whatever a prophet says comes to pass (Deut.18), is empowered to do miraculous things (Deut. 12), and Deut. 13:1-5 Though a prophet may perform miracles, do not listen if he teaches contrary to the word of the LORD.
Msnobody, does God agree with that understanding? Does God think that a true prophet must have all those characteristics?
msnobody wrote:Basically, my answer to your question would be that TCoJCoLDS leadership does not teach the biblical gospel.
Msnobody, what does teaching or not teaching the biblical gospel have to do with whether or not God has chosen the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to speak for Her/Him?
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Re: Why Do Biblical Christians Think God Doesn't Inspire the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

Post by IHAQ »

IHAQ wrote:
Wed Nov 02, 2022 9:15 am
KevinSim wrote:
Wed Nov 02, 2022 3:21 am

I can't speak for David Bednar, but I wonder if he would agree with me that the critical difference is just what one has faith in. Biblical Christians believe the Bible tells the truth about God. Latter-day Saints believe God loves us, and wants us to know about Her/Him. If Biblical Christians are deceived, then there still might be some other ways to find out about God. If Latter-day Saints are deceived, then there is no way to find anything out about God.
If the 15 old guys in SLC were making things up as they went along, trying to appear inspired but not being. In what way would the delivery of those 15 old guys be any different than what we see before our very eyes?
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Re: Why Do Biblical Christians Think God Doesn't Inspire the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

Post by msnobody »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Thu Nov 03, 2022 3:40 pm
I can't imagine anyone who would not love you, Doc.
The LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession... The LORD set his love on you and chose you... The LORD has brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery. Deut. 7
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Re: Why Do Biblical Christians Think God Doesn't Inspire the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

Post by Jersey Girl »

Kishkumen wrote:
Thu Nov 03, 2022 12:14 pm
Thanks for sharing some of the story of your religious journey, Jersey Girl!
Sure thing, Kish. I like to think I've benefited from all my experiences particularly in visiting other houses of worship. Oh I forgot I also attended a memorial service at a Cowboy Church last year. It was lovely in it's simplicity. I would still like to visit the Jewish house of worship I mentioned and also a Black Gospel church that leans Baptist because I think that more than any other place, that could be an environment that would resonate with me the most. I could be wrong but there is no way to know without actually experiencing it.
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Re: Why Do Biblical Christians Think God Doesn't Inspire the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

Post by Gabriel »

Kishkumen wrote:
Thu Nov 03, 2022 2:09 pm
Chap wrote:
Thu Nov 03, 2022 1:56 pm
I'm not sure that is an unmixed compliment to Catholicism. I wonder too how far the nature of Western Europe itself did not contribute to creating Catholicism as we know it? Once there was a (Western) Roman emperor, then there was the Pope. And so on.
Oh, the Roman Empire is definitely responsible for Catholicism.
Since I may have been the one who unintentionally diverted this thread from the OP, I will see if I can retreat from this particular hill by tentatively conceding defeat before I scurry over to the other hill from which I was going to post. I, too, start from George Orwell’s premise that all saints should be considered guilty until proven innocent. Nevertheless, if I may be permitted to play Devil’s Advocate, I would ask if it’s possible that Constantine may have been to some degree “leading from behind”? In other words, politically, did he already have a good idea of where the winds were blowing and how best to unify his empire? It seems to me that there was a healthy body of believers that would have continued on regardless of who was in charge. Sure, they were bickering; but that's hardly changed in the intervening centuries and continues to this day. And then, of course, there is the matter of his dream: “By this sign, you will conquer”. Whether or not the dream was actual, prophetic, or a propaganda ploy only Constantine could say. I think, however, that it is fairly well documented that his mother was a true believer, if not a visionary.

As for dreams and speaking only for myself, a nobody, I can say that most of my interesting dreams were usually the product of too much pizza or from an excess build-up of seminal humor during those times when I was on holiday away from Gabriel’s Little Factory. That being said, I did once have one of those “seven-fat-cow-type-dreams” during the heyday of my Ayn Rand/Nietzsche years that lead me to question whether we are always the author of our own dreams or if some dreams are inspired from without. Since my “seven-fat-cow” dream had nothing to do with how best to rule my kingdom, what church is "true", or what to post on discussmorminism.com; and as I am well aware of many arguments – pro and con -- on this issue, I will refrain from sharing its contents here. secretum meum mihi. My mother, however, a devout Mormon, did have a few prophetic dreams that were later confirmed by the event. One of them I will share here: She dreamed that a young man who was staying in our home was called to the Chicago South Mission –- “of all the gin joints in all the bars in all the world.” A few weeks later you can probably guess what he read when he received his papers. I would call it a Texas bullseye if she had at least recounted some misses along with her hits, but I’ll be damned if I can think of any. That being said, I'm at a loss to understand the purpose of having prophetic dreams regarding matters of such small import. She did have one "big" dream or vision -- but that's family business.

