The Church in Utah is already relaxing restrictions

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The Church in Utah is already relaxing restrictions

Post by IHAQ »

In short, attendance limitations at Sunday worship services as well as funerals, baptisms and weddings are being lessened; activities for youth and children can again be held with group-size limitations; young single adult wards in YSA stakes can return to in-person second-hour meetings on Sundays; and presidencies, bishoprics and councils may again conduct in-person meetings.

In a Feb. 3 letter sent to Church leaders in the Utah Area, the area presidency — comprised of Elder Craig C. Christensen, Elder Evan A Schmutz and Elder Walter F. González — acknowledged consulting with senior Church leaders in the decision. ... ies-203427

Given we are still in the grips of the pandemic with new variants coming along, this seems a pretty reckless move.
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Re: The Church in Utah is already relaxing restrictions

Post by cinepro »

IHAQ wrote:
Thu Feb 04, 2021 9:37 pm
Given we are still in the grips of the pandemic with new variants coming along, this seems a pretty reckless move.
Good news. Utah's case rates, hospitalizations, and deaths have all been dropping.

Since the vaccines appear to be pretty close to 100% protective against hospitalization and death (including the variants) , with continued vaccinations to the most vulnerable the "pandemic" will soon be over. The virus may continue to spread among the younger and healthier people, but as we've seen over the last year, hospitalizations and deaths will be extremely low.

I predict once we see deaths and hospitalizations at zero or close to it, people will treat the virus like a seasonal flu - annoying but not much to worry about.
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Re: The Church in Utah is already relaxing restrictions

Post by Lem »

IHAQ wrote:
Thu Feb 04, 2021 9:37 pm
In short, attendance limitations at Sunday worship services as well as funerals, baptisms and weddings are being lessened; activities for youth and children can again be held with group-size limitations; young single adult wards in YSA stakes can return to in-person second-hour meetings on Sundays; and presidencies, bishoprics and councils may again conduct in-person meetings.

In a Feb. 3 letter sent to Church leaders in the Utah Area, the area presidency — comprised of Elder Craig C. Christensen, Elder Evan A Schmutz and Elder Walter F. González — acknowledged consulting with senior Church leaders in the decision. ... ies-203427

Given we are still in the grips of the pandemic with new variants coming along, this seems a pretty reckless move.
What I can't get over is the lead pic in that article, showing a woman reaching into a tray, picking out a piece of bread from a pile, assembled by who knows? Yuck.

The caption is "a family, holding their masks..." so masks come off, to eat from a communal pile of bread? Double yuck.
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Re: The Church in Utah is already relaxing restrictions

Post by cinepro »

Lem wrote:
Fri Feb 05, 2021 5:57 pm
What I can't get over is the lead pic in that article, showing a woman reaching into a tray, picking out a piece of bread from a pile, assembled by who knows? Yuck.

The caption is "a family, holding their masks..." so masks come off, to eat from a communal pile of bread? Double yuck.
It's possible the woman understands that you almost certainly can't get infected from a coronavirus from eating it.

So while the normal hygiene concerns would apply (hopefully the priests are washing their hands - which is probably more likely in the current environment), from a coronavirus standpoint and looking at the ages and precautions in the picture, there's nothing too concerning.

Other than the cult brainwashing and gaslighting, of course.
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Re: The Church in Utah is already relaxing restrictions

Post by Lem »

cinepro wrote:
Fri Feb 05, 2021 6:14 pm

So while the normal hygiene concerns would apply (hopefully the priests are washing their hands),
Hopefully? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No. Rational people aren't relying on 14-16 year olds touching and handing around group piles of bread pieces to keep them uninfected.

From your link
Coronaviruses, like the one that causes COVID-19, are thought to spread mostly person-to-person through respiratory droplets when someone coughs, sneezes, or talks.
So no deacon, teacher or priest ever coughs, sneezes or talks?
cinepro wrote: hopefully the priests are washing their hands - which is probably more likely in the current environment
Well of course. Obviously young teenage boys are more likely to wash their hands now. Of course. :roll:

Seriously, though, that's just ludicrous to rely on teenage boys to prevent infection.
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Re: The Church in Utah is already relaxing restrictions

Post by IHAQ »

The other challenge with the tray of bread is how many other congregants have had their hands in it before it got to you...
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Re: The Church in Utah is already relaxing restrictions

Post by cinepro »

Lem wrote:
Fri Feb 05, 2021 6:25 pm
Seriously, though, that's just ludicrous to rely on teenage boys to prevent infection.
There was a period of time in the 90s when the priests would wipe their hands with alcohol wipes before the sacrament (right when the sacrament song would start, they would unseal the packets and wipe down their hands). I don't know if any wards still did that before the pandemic, but I would be surprised if it wasn't mandatory for any wards that are meeting in person.

And again, it doesn't matter how many people touch or breathe on the bread. You almost certainly can't get Covid-19 from eating it. I'm not saying I think having wards meet together is a great idea (there are certainly many other ways for people to get infected), but it's easy to overestimate the risk of contagion based on bad assumptions.
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Re: The Church in Utah is already relaxing restrictions

Post by Lem »

IHAQ wrote:
Sat Feb 06, 2021 7:08 am
The other challenge with the tray of bread is how many other congregants have had their hands in it before it got to you...
Although I did see something about how a family can supply their own bread, which I assume would mean one tray per family, I hope. This must be so awkward. Do wards have enough manpower to serve one tray to one family, by one server?

In my partner's parish, the distribution of the Eucharist is accompanied by music, provided by a professional accompanist from Julliard. When there is a world class organist giving a mini-recital, people don't seem to mind if it takes a while. If I recall correctly, Mormon Sacraments are silent, maybe adding music would help.
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Re: The Church in Utah is already relaxing restrictions

Post by cinepro »

It sounds like my ward here in SoCal will be starting back up with limited attendance and safety precautions in March. The bread for the sacrament will be placed in individual little cups.
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Re: The Church in Utah is already relaxing restrictions

Post by Moksha »

Cinepro, is there a church-wide protocol for sacrament preparers and servers such as hand washing, hand sanitizer, gloves, masks?

How do the wards deal with members or leaders who refuse to wear masks due to ideology, or even babies and children who cannot use masks?
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