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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by IWMP »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Sun Nov 03, 2024 10:29 pm
IWMP wrote:
Sun Nov 03, 2024 1:43 pm
Sending love. You aren't sounding crazy. I wish I could help. I used to swell up but they did an endoscopy and it turned out to be allergy related and diagnosed eosinophilic oesophagitis from the biopsi. I take fexofenadine and lansoprazole during flare ups.

Let us know how it goes and fingers crossed for no more hospital trips. Xx
Thanks! I feel a little crazy right now but it's mainly fear of the unknown. But the probiotic is my ticket out of this mess.

Hey can you post a link to the spiritual gifts inventory test you took? I usually get your #1 as my #2. I want to see how it comes out with your test.

Fingers crossed. Hopefully you will start to feel better.
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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Jersey Girl »

Does this look like the actual results? I think I did it correctly. See that? We're basically the same person, Nicky. :)

Define Uses Exhortation - 14

Define Uses Giving - 10

Define Uses Leadership - 9

Define Uses Mercy - 15

Define Uses Prophecy - 7

Define Uses Service - 10

Define Uses Teaching - 7

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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by IWMP »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Mon Nov 04, 2024 5:03 am
Does this look like the actual results? I think I did it correctly. See that? We're basically the same person, Nicky. :)

Define Uses Exhortation - 14

Define Uses Giving - 10

Define Uses Leadership - 9

Define Uses Mercy - 15

Define Uses Prophecy - 7

Define Uses Service - 10

Define Uses Teaching - 7
The highest number is your number one. I noticed when looking at the gift definitions there are lots of gifts so I'm not sure if theyve only looked at these ones or if we both share these ones. Here's mine...

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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Jersey Girl »

Nicky...we're essentially the same person. No wonder we've gotten along so well all these years! <3

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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Jersey Girl »

I may have already recorded this. Can't remember. Foods I've tried.


1 scrambled egg made with no butter or oil of any kind and 1/2 English Muffin. NO.

1/2 English muffin alone with a little butter on it. GOOD.
1 whole English muffin alone with a little butter on it. MAYBE.

Cheerios, 2%milk and 1/2 banana. GOOD.

Handful of Lays potato chips 50% less salt. MAYBE.

Canned mushy carrots. NO. (Dislike canned veggies but it was an experiment vs. raw or steamed.)

Not gluten intolerant.
Eggs still problematic.


Oatmeal, pure maple syrup (not alot), and cinnamon. GOOD.
Grilled Chicken Breast with nothing on it. GOOD. Originally could only eat 1/3, now at 1/2.
Sweet Potatoes boiled (ugh). GOOD ENOUGH.
Chobani nonfat Greek Yogurt, vanilla. GOOD.
Margherita Pizza. DIVINE.

I think that's all to date.

I can't describe how GOOD the English Muffin was! Haven't had any bread type products (wheat crackers mainly) since last summer. Slow going, but going. Baby steps.

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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by IWMP »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Wed Nov 06, 2024 2:52 am
I may have already recorded this. Can't remember. Foods I've tried.


1 scrambled egg made with no butter or oil of any kind and 1/2 English Muffin. NO.

1/2 English muffin alone with a little butter on it. GOOD.
1 whole English muffin alone with a little butter on it. MAYBE.

Cheerios, 2%milk and 1/2 banana. GOOD.

Handful of Lays potato chips 50% less salt. MAYBE.

Canned mushy carrots. NO. (Dislike canned veggies but it was an experiment vs. raw or steamed.)

Not gluten intolerant.
Eggs still problematic.


Oatmeal, pure maple syrup (not alot), and cinnamon. GOOD.
Grilled Chicken Breast with nothing on it. GOOD. Originally could only eat 1/3, now at 1/2.
Sweet Potatoes boiled (ugh). GOOD ENOUGH.
Chobani nonfat Greek Yogurt, vanilla. GOOD.
Margherita Pizza. DIVINE.

I think that's all to date.

I can't describe how GOOD the English Muffin was! Haven't had any bread type products (wheat crackers mainly) since last summer. Slow going, but going. Baby steps.
Did you start the probiotics yet? Hope it's going well.
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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Jersey Girl »

IWMP wrote:
Wed Nov 06, 2024 9:23 am
Did you start the probiotics yet? Hope it's going well.
They're supposed to be here by tomorrow. The refrigerated ones with live bacteria. It's been snowing since last night and will continue through Friday so I think it's going to be delayed. It is just as well. I want to be able to get out of here if I get a bad reaction.

Still doing the yogurt so I at least get some good bacteria going, that's going well.

Nicky have you seen this book? I don't know how I ever came across it. It's got GOOD reviews. Haven't checked out the doctor but if I find out he's legit I think I'm going to get this. It's on our Amazon USA. Here's the title, etc.

Super Gut: A Four-Week Plan to Reprogram Your Microbiome, Restore Health, and Lose Weight Paperback – February 7, 2023
by William Davis M.D. (Author)

Oh maybe not so reliable. If not then why the superior reviews? I don't know...looks affiliated with Dr. Oz...who I think isn't um...reliable. ... diologist)

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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by IWMP »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Wed Nov 06, 2024 8:48 pm
IWMP wrote:
Wed Nov 06, 2024 9:23 am
Did you start the probiotics yet? Hope it's going well.
They're supposed to be here by tomorrow. The refrigerated ones with live bacteria. It's been snowing since last night and will continue through Friday so I think it's going to be delayed. It is just as well. I want to be able to get out of here if I get a bad reaction.