On the other hand, we did have a Patriarch in our stake (in the Kent/Renton area of Western Washington) who claimed to see visions while giving his blessings. I will say his name, Patriarch Olsen, because he signed his name to the blessings and, to the best of my knowledge, they were never abrogated by the church – and this despite the fact that he was released from his calling under a cloud of parental complaints. These were primarily due to the fact of his describing, after the blessing, the physical descriptions of the future spouses of those receiving his blessings. I can personally verify this with three examples, but I will share the one that turned out to be the straw that broke the camel’s back. In the gym of our stake center, I saw the Stake President’s daughter refuse a date with one of my neighbors with whom she was good friends; this she did on the basis that he didn’t fit the physical description of “The One” according to Patriarch Olsen – and I heard that this was not the first time that she did this. I can only conjecture, but I heard rumors that our Stake President was pretty torqued at the Patriarch for this. I don’t know all the machinations involved, but it was not long after this that Patriarch Olsen was released from his calling and Stake President Mortensen became Patriarch Mortensen in short order. I suppose that the moral of the story is that if you want something done right you gotta do it yourself.

I was hoping to touch on the subject of prophecy a little more with what, I think, is the catholic answer to Brother Sim's post. In short, it is one that doesn't preclude people of all stripes and traditions, male or female -- even Mormons -- from receiving divine inspiration. But It turns out that it's going to be much longer than I thought. I have to go to work now. I will, however, endeavor to return in a day or two with a follow-up post full of my trademark gentle wit and seminal humor.
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Re: Why Do Biblical Christians Think God Doesn't Inspire the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

Post by Kishkumen »

What a lovely post on so many levels, Gabriel! I do not discount the possibility that Constantine indeed had a vision. Romans believed in miracles and they had visions. If it had not been the Christian god, it may have been another. What I meant by saying that the Roman Empire is to be credited with Catholicism is that without the Roman execution of Jesus, there would be no Christianity. Without the world of higher thought, literacy, urbanism, and trade networks that the Romans facilitated, there would be no Christianity. Christianity is the product of a Roman world, and it is entirely fitting that the Romans should have come to incorporate Christianity within the apparatus of the state as the empire’s dominant religion. It was neither a knock on the Roman Empire, nor a knock on Christianity. It was also not a knock on Constantine having a vision. People have visions. As a historian, I accept that fact without trying to explain where they come from.
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Re: Why Do Biblical Christians Think God Doesn't Inspire the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

Post by msnobody »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Thu Nov 03, 2022 7:33 pm
Kishkumen wrote:
Thu Nov 03, 2022 12:14 pm
Thanks for sharing some of the story of your religious journey, Jersey Girl!
Sure thing, Kish. I like to think I've benefited from all my experiences particularly in visiting other houses of worship. Oh I forgot I also attended a memorial service at a Cowboy Church last year. It was lovely in it's simplicity. I would still like to visit the Jewish house of worship I mentioned and also a Black Gospel church that leans Baptist because I think that more than any other place, that could be an environment that would resonate with me the most. I could be wrong but there is no way to know without actually experiencing it.
I too would like to visit a Jewish house of worship.

I have been a member of a United Methodist (raised in this church), [12 years unchurched], Southern Baptist, and now Presbyterian Church in America.

I have visited the following:
- Catholic Church with friends, family for mass, weddings, funerals, infant baptism
- Lutheran Church with a friend-- Sunday service and two funerals
- Bible Church with neighbors
- Assembly of God with neighbors'
- Church of God with MIL/FIL and neighbors
- Pentecostal Assemblies of the World church several times with LDS missionaries present
- LDS sacrament and F & T meetings, and one stake conference
- Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses-- was invited to hear an acquaintance's husband give a talk
- Episcopal Church-- it was something related to high school, but I don't remember what it was
- Baptist church comprised of predominately black members-- Our Southern Baptist church donated money to their church's building campaign once. Their congregation also joined ours one Sunday for a combined church service.
- A country church of some sort with my biological aunt and uncle
- Bible Study Fellowship-- Bible study held at various churches/denominations/non-denominations
The LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession... The LORD set his love on you and chose you... The LORD has brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery. Deut. 7
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