If Trump WAS Sent by God...

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Re: If Trump WAS Sent by God...

Post by Doctor Steuss »

ajax18 wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 2:37 pm
I just heard on Megyn Kelly's show this morning that Democrats are outspending Republicans by 4 to 1 in the 2024 election cycle. That doesn't even count the taxpayer funded ballot harvesting team marching out to group homes, nursing homes, etc.
The FEC tracks, and publishes the six-month average when the data becomes available.

2023-2024 Election Cycle Spending

Democrats are indeed currently outspending Republicans in this election cycle (so.... 2 out of 7, if it holds)... by *drumroll* 18% (just a leeeeetle bit off from 400%). Ironically, the party of fiscal responsibility is much more in debt than the socialist communist welfare queens. Imagine that.

ETA: For outside money, Open Secrets has PAC fun. Spoiler: Republican dark money reigns supreme. And one of the most delicious ironies, given Kelly's claim of 4 to 1 spending -- there's been over 3 times as much PAC spending against Biden ($20M), than for Biden ($6.1M). Lol. For added fun, MAGA Inc. has spent more opposing Ron DeSantis than opposing Joe Biden.
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Re: If Trump WAS Sent by God...

Post by huckelberry »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Wed Jan 24, 2024 11:52 pm
Back. Read most of the posts, not all. I want to say a few things here.

First, when I posted the Tim Alberta piece I was missing something and he didn't bring it up in the link that I posted. I didn't fully understand what Christian Nationalism is. I did a bit of reading (not much) and at this writing I'm going to say I'm opposed to it based on what little I've learned. If I change my mind, I'll say so. Not trying to wrangle away the topic here but I think it's important to the discussion.

Moving right along...

I do agree that it is not the place of a Christian believer to judge the heart of another person. The judge is God. I do, however, think we are permitted to judge the behavior and actions of others and this is why I think that. I'll include a bit of scripture that I think supports my idea.
Hi Jersey Girl. I thought your post was thoughtful and on point. I did not repeat all your scripture quotes as they can be read in your post.

I find the phrase Christian Nationalism a bit confusing. As best as I can tell it refers to a constellation of views or beliefs not a single thing. Actually my limited understanding sees a decidedly diverse constellation. It may be somewhat centered about the Christian reconstructionism of Rushdooney. Well probably only some of it. Rushdooney is so extreme that it is unclear to what degree he is a guide.

from Wikipedia article, Christian reconstruction:
Christian reconstructionism is a fundamentalist Calvinist theonomic movement.[1] It developed primarily under the direction of R. J. Rushdoony, Greg Bahnsen and Gary North[2] and has had an important influence on the Christian right in the United States.[3][4] Its central theme is that society should be reconstructed under the lordship of Jesus in all aspects of life.[5] In keeping with the biblical cultural mandate, reconstructionists advocate for theonomy and the restoration of certain biblical laws said to have continued applicability.[6] These include the death penalty not only for murder, but also for idolatry,[7] open homosexuality,[8] adultery, witchcraft and blasphemy.[9]

Most Calvinists reject Christian reconstructionism and hold to classical covenant theology, which is the traditional Calvinist view of the relationship between the Old Covenant and Christianity.[10]

Christian reconstructionism is closely linked with postmillennial eschatology and the presuppositional apologetics of Cornelius Van Til.[11]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian ... ructionism

Tim Alberta is speaking about attitudes held by people who are probably not consciously following Christian reconstuctionism. Well it is not a movement with clear boundaries.
Last edited by huckelberry on Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: If Trump WAS Sent by God...

Post by ajax18 »

Doctor Steuss wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 4:30 pm
ajax18 wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 2:37 pm
I just heard on Megyn Kelly's show this morning that Democrats are outspending Republicans by 4 to 1 in the 2024 election cycle. That doesn't even count the taxpayer funded ballot harvesting team marching out to group homes, nursing homes, etc.
The FEC tracks, and publishes the six-month average when the data becomes available.

