Leaked videos of meetings with the Q15

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Re: Leaked videos of meetings with the Q15

Post by _Lemmie »

Atm a "hot potatoe" is the video where a member of the US senate (Gordon Smith) reveals himself in front of the camera while briefing the apostles.
Talk about intertwinement between the LDS church and the republican party.

forgive me, but here in the ny area, the last 'hot potato' where a politician revealed himself involved a big weiner revealing his little weiner. We're not talking that kind of reveal, are we?
_Everybody Wang Chung
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Re: Leaked videos of meetings with the Q15

Post by _Everybody Wang Chung »

Several media outlets are now taking notice: http://kutv.com/news/local/watch-leaked ... leadership
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Re: Leaked videos of meetings with the Q15

Post by _Kishkumen »

Uther wrote:- Smih states that Catholics and evangelicals are unreliable allies. Says that Catholics don't believe their own doctrines and that evangelicals are guilty of priestcraft. He advises to "use them as you can" but not to be so open offering their support. Says the best way to use these groups is as a front to "lower the profile" of the church's political involvement (37:00).

Wow. Just wow.

Senator Gordon Smith (R) wrote:They [the Catholic cardinals] lead a Church... that is, the American Catholic Church, is Libertarian.

Uh, what?

Senator Gordon Smith (R) wrote:They preach to a congregation that doesn't believe what they [the clergy] teach on abortion or on the sanctity of the family.

I suppose he doesn't recognize or believe in socially conservative Catholics... just the "libertarian" (sic) ones. LOL.

Senator Gordon Smith (R) wrote:Among the Evangelicals you deal with, and there are exceptions... and I mean no disrespect in speaking this way about them... but many and maybe most that I have worked with run businesses as described in the Book of Mormon that are priestcraft.

OMG. What a hoot. Says the man whose Church has a billion+-dollar shopping mall.

Senator Gordon Smith (R) wrote:These are cults of personality...

Whereas our personality died in the 19th century.

Senator Gordon Smith (R) wrote:...that are in the business of religion. And they use the Latter-day Saints to make money.

How that is I would love to know. This is crazy-ass blithering nonsense.

Senator Gordon Smith (R) wrote:And so if you expect them to come to your defense, the Church's defense, in the public square, you'll wait a long time and take a lot of stones in waiting.

Damn. So, somehow, the Mormons feel butt-hurt because they didn't feel adequately supported in their anti-gay crusading? It's just too bad, in this guy's mind, that American Catholics are "libertarian" and thus not believing in the family values of the cardinals, and the Evangelicals are just using the anti-gay agenda to make money off the Mormons somehow.

I would love to see this steaming pile of bigoted irrationality accounted for in some way.

It is fascinating to see the many layers of bigotry at work here. He is moaning that he didn't get the support for fighting gay civil rights he had hoped for from those lukewarm Catholics and money-grubbing Evangelicals. You can't make this stuff up. Everything we suspected was true is in fact true. The persecution complex, the bigotry, the lack of critical thought, the sense of entitlement: It's all richly on display in these videos.
"Petition wasn’t meant to start a witch hunt as I’ve said 6000 times." ~ Hanna Seariac, LDS apologist
_The Erotic Apologist
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Re: Leaked videos of meetings with the Q15

Post by _The Erotic Apologist »

From the summary on Reddit:

Also says that he (Senator Smith) voted for the Iraq war because he saw "the Lord's hand in it", and that he knew the church would never be able to send missionaries there under that regime. Seriously. He admitted to supporting a WAR for the purpose of spreading Mormonism. This happens about 11:30 and he goes into great detail about how the war might allow the church to build there. He quotes Gordon Hinkley as saying, "Our missionaries always follow in the footsteps of American soldiers" after being told that LDS military personnel were baptizing Iraqis in the field. (https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comme ... h=5588f53e)

Fascinating. These guys inhabit a dream world.
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Re: Leaked videos of meetings with the Q15

Post by _honorentheos »

Best October surprise ever.
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Re: Leaked videos of meetings with the Q15

Post by _Markk »

Kishkumen wrote:
Uther wrote:- Smih states that Catholics and evangelicals are unreliable allies. Says that Catholics don't believe their own doctrines and that evangelicals are guilty of priestcraft. He advises to "use them as you can" but not to be so open offering their support. Says the best way to use these groups is as a front to "lower the profile" of the church's political involvement (37:00).

