New Podcasts on the Weird and Incoherent Mormon God(s)

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Re: New Podcasts on the Weird and Incoherent Mormon God(s)

Post by Shulem »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Sun Nov 20, 2022 3:11 pm
It is going to be discussed, shown, elucidated, expounded upon, talked through and through, exposed, philosophized, and henceforth elaborated upon

Which is exactly what Joseph Fielding Smith should have done with the 1832 autobiography explaining how ONLY Jesus appeared to him as one being sent of God. Joseph Fielding Smith was a coward and a dishonest man for hiding up the record. I love how RFM exposed that in his podcast and ripped DCP a new one.

I look forward to your podcasts as you broadcast upon mount Sinai and with a long and loud voice declare to the world that Mormonism really is collapsing on itself thanks to the Internet Age.

THANK YOU, Philo, for taking an interest and considering my contributions to the cause.
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Re: New Podcasts on the Weird and Incoherent Mormon God(s)

Post by Philo Sofee »

A new podcast sharing a read from Charles Harrell's book "This is My Doctrine." ... ph-smiths/

I share the historical development of God in early Mormonism showing that not even Joseph Smith ever figured out the actual character and kind of God he was worshipping, which, given the proclivity of having revelations all the time seems positively weird.
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Re: New Podcasts on the Weird and Incoherent Mormon God(s)

Post by Shulem »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Wed Nov 23, 2022 1:38 pm
I share the historical development of God in early Mormonism showing that not even Joseph Smith ever figured out the actual character and kind of God he was worshipping, which, given the proclivity of having revelations all the time seems positively weird.
D&C 20:28 wrote:Which Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are one God, infinite and eternal, without end. Amen.


Hear my words:

The concept of *infinity* with reference to Smith's penis bearing Man-God is impossible and is contradicted by his other teachings that Heavenly Father was once a mortal man who obtained exaltation under the ordaining hands of his own Father. How is that not an unchangeable God? The Book of Mormon declares "God is not a partial God, neither a changeable being; but he is unchangeable from all eternity to all eternity." Infinity cannot be experienced between peoples. Space and time cannot contain the infinite! Infinity is outside space and time! I don't believe the infinite can be counted, numbered, or known -- it is magical at base and is within the realm where potentiality is manifested via Big Bangs which hosts universes in a realm of time and space. The Mormon Man-God who totes a penis cannot be infinite and is representative of a finite being that is counted and known. *That* is not infinity!

Joseph Smith was dead wrong! Period. End of story.
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Lecture Of faith

Post by Shulem »

I appreciate how the 5th podcast really gets into the 5th Lecture of Faith which was absolutely authoritative and binding on the Church of the Latter Day Saints. It was revelation and doctrine to the Church under the direction of President Joseph Smith. Period! End of Story! I don't give a damn what Mormons today say. To hell with them! The buck stops with the prophet Joseph Smith!

Here is the authoritative introduction with links to photos of the original included within:

1835 Doctrine and Covenants wrote:DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS








[Presiding Elders of said Church.]








To the members of the church of the Latter Day


We deem it to be unnecessary to entertain you with a lengthy preface to the following volume, but merely to say, that it contains in short, the leading items of the religion which we have professed to believe.
The first part of the book will be found to contain a series of Lectures as delivered before a Theological class in this place, and in consequence of their embracing the important doctrine of salvation, we have arranged them into the following work.
The second part contains items or principles for the regulation of the church, as taken from the revelations which have been given since its organization, as well as from former ones.
There may be an aversion in the minds of some against receiving any thing purporting to be articles of religious faith, in consequence of there being so many now extant; but if men believe a system, and profess that it was given by inspiration, certainly, the more intelligibly they can present it, the better. It does not make a principle untrue to print it, neither does it make it true not to print it.
The church viewing this subject to be of importance, appointed, through their servants and delegates the High Council, your servants to select and compile this work. Several reasons might be adduced in favor of this move of the Council, but we only add a few words. They knew that the church was evil spoken of in many places—its faith and belief misrepresented, and the way of truth thus subverted. By some it was represented as disbelieving the Bible, by others as being an enemy to all good order and uprightness, and by others as being injurious to the peace of all governments civil and political.
We have, therefore, endeavored to present, though in few words, our belief, and when we say this, humbly trust, the faith and principles of this society as a body.
We do not present this little volume with any other expectation than that we are to be called to answer to every principle advanced, in that day when the secrets of all hearts will be revealed, and the reward of every man’s labor be given him.
With sentiments of esteem and sincere respect, we subscribe ourselves your brethren in the bonds of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Kirtland, Ohio, February 17, 1835.
1835 Doctrine and Covenants wrote:LECTURE FIFTH.
Of Faith.

  • There are two personages who constitute the great matchless, governing and supreme power over all things—
  • The Father being a personage of spirit, glory and power: possessing all perfection and fulness
  • The Son, who was in the bosom of the Father, a personage of tabernacle
  • Q. How many personages are there in the Godhead?
    A. Two: the Father and the Son
  • Q. What is the Father?
    A. He is a personage of glory and power.
  • Q. What is the Son?
    A. First, he is a personage of tabernacle.
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Lecture Of Faith

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Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Author unknown) wrote: Lectures on Theology (“Lectures on Faith”)
  • The lectures had no specified author, and no manuscript copies exist, leading to speculation about who wrote the lectures.
  • The extent of Joseph Smith’s involvement in the production of the lectures, if any, is unknown.
  • Nevertheless, the inclusion of the lectures in the Doctrine and Covenants in 1835 strongly suggests that Joseph Smith approved of the content of the lectures.

