Abelard & Peterson: Tractatus de Intellectibus

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Abelard & Peterson: Tractatus de Intellectibus

Post by _Agromanticus »

It had come to pass that advanced age rendered me a fine valetudinarian and that I was bundled up with the remnants of my estate for one final journey southwest. The conjunction of my various maladies had at long last reached a significant sum; a sum hefty enough to invoke the inspired tender mercies of the Brethren to gracefully allow your narrator passage into the vast Mojave where I can spend the remainder of this mortal probation in solemn reflection. Solemnity was granted but not solitude. I was to be denied that by way of four orderlies, four patient angels of death who have the unenviable task of watching your narrator diminish. Koltyn, Jaxon, Winsome, and Patches, all of them from fine families living under the peaks of Wasatch. I’ve pressed them into service of recording all that I see fit to dictate. I was met with considerable resistance at first, yet through the sheer force of my damaged and malleable will was I able to insist that time be made for the activity.

I was never allowed a magnum opus when I was fit for such a task and must make do with my current faculties, enfeebled as they are. It is of the utmost importance that my thoughts are given a sense of permanency, as Jaxon here knows, my time is short and I have lost my eyesight. Though optic neuritis has stolen my physical vision it has left my third eye in perfect health. I shall make use of it while I can.


SITREP #31415
Offender#17724 has been transported to the Relief Mine as scheduled. All symptoms are still present with no signs of worsening. Appetite is healthy with no mental lethargy observed, but Offender#17724 does not appear to know his location and has refused all conventional analgesics. Offender#17724 has requested twice for a homeopathic tincture of kava root. Seeking guidance [FRAGMENTARY] CPL Jaxon has been taking dictation in hopes of [FRAGMENTARY] on the Cassius Five.

Included with this communication is the appropriate requisition form [FRAGMENTARY] please consult your S.O.P. Binder in the future for the appropriate forms and submission guidelines. [FRAGMENTARY] send all original dictations to the Executive HQ desk, send a copy Company desk with the box number for Lieutenant S., and maintain two sets of copies there at the Relief Mine. Further instructions to follow.
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Re: Abelard & Peterson: Tractatus de Intellectibus

Post by _Tom »

It may take me several days to ruminate over and begin to digest the multiple meanings and allusions and implications and emanations and penumbras of this post. Perhaps one of Cassius’ esteemed faculty members can chime in with some interpretive guidance or even an annotated version of the OP. I would be most appreciative.

Is there more to come?
“A scholar said he could not read the Book of Mormon, so we shouldn’t be shocked that scholars say the papyri don’t translate and/or relate to the Book of Abraham. Doesn’t change anything. It’s ancient and historical.” ~ Hanna Seariac
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Re: Abelard & Peterson: Tractatus de Intellectibus

Post by _Maksutov »

Is that you, Q? :lol:

More paranormal activity around Peterson I see. :wink:
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Re: Abelard & Peterson: Tractatus de Intellectibus

Post by _Doctor Scratch »


My memory on the matter is fuzzy--I must defer to Dean Robbers. That said, I seem to recall that Dr. Agromanticus is a Professor Emeritus of Pseudepigripha. I could be wrong about that, though: as the old saying goes, "the devil is in the details."
"[I]f, while hoping that everybody else will be honest and so forth, I can personally prosper through unethical and immoral acts without being detected and without risk, why should I not?." --Daniel Peterson, 6/4/14
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Re: Abelard & Peterson: Tractatus de Intellectibus

Post by _canpakes »

Fun avatar. : )
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Re: Abelard & Peterson: Tractatus de Intellectibus

Post by _Johannes »

THis is something to do with Rosicrucians. The image is Christian Rosenkreuz. You can see the cross with the rose on the door, and the initials "CR".

I'm guessing that Rev. Kishkumen is behind this.

The idea of the blind man who can see things with his inner eye feels classical - maybe there's also a flavour of Homer here?

Presumably the "Relief Mine" is where Brigham Young used to send the Relief Society when he needed more coal.

I don't get the connection with Abelard, save that it was he who wrote the original "Sic et Non". I haven't read his Tractatus de Intellectibus and can't guess what the connection is here.
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Re: Abelard & Peterson: Tractatus de Intellectibus

Post by _moksha »

Agromanticus means field diviner. Perhaps someone familiar or handy with a divining rod?
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What has Athens to do with Salt Lake?

Post by _Agromanticus »

What has Athens to do with Salt Lake?

No no Jaxon, before you can understand the issue of Cassius you must be able to to comprehend the meaning of Mopologetics. Of course it is a real word. Jaxon, all words are made up. It was a neologism coined a generation ago to reference a specific activity and a specific class of individuals. It is an obvious amalgamation of “Mormon” and “apologetics” but if I am to explain why the amalgamation was warranted I’ll need to start explaining how apologetics came down to us. Now Jaxon, if you’d do the humble narrator a service, could you ever so kindly go to the west wall and pull the second volume of the Encyclopedia Britannica.

Handle it smartly now, that book is over a hundred years old. There now, find the entry for “apology” and read to me the second paragraph. Yes, copy that down, but stop after the word “beliefs”.

The word " apology " or " apologia " is also used in the sense of defence or vindication, the only meaning of the Greek ἀπολογία, especially of the defence of a doctrine or system, or of religious or other beliefs…

Well done. Now turn to the entry on “Apologetics” and start reading from the first Roman numeral. I’ll tell you when to halt.

The Word itself.—In Greek, ἀπολογία is the defendant's reply (personally, not through a lawyer) to the speech for the prosecution—κατηγορια. Sometimes defendants' speeches passed into literature, e.g. Plato's splendid version of the Apology of Socrates. Thus, in view of persecution or slander, the Christian church naturally produced literary "Apologies." The word has never quite lost this connotation of standing on the defensive and rebutting criticism…

That should do. I have no interest in making you Jabez of the Red-Headed League, so please return that volume to the shelf. If we are to have a discussion of apologetics we’ll need to clear away some historical debris. Simply beginning with the contemporary crisis of that most unfortunate of industries would be folly. The 1911 hinted at Athenian influence, but it didn’t say enough. Let us supplement it then.

Athenian citizens (males) spent much of their lives being involved in the civic life of his πόλις (polis) by spending time in the city’s army or fleet every season during his physical prime, participating in legislative affairs of the council of 500 called the βουλή (boule), or a subcommittee of the βουλή made up of Presidents called πρύτανις (prytaneis), but every citizen was part of a General Assembly called the ἐκκλησία (ekklesia)...what did you say?

My eyes may no longