You Sound Crazy

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Some Schmo
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Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2020 3:21 am

You Sound Crazy

Post by Some Schmo »

It's probably just me, but it has gotten to the point now where whenever I hear someone talking from religious authority, they sound completely nuts.

I was reading an article on how a restaurant in Virginia denied a reservation to a conservative group after finding out they were advocating for abortions being illegal and were anti-LGBT. Part of the article quoted what The Family Foundation says about itself:
The Family Foundation describes itself as a “501(c)(3) nonprofit, non partisan, faith-based organization” that “preserves and promotes the family in Virginia as God’s foundation upon which all free and thriving societies are built,” according to its website.
I read that and thought, Man, it's weird how religious people talk. The family is "God's foundation?" And you can't have a free and thriving society without families? That's a damned strange idea, and it could only come out of a religious context. Of course, they describe families in an extremely narrow way, which is why their statement sounds so nuts to me. To them, it's not a family unless a man is married to a woman and they pump out some kids.

That's a pretty specific example, but I've been noticing a lot lately how any time anyone starts talking about "what they know" and it's all religiously based, I can't help think they've got a screw loose. To see someone have so much confidence in something so plainly made up is unsettling to witness. They talk about their god and their convictions like everyone agrees, and if you don't agree, they act like you're the crazy one.

The older I get, the more I view religious adherence a mental illness. Talking from a religious perspective makes people sound crazy. The only reason it doesn't sound nuts to everyone is that too many people share the illness. Once you get outside of that bubble, you can't help but observe the insanity inside it.
Religion is for people whose existential fear is greater than their common sense.

The god idea is popular with desperate people.
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