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Re: Numbers...

Post by Valo »

Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Wed May 01, 2024 9:39 pm
So I was laid in bed. Thinking about favourite colours. I don't understand favourite colours because I guess I've never had a favourite colour. I tried it out at uni when I realised I might have been a bit odd to not have a favourite colour. So I pretended orange was my favourite colour because I had orange post it notes at the time I decided to experiment with having a favourite colour.

I think the reason I find it difficult to understand is because to me, there are so many different versions of the same colour. Like Jamie says his favourite colour is purple. But he has never stated which purple. There are so many. Some are garish. But then, also, a colour looks different in different light and feels different in different seasons. Like Christmas green. I love it, but only at Christmas time. In the summer it's a bit meh. I absolutely adore the yellow leaves on the ground in autumn. In the right light, if I stand in the middle of them they glow. And I feel wow. But in no other situation do I find that effect with that colour.

So I can't choose a favourite colour.

Anyway... That led onto me thinking about high spys favourite numbers and how I don't like the number 52. And I thought about people having favourite numbers and how that might be similar to having favourite colours but with less variables. I don't have a favourite number by the way. I did think that I have a connection with the number 8 because there are 3 number 8s in my date of birth. But then there are negative memories with the number 8.

So back to the number 52. I was thinking I don't like that number. It turns my soul when I see it. But that is probably because I lived in house number 52 as a child. And the car my mum had that my dad smashed up had the number 52 in the registration plate number. Then I was thinking about other house numbers and I was thinking I'm sure I lived at number 57 on a different street which is one of high spys numbers. And I picked up my phone from the other side of my room to Google to check the address and it was on 52 percent charge at exactly 22.22 pm. I took a screenshot. The last time I was thinking about high spy and his numbers, I took a screenshot at 22.22 pm.


It's interesting how things like that happen.

We get to choose how to we perceive this.

God's been telling me "Come on! Test me herewith and see if I don't open up the windows of Heaven."
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Re: Numbers...

Post by Valo »

Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 12:29 am
Res Ipsa wrote:
Wed May 01, 2024 10:08 pm
My youngest has similar reactions to numbers. It's almost like some kind of synesthesia.

I wonder if it's to do with connections in senses. And connections we create over time.
I sense my dad when I think of the number 52 which is why I don't like it. Not the numbers fault but it has that energy. Like if someone said a random number, like say 45, what comes to mind? The more you associate the number to something the more you sense that energy when the number comes to mind? Maybe?

I find sometimes I get urges to lick art if it particularly appeals to me. Not often and I don't actually lick it.

I can hear my pain. not literally through my ears. I have chronic pain and I can associate a frequency and amplitude to different pains. Like UTIs have a high pitched pain. Sometimes a quiet high pitch. Which actually hurts more than a low pitched loud pain. The pain can be louder but duller and be less distressing than a very quiet high pitched pain. I think most people have a sense of how their pain sounds but my family thought I was weird when I tried to explain it.

I can smell and taste things that I am looking at sometimes and can pull memories of smells and it's as if I can actually smell the smell except I'm not really smelling it.

Think all my senses are heightened. I get visual snow, lots of photo bleaching and tinnitus. I hear lights and plugs buzzing sometimes. I have sensitive skin and can sense subtle changes in my body.
This week I have started seeing a new number when I think of a specific person. It is 27.

God made sensitive people for a reason. We get used and abused a lot, unfortunately, but that's because Satan fears us.
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Re: Numbers...

Post by Valo »

drumdude wrote:
Thu May 02, 2024 3:38 pm
My inclination is toward Marcus’ way of thinking.

If someone really had some sort of supernatural connection with numbers, then they’d probably try to use it to win the lottery. Encryption, lotteries, probability, quantum mechanics… all of these things are based around numbers and when you look at it objectively, it’s all completely oblivious to our minds trying to make patterns where none exist.

That’s not to say certain numbers aren’t related to natural phenomena. But it’s not the numbers creating that phenomena, it’s the numbers that describe the phenomena.
Many, perhaps most people would, but then there are people who genuinely love God and don't give two craps about worldy wealth and external validation.
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Re: Numbers...

Post by High Spy »

Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Wed May 01, 2024 9:39 pm

So I can't choose a favourite colour.

Anyway... That led onto me thinking about high spys favourite numbers and how I don't like the number 52. And I thought about people having favourite numbers and how that might be similar to having favourite colours but with less variables.

Ha. :lol:

My beastly breakdown odometer reading began with 52.

380x507 is the native aspect ratio of my iPhone 7+
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Re: Numbers...

Post by High Spy »

Driving to Woodward Loop this morning, I was thinking about the AK Flag and thought it strange that it’s not on AK license plates. Then i pull up behind a license plate with a little flag between 3 letters and 3 numbers. 411 were the three digits on the right.
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Re: Numbers...

Post by Physics Guy »

There are so many ways for numbers to seem special. In fact it's probably rare for a number to have nothing special about it.
G.H. Hardy wrote:Once, in the taxi from London, Hardy noticed its number, 1729. He must have thought about it a little because he entered the room where Ramanujan lay in bed and, with scarcely a hello, blurted out his disappointment with it. It was, he declared, 'rather a dull number,' adding that he hoped that wasn't a bad omen. 'No, Hardy,' said Ramanujan, 'it is a very interesting number. It is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two [positive] cubes in two different ways.'
The numbers that crop up in my life are always dull and random-seeming. That's actually such a wild anomaly that I think it must mean that I'm a fated figure of destiny.