The points made above are deceptive and attempt to distance the lectures from Joseph Smith and blame anyone and everyone else for their placement in the 1835 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants and thereafter. The Church today refuses to face the truth and simply admit that the lectures are a product from the desk and office of President Joseph Smith and were printed with the D&C because as President of the Church, he so ordered it! It came from the School of the PROPHETS!

So why this:
  • "no specified author..."
  • "Joseph Smith’s involvement..."
STOP! You dumbasses! Joseph Smith assisted in authoring the revelations and doctrines of the lectures and he approved them for publication to the entire Church. The law of the Church states that only the President of the Church can perform and approve such an act. The very existence of the lectures being printed with the D&C does not just "strongly suggests that Joseph Smith approved of the content of the lectures" but *PROVES* beyond any doubt whatsoever that he did in fact approve the content!

First Presidency wrote:JOSEPH SMITH jr.

  • We deem it to be
  • We have professed to believe
  • We have arranged them into the following work

Q. Who was ultimately responsible for the lectures being published into the D&C?
A. President Joseph Smith
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Re: Lecture Of Faith

Post by Shulem »

Shulem wrote:
Wed Nov 23, 2022 9:14 pm
Q. Who was ultimately responsible for the lectures being published into the D&C?
A. President Joseph Smith

Q. Who was responsible for removing the Lectures from subsequent versions of the D&C?
A. Apostate Church President Heber J. Grant in 1921 threw Joseph Smith under the bus!

Joseph Fielding Smith wrote:They were not received as revelations by the prophet Joseph Smith.

Joseph Fielding Smith is a liar. The published introduction of the 1835 D&C assured the saints that the contents were "CAREFULLY SELECTED" and were "FROM THE REVELATIONS OF GOD" being "COMPILED BY" Joseph Smith and the entire First Presidency.

Joseph Fielding Smith wrote:They are instructions relative to the general subject of faith. They are explanations of this principle but not doctrine.

Joseph Fielding Smith is lying again. They are more than mere explanations of the principle of faith! It's doctrine of the first principle of the gospel and the Preface makes that perfectly clear: "The first part of the book will be found to contain a series of Lectures as delivered before a Theological class in this place, and in consequence of their embracing the important doctrine of salvation, we have arranged them into the following work."

Joseph Fielding Smith wrote:They are not complete as to their teachings regarding the Godhead. More complete instructions on the point of doctrine are given in section 130 of the 1876 and all subsequent editions of the Doctrine and Covenants.

Joseph Fielding Smith was a liar and a cheat. He knew full well that that Joseph Smith contradicted himself and changed his doctrines and theology of the Godhead. He ripped the 1832 First Vision account and hid it away in his safe in order to keep that knowledge from the members of the church.

Shame on Joseph Fielding Smith!
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Re: New Podcasts on the Weird and Incoherent Mormon God(s)

Post by Philo Sofee »

I can use this Joseph Fielding Smith information as well, thanks Shulem!
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Lecture Of Faith

Post by Shulem »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Thu Nov 24, 2022 3:56 am
I can use this Joseph Fielding Smith information as well, thanks Shulem!

To my understanding the only reason the lectures were removed was because of the controversy between the idea that the Father is a personage of spirit as opposed to being a personage of tabernacle. The teachings of the lectures given in 1835 were received as revelation and doctrine being published in a broadside and subsequently published as scripture to the whole Church as instruction given by the prophets of God.

Joseph Smith Papers wrote:In August 1835, an assembly of church members voted to approve the Doctrine and Covenants as compiled, thereby making the book “a law. unto the church, and a rule of faith and practice unto the same.” In the course of the approval process, some church officers commented specifically on the lectures. Leonard Rich, one of the presidents of the Seventy, stated “that he had examined the Lectures and many of the Revelations” in the book and “knew that they were true by the testimony of the Holy Spirit of God given unto him.” Newel K. Whitney, the bishop in Ohio, similarly commented “that he had examined the Lectures . . . and that he believed them beyond a doubt.” The lectures remained part of the Doctrine and Covenants until 1921.

The removal of the lectures was a dishonest move on the part of the Church in 1921 under the direction of President Grant who curiously was the last Church President to have practiced plural marriage and was in favor of Prohibition. Stripping the lectures from official scripture was a slap to Joseph Smith's face! Smith must have been rolling in his grave! It's a Mormon miracle that a shaft of vivid lightning didn't strike Grant dead on the spot. He was a liar and a cheat. Smith would have wrestled the little bastard to the ground and strangled him.
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Smile and say, "Cheese"

Post by Shulem »

Sappy apostles have referred to IPhones as magical-like devices that empower the user to connect with God.

So, I have a question. If God the Eternal Father and his chummy Son were to appear before an apostle who pointed his IPhone to snap a photo, would the pixels of the Gods be retained in the photo album?

Could we then not see God? If not, why?

Answer me, Goddamnit!
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Re: Smile and say, "Cheese"

Post by Rivendale »

Shulem wrote:
Thu Nov 24, 2022 10:37 pm
Sappy apostles have referred to IPhones as magical-like devices that empower the user to connect with God.

So, I have a question. If God the Eternal Father and his chummy Son were to appear before an apostle who pointed his IPhone to snap a photo, would the pixels of the Gods be retained in the photo album?

Could we then not see God? If not, why?

Answer me, Goddamnit!
God would consider that steadying the Ark and kill you.
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