Wow. Just wow.

Senator Gordon Smith (R) wrote:They [the Catholic cardinals] lead a Church... that is, the American Catholic Church, is Libertarian.

Uh, what?

Senator Gordon Smith (R) wrote:They preach to a congregation that doesn't believe what they [the clergy] teach on abortion or on the sanctity of the family.

I suppose he doesn't recognize or believe in socially conservative Catholics... just the "libertarian" (sic) ones. LOL.

Senator Gordon Smith (R) wrote:Among the Evangelicals you deal with, and there are exceptions... and I mean no disrespect in speaking this way about them... but many and maybe most that I have worked with run businesses as described in the Book of Mormon that are priestcraft.

OMG. What a hoot. Says the man whose Church has a billion+-dollar shopping mall.

Senator Gordon Smith (R) wrote:These are cults of personality...

Whereas our personality died in the 19th century.

Senator Gordon Smith (R) wrote:...that are in the business of religion. And they use the Latter-day Saints to make money.

How that is I would love to know. This is crazy-ass blithering nonsense.

Senator Gordon Smith (R) wrote:And so if you expect them to come to your defense, the Church's defense, in the public square, you'll wait a long time and take a lot of stones in waiting.

Damn. So, somehow, the Mormons feel butt-hurt because they didn't feel adequately supported in their anti-gay crusading? It's just too bad, in this guy's mind, that American Catholics are "libertarian" and thus not believing in the family values of the cardinals, and the Evangelicals are just using the anti-gay agenda to make money off the Mormons somehow.

I would love to see this steaming pile of bigoted irrationality accounted for in some way.

It is fascinating to see the many layers of bigotry at work here. He is moaning that he didn't get the support for fighting gay civil rights he had hoped for from those lukewarm Catholics and money-grubbing Evangelicals. You can't make this stuff up. Everything we suspected was true is in fact true. The persecution complex, the bigotry, the lack of critical thought, the sense of entitlement: It's all richly on display in these videos.


Who is beholding to who?

At around 42 minutes... the gentlemen speaking is telling the Apostles who important it is to have high priests in politics for church business, and to "access and influence decisions? "

Wow is right
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Re: Leaked videos of meetings with the Q15

Post by _Aoife »

Oh wow, wow, wow. Bless their hearts.
_Everybody Wang Chung
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Re: Leaked videos of meetings with the Q15

Post by _Everybody Wang Chung »

Just an FYI, the person who leaked these videos is not the same person who has been leaking various Church documents.

I wonder how high up this person is to have access to the videos? How many more is he, and/or she, planning on releasing?
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Re: Leaked videos of meetings with the Q15

Post by _Markk »

At around 43:14


it is of inestimable value to this church and my hope in the days and years ahead more members will be in office in that there is a political and economic component which is vital how the church operates.
Don't take life so seriously in that " sooner or later we are just old men in funny clothes" "Tom 'T-Bone' Wolk"
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Re: Leaked videos of meetings with the Q15

Post by _Kishkumen »

Imagine if this stuff had come out when Romney was running for president. It would have tanked the few meager chances he had to beat Obama. Anyone who wondered whether Romney would have been influenced by Mormon leadership would have a mental picture of Senator Gordon Smith (R) fellating a room of octogenarian apostles.
"Petition wasn’t meant to start a witch hunt as I’ve said 6000 times." ~ Hanna Seariac, LDS apologist
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