BYP Responds to Elder Bednar - It is Inappropriate to Ask Questions on the Sabbath After the Sacrament

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Philo Sofee
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BYP Responds to Elder Bednar - It is Inappropriate to Ask Questions on the Sabbath After the Sacrament

Post by Philo Sofee »

I made a few comments on the manner in which Elder Bednar was attempting to teach something profound to the missionaries in the MTC. Come enjoy an 8 minute response, the length of the video.
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Black Sabbath After the Sacrament

Post by Shulem »

Away with Bednar and apostles of Mormonism!

Mormon hell!

Don't drink the blood. Stay away from Bednar. He's a wolf dressed up like a lamb. He's a liar and a thief. He's scum of the earth. Filth.

Yeah, baby!

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It is Inappropriate to Ask Questions

Post by Shulem »

I wonder, seriously, how many boys and men has Bednar questioned regarding whether and if they touch their privates?

Have you touched your privates?


Are you worthy? Do you have clean hands like me?
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It is Inappropriate

Post by Shulem »

I'm not going to discuss my sexual habits or the toys I use.

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Re: BYP Responds to Elder Bednar - It is Inappropriate to Ask Questions on the Sabbath After the Sacrament

Post by drumdude »

You guys are going to H E double hockey sticks for making fun of the lords anointed!
Philo Sofee
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Re: BYP Responds to Elder Bednar - It is Inappropriate to Ask Questions on the Sabbath After the Sacrament

Post by Philo Sofee »

I'm not making fun of im! Shake not thy gory locks at me! That's Shulem....
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Re: BYP Responds to Elder Bednar - It is Inappropriate to Ask Questions on the Sabbath After the Sacrament

Post by Shulem »

drumdude wrote:
Sun Jan 22, 2023 4:19 am
You guys are going to H E double hockey sticks for making fun of the lords anointed!

I can assure you that if Bednar and I were to meet within a room where we could meet face to face in private and discuss our differences -- I would raise my vibrations and cause him to quake and tremble. It would be an epic confrontation between good and evil.

PS. I'm the good one. ;)
Philo Sofee
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Re: BYP Responds to Elder Bednar - It is Inappropriate to Ask Questions on the Sabbath After the Sacrament

Post by Philo Sofee »

Shulem wrote:
Sun Jan 22, 2023 4:36 am
drumdude wrote:
Sun Jan 22, 2023 4:19 am
You guys are going to H E double hockey sticks for making fun of the lords anointed!

I can assure you that if Bednar and I were to meet within a room where we could meet face to face in private and discuss our differences -- I would raise my vibrations and cause him to quake and tremble. It would be an epic confrontation between good and evil.

PS. I'm the good one. ;)
May I secretly be hidden and video the discussion?
Dr Exiled
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Re: BYP Responds to Elder Bednar - It is Inappropriate to Ask Questions on the Sabbath After the Sacrament

Post by Dr Exiled »

Nice video! It helped me realize why Bednar bothers me. When Bednar was made an apostle and I can't remember if it was the Dodo or another of the apostles or perhaps a few of them that remarked at how amazing of a teacher Bednar supposedly was. Bednar would expand on some word and his cheerleaders would eat it up, cheering his amazing incite that really wasn't that amazing. I think the guy tries too hard and without a title or cheerleaders, his supposed brilliance would be found wanting.

Anyway, in the above video Bednar first makes the nonsensical statement that it is somehow inappropriate to have a question and answer session on the sabbath after taking the sacrament. Here he is inventing new rules in order to give the false impression that he is somehow living on a higher plane due to his knowledge of these supposed rules that only he seems to know. Has anyone ever heard of such a rule, that it is inappropriate to have a question and answer period after taking the sacrament? What a silly concept. You go Bednar.

Then he claims that there is a difference between "learning of" something as opposed to "learning about" something. "Learning of" something sounds more holy than merely "learning about" something???? "About" is such a mundane word, definitely not scriptural. Let's "learn of" instead and take things to a higher, more spiritual plane of super duper amazingness!!! Is this guy for real? Has he run out of "amazing" distinctions to show how supposedly smart he is and so now he has to invent stuff? Incidentally, I looked up "learned of" as opposed to "learn about" and the good folks at the Cambridge Dictionary think it is the same thing: ... out-of-sth

But of course they aren't on the same amazing plane as Bednar. He has certainly used Alma 32 to go light years beyond the rest of us mere mortals and has truly become living scripture. I wonder if Wade Englund is on the same path? Perhaps we are witnessing a living scripture metamorphosis in real time? Feel free to weigh in Wade.

And now here is a truly amazing song by Black Sabbath for your sunday pleasure. I give you Electric Funeral:

I'd love to interrupt Bednar by playing the above or something loud and rocking the next time he pontificates one of his silly distinctions.
Myth is misused by the powerful to subjugate the masses all too often.
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It is Inappropriate to Ask Questions

Post by Shulem »

It's all rather very simple with a single minded goal. It's all about control. It's all about obedience. Thou shalt bow down and kneel before the apostles and kiss their priesthood rings! Absolute obedience is what the Church expects from its members. When the members fall short they must repent, bow the head, and continue to obey without asking questions. The members are expected to give everything they have to the Church and sacrifice their lives for it. The members are like animals that are burnt upon altars of the Old Testament. They sacrifice their lives for the Church in hopes that their sins will be forgotten by a God that will reward them for self-righteous works that are entirely based on faith that they are better than others.

There is nothing elder Bednar can do to wipe away the memory of his sins. He may claim to not remember them because of his belief that Heavenly won't remember them because of Jesus's sacrifice. But WE here at Discuss Mormonism will remember them and will remind everyone that Bednar is a sinner just as everyone else is.

Now, suppose Kerry camera video taped some of Bednar's sins, then we could show them to everyone at any time because they have ever been recorded on tape! Christ's atonement can't erase that! Bednar's sins will be remembered regardless of Heavenly Father's faulty memory!
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