2023-2024 Election Cycle Spending

Democrats are indeed currently outspending Republicans in this election cycle (so.... 2 out of 7, if it holds)... by *drumroll* 18% (just a leeeeetle bit off from 400%). Ironically, the party of fiscal responsibility is much more in debt than the socialist communist welfare queens. Imagine that.

ETA: For outside money, Open Secrets has PAC fun. Spoiler: Republican dark money reigns supreme. And one of the most delicious ironies, given Kelly's claim of 4 to 1 spending -- there's been over 3 times as much PAC spending against Biden ($20M), than for Biden ($6.1M). Lol. For added fun, MAGA Inc has spent more opposing Ron DeSantis than opposing Joe Biden.
Nicky Haley has outspent Trump. Trump spent the least of any Republican presidential primary winner in 2016. You act like he's the big money chamber of commerce wing of the Republican party. That title belongs to the globalist Bush's and Nikki Haley. Trump won't even talk about getting rid of Social Security because he knows most of his voters depend on it. He's literally had to fight the full wealth and power of the deep state out of his own pocket.
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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Re: If Trump WAS Sent by God...

Post by Doctor Steuss »

ajax18 wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 6:48 pm
Nicky Haley has outspent Trump. Trump spent the least of any Republican presidential primary winner in 2016. You act like he's the big money chamber of commerce wing of the Republican party. That title belongs to the globalist Bush's and Nikki Haley. Trump won't even talk about getting rid of Social Security because he knows most of his voters depend on it. He's literally had to fight the full wealth and power of the deep state out of his own pocket.
That's because Trump's PAC spending is being redirected to pay for his inability to follow the rule of law, or have ethics, or have the compulsion avoidance of a toddler.

If one takes the money he's grifted via the Save America PAC and redirected for his personal affairs, he's far outpaced Haley. Speaking of globalists, why do you suppose people like Kidan are amongst the biggest donors to Trump? Do you think they are just too stupid to realize he's anti-globalist, and they are throwing away hundreds of thousands of dollars going against their own interests? Or maybe, just mayyyyybe, Trump and MAGA have no definitive ideological purity when it comes to globalism, and just says whatever will rile up his base, and will ultimately do whatever benefits him, and people like him, the most?

Surely, by now, the anti-globalist Trump is having his own products made in America, right. Riiiight? It's wild that people believe a guy with active partnerships with the Lodha Group, Panchshil Realty, IREO, Tanoesoedibjo, Sinosure, the Emirati government, DAMAC Properites, YY Development, and Canouan (just to name a very small fraction), isn't somehow a globalist. I can't decide if it's more depressing or hilarious.
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Re: If Trump WAS Sent by God...

Post by ajax18 »

and just says whatever will rile up his base, and will ultimately do whatever benefits him, and people like him, the most?
Do you think Trump isn't loyal to his base voters?
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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Re: If Trump WAS Sent by God...

Post by Doctor Steuss »

ajax18 wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:06 pm
and just says whatever will rile up his base, and will ultimately do whatever benefits him, and people like him, the most?
Do you think Trump isn't loyal to his base voters?

He'll verbally pivot when it's necessary to keep them compliant (ref: vaccines, or shutdowns), but if the choice is between benefiting himself, or benefiting his base, he'll 100% default to himself (ref: TCJA).
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Re: If Trump WAS Sent by God...

Post by Doctor Steuss »

Doctor Steuss wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:22 pm
ajax18 wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:06 pm
Do you think Trump isn't loyal to his base voters?

He'll verbally pivot when it's necessary to keep them compliant (ref: vaccines, or shutdowns), but if the choice is between benefiting himself, or benefiting his base, he'll 100% default to himself (ref: TCJA).
Y'know, I was reminded about one of the more comical examples of Trump's ability to have his followers believe his words, and ignore reality. In 2018 (just like every year), the military received a pay raise. After that pay raise, Trump went on the road, bragging about how it was the first pay raise in a decade, and the biggest ever. Well, in true Trump fashion, neither of those things were true. That naturally didn't stop MAGA from declaring Trump the best at caring about the military, veterans, etc.

