Misogyny, Monogamy and More Madness From Mopologist William Schryver

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Everybody Wang Chung
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Misogyny, Monogamy and More Madness From Mopologist William Schryver

Post by Everybody Wang Chung »

When not ranting about how much he loves Putin and Trump or rejoicing in the destruction of Ukraine, Mopologist William Schryver wants everyone to know that he has only had relations with his wife for the last 40 years. What a weirdo.

Who does this? What happened to just saying "Happy Anniversary?" Why would anyone post a wedding picture and then publicly state that he's only had sex with his wife for 40 years? It feels very exploitative and misogynistic. I feel embarrassed for his wife.

Will Schryver needs our help and prayers.

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Daniel C. Peterson, 2014
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