Still doing the yogurt so I at least get some good bacteria going, that's going well.

Nicky have you seen this book? I don't know how I ever came across it. It's got GOOD reviews. Haven't checked out the doctor but if I find out he's legit I think I'm going to get this. It's on our Amazon USA. Here's the title, etc.

Super Gut: A Four-Week Plan to Reprogram Your Microbiome, Restore Health, and Lose Weight Paperback – February 7, 2023
by William Davis M.D. (Author)

Oh maybe not so reliable. If not then why the superior reviews? I don't know...looks affiliated with Dr. Oz...who I think isn't um...reliable. ... diologist)
I'd love some snow. Haven't seen a decent amount of snow for years.

I don't know about the book but if he is a cardiologist and works with microbiome then maybe it's worth a skeptical read. I think from my understanding that a lot of the issues we as humans have relates to damaging chemicals we are eating. That the animals are treated and forced to mass produce. Lots of modifications (although I personally don't see that modified food should cause issues) but certainly processed foods and pesticides and even our water. I advise my kids not to drink artificially sweetened drinks. I'm not strict about it but I prefer them to have full sugar drinks if they are going to have fizzy drinks as a treat. Artificial sweeteners are supposed to feed bad bacteria in the gut.

What I find interesting is that we have grass everywhere and so many people are allergic to grass, but we also drink cow milk where the cows eat grass and so many people are allergic to cows milk. I know from when my kids were babies and my youngest was diagnosed with CMPA even though she was fully breast fed that what you eat definitely goes into your breast milk. When I asked multiple times is she allergic to cows milk I was told that because she is breastfed she won't be reacting to cows milk. So is the grass that people are very overexposed to, especially when it is cut so often and in humid weather you can smell and feel it (and it is understood that overexposure can cause allergies), that is causing the issues when drinking milk? Anyway. I rambled there. Sorry. Not sure what my point was.

Something is sending a lot of immune systems into overdrive.

If the book doesn't cost much, I think it's worth a look. People have different opinions. What matters is what you take from it and whether it would help you or not. Even if one page in a book gives you a lightbulb moment and makes you even realise something that isn't in the book would mean it is worth it.

ETA... Years ago, a radio station had a psychic message. I wasn't thinking much but it said to check your water. Something is wrong with the water. It planted a seed in my mind that has lingered. I changed the faucet so I thought ok the water will be fine now but it still lingered. (I think a lot of Brits drink tap water). Anyway, I visited my mum and she gave me a water tester and so I tested the water and the particles are very high. Like in the middle 400s (ppm) The internet is very varied on what is acceptable to drink but the A.I. says above 300 isn't good to drink (paraphrased). So all this time I was worried but thought I was being irrational and it turns out I was right to be at least a little worried. Kids are now taking bottled water to school until I work out what to do next.
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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Jersey Girl »

Documentation list.

1. Probiotic (live bacteria) got delayed in a 4/5 day snow storm. Immediately ordered the shelf stable version which allegedly comes Sunday, tomorrow.

2. Had one day with no symptoms at all. The only supplement I used was FD Gard which I use twice daily now. It really helps me.

3. Most days some mild to moderate symptoms.

4. Checking in with Urgent Care on Monday to finally see about my ear. Hearing loss and dizziness.

5. Starting the probiotic Sunday (tomorrow) or Monday. Depending on when it's delivered. Want to start it early in the day in case my tummy blows up and triggers my heart I can easily get to the ER. It's supposed to be gentle on the tummy. We'll see.

6. Read up on some dietary things. I'm convinced that I need to continue trying to reintroduce foods especially high fiber veggies to help replenish the inner compost pile. I'm determined to throw everything at this that I can.

Good things:

1. When I went to pick up my left over babies from the show I was reaching through shelving while a member on the other side was handing me items and said "You're adorable!" I don't know why she said that. Maybe because of the way I was dressed? Anyway I felt like crap that day and her comment cheered me up.

2. Started Christmas shopping during the snowstorm. I'm usually done by now but not this year. Feels good to have it almost all shopping of course. Nothing's been delivered yet...snowstorm life.

3. Family wants to do Thanksgiving here and a guest is invited. At first I felt um...negative...about it, but it's not the whole tribe and the guest is someone who is grieving so I couldn't let him be alone and agreed. I'm not cooking for hours (because I can't right now) for a bunch of people when I likely won't even be able to eat the meal. I'm ordering the whole darn thing from one of the nicer grocery stores here.

4. Last weekend was the Boy's birthday. He went out to lunch with a few family folk. I couldn't go because I felt terrible. My DD sent me home a Margherita pizza with hearts she drew on the box. :)

5. Felt angry, disgusted, and fed up today. Always one of my main motivating factors, second only to love. So...I made a phone call. Whipped out the credit card and...ordered the chair that goes with the new sofa I got back in September. It was my only form of revenge. :mrgreen:

ETA: I'm having the Boy take me to one of the local urgent cares tomorrow instead of waiting for my medical practice's urgent care on Monday. Hopefully will get the ear taken care of so I don't feel like I'm going to hit the floor every time literally I turn around. Just asked him if he remembers me asking him if I felt hot one day and he recalled it. Bet I had a low grade sinus infection and that's what affected my ear.

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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Marcus »

Good luck with the probiotic! My SIL, a retired nurse, has recommended that path many times to anyone with stomach issues.

Woke up this morning to smoke in the air, wildfires in the state are polluting the air. If its not one thing, its another, right?
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