The real kicker though, and the thing that helps illustrate his incompetence and that he doesn't actually care about his base (or the military, or the border, or... [insert talking point]), is that Trump tried to give even less of a raise than what the military received. Not just less than what they received, but less than what was already going to automatically take place, as legally mandated.

Trump tried to give the military a raise that was 2.1%. The automatic adjustment for that year was 2.4%. In other words, Trump tried to give the military a raise that was below what they were already automatically going to receive. Fortunately, Congress stepped in, and overrode Trump, and gave the military what they were legally mandated to receive, rather than the smaller amount that Trump wanted to give them (and then brag about).
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Re: If Trump WAS Sent by God...

Post by ajax18 »

Doctor Steuss wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:22 pm
ajax18 wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:06 pm
Do you think Trump isn't loyal to his base voters?

He'll verbally pivot when it's necessary to keep them compliant (ref: vaccines, or shutdowns), but if the choice is between benefiting himself, or benefiting his base, he'll 100% default to himself (ref: TCJA).
I think DeSantis had some merit in criticizing Trump on COVID. And you know what I think of socialist security. Seeing Vivek try to claim that keeping social security is a part of the conservative platform sounded ridiculous to me. Social Security is bankrupting the country and screwing the younger generation, which ironically keeps voting to keep it. DeSantis also was willing to say that Social security was no longer a forced retirement program but just a disability program. You're pretty much going to have to get a doctor to label you disabled if you ever want to see a penny of what you paid in.

But Republican voters saw how unfair Trump was being treated by the partisan political justice system. That's what killed DeSantis's campaign. If Trump would have just quit politics he could have had a much better life right now. He knew these indictments were going to happen. He knew he'd come out of this poorer than when he entered into it. I think he genuinely wants to save the country for his supporters as opposed to the establishment which is taking their American dream and giving it away to foreigners.
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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Re: If Trump WAS Sent by God...

Post by Gunnar »

ajax18 wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:06 pm
and just says whatever will rile up his base, and will ultimately do whatever benefits him, and people like him, the most?
Do you think Trump isn't loyal to his base voters?
Trump is not the slightest bit loyal to his base voters! He has abundantly demonstrated that to him, loyalty is a one-way street! He demands unquestioning loyalty to himself, no matter what, but has little or no inclination to return it. And a slowly growing number of his base voters are beginning to realize that, and even leave the Republican party because of it.
No precept or claim is more suspect or more likely to be false than one that can only be supported by invoking the claim of Divine authority for it--no matter who or what claims such authority.
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Re: If Trump WAS Sent by God...

Post by ajax18 »

Gunnar wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2024 11:22 am
ajax18 wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:06 pm
Do you think Trump isn't loyal to his base voters?
Trump is not the slightest bit loyal to his base voters! He has abundantly demonstrated that to him, loyalty is a one-way street! He demands unquestioning loyalty to himself, no matter what, but has little or no inclination to return it.
Your Trump derangement syndrome is showing. Republican voters were already told that Trump was a closet liberal putting on a conservative mask to get votes in 2016. That argument doesn't work anymore because anyone more than 8 years old knows that Trump governed as a conservative.
And a slowly growing number of his base voters are beginning to realize that, and even leave the Republican party because of it.
Trump is winning this Republican primary by more than he did in 2016. The only people leaving are people like Mitt Romney, Bush, and Mcconnel, who don't belong in the Republican party anyway. Even they know better than to speak against Trump if they want to win a Republican primary. The plutocrats and uniparty rightly fear the Trump base because the plutocrats are the minority. Unlike Democrats, Republicans still practice democracy when choosing their candidates. The Republican party belongs to the working class taxpayer, the forgotten man, the disenfranchised that had no voice, no say, be it on tariffs, borders, welfare spending, or US military responsibility in the world before Donald Trump.
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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