I understand that Joseph Smith once spoke of the future rise of The One Mighty and Strong. Did he ever happen to mention anything about a One Nerdy and Dull?
I was a teenager before it was cool.
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Re: Numbers...

Post by Valo »

Physics Guy wrote:
Fri May 03, 2024 4:43 pm
There are so many ways for numbers to seem special. In fact it's probably rare for a number to have nothing special about it.
G.H. Hardy wrote:Once, in the taxi from London, Hardy noticed its number, 1729. He must have thought about it a little because he entered the room where Ramanujan lay in bed and, with scarcely a hello, blurted out his disappointment with it. It was, he declared, 'rather a dull number,' adding that he hoped that wasn't a bad omen. 'No, Hardy,' said Ramanujan, 'it is a very interesting number. It is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two [positive] cubes in two different ways.'
The numbers that crop up in my life are always dull and random-seeming. That's actually such a wild anomaly that I think it must mean that I'm a fated figure of destiny.

I understand that Joseph Smith once spoke of the future rise of The One Mighty and Strong. Did he ever happen to mention anything about a One Nerdy and Dull?
Scriptures do say everything denotes there is a God.

Look, before we can see in a new way we have to be willing to let go of our old, trusty, reliable instruments. We're gonna have to put trust in something new if we want to see new things.

We create instruments in science all of the time to detect things we can't detect with our natural senses. When a new instrument gets created it is met with skepticism at first which makes sense. It should cause skepticism. However, being skeptical is not the same as being stiffnecked or hard hearted.

At least give the new instrument a try and see if perhaps you can discover things not seen or experienced before.

We have been trained in the West from childhood to see the world in a certain kind of way and so it becomes very difficult for us to consider things from a different, novel point of view. This is especially true since the point of view we have been trained in has brought with it many benefits, power, and wealth.

"What we need is the fullness of the view, from a certain point of view." -Alan Watts
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Re: Numbers...

Post by Valo »

Physics Guy wrote:
Fri May 03, 2024 4:43 pm
There are so many ways for numbers to seem special. In fact it's probably rare for a number to have nothing special about it.
G.H. Hardy wrote:Once, in the taxi from London, Hardy noticed its number, 1729. He must have thought about it a little because he entered the room where Ramanujan lay in bed and, with scarcely a hello, blurted out his disappointment with it. It was, he declared, 'rather a dull number,' adding that he hoped that wasn't a bad omen. 'No, Hardy,' said Ramanujan, 'it is a very interesting number. It is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two [positive] cubes in two different ways.'
The numbers that crop up in my life are always dull and random-seeming. That's actually such a wild anomaly that I think it must mean that I'm a fated figure of destiny.

I understand that Joseph Smith once spoke of the future rise of The One Mighty and Strong. Did he ever happen to mention anything about a One Nerdy and Dull?
The least of us will be the greatest.

The One Mighty and Strong will be so because of the Father, not because of the flesh.
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Re: Numbers...

Post by Doctor Steuss »

Valo wrote:
Fri May 03, 2024 5:07 pm
Scriptures do say everything denotes there is a God.
After I bought a PT Cruiser, I saw them everywhere. After I bought a Saturn Vue, I saw them everywhere. After I bought a Hyundai Sonata, I saw them everywhere. My friends told me that they always looked at the clock when it was 2:45. After that, I began noticing when it was 2:45.

After the first time I noticed an airplane shadow go over top of my, I seem to notice them all of the time. The likelihood that a (relatively) small object flying at a high speed, and various times of the day could pass perfectly between me and the sun, as I'm moving throughout my day as well... seems impossibly unlikely. Yet, it happens. A lot.

That doesn't mean there's some supreme creator deity pulling every thread of the cosmos to make a plane fly over me, as I walk or drive.

We see patterns because we've evolved to see them. Seeing them helped us survive as a species. That we try to affix meaning to those patterns is just an interesting little glitch to the system. This is why slot machines are addictive. There is no pattern, but the brain is chasing finding one... subconsciously just one more pull and the pattern will become clear. Or, just one more prayer, or one more trip to church, or one more act of devotion or faith... and the pattern of a supreme deity will become clear. The fact that there is no actual pattern is what can make it feel so rewarding, and make us create a pattern and meaning where none exists.
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Re: Numbers...

Post by Marcus »

Physics Guy wrote:
Fri May 03, 2024 4:43 pm
There are so many ways for numbers to seem special. In fact it's probably rare for a number to have nothing special about it.
G.H. Hardy wrote:Once, in the taxi from London, Hardy noticed its number, 1729. He must have thought about it a little because he entered the room where Ramanujan lay in bed and, with scarcely a hello, blurted out his disappointment with it. It was, he declared, 'rather a dull number,' adding that he hoped that wasn't a bad omen. 'No, Hardy,' said Ramanujan, 'it is a very interesting number. It is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two [positive] cubes in two different ways.'
The numbers that crop up in my life are always dull and random-seeming. That's actually such a wild anomaly that I think it must mean that I'm a fated figure of destiny.

I understand that Joseph Smith once spoke of the future rise of The One Mighty and Strong. Did he ever happen to mention anything about a One Nerdy and Dull?
How about the Many Nerdy and Dull? I bet we could list quite a few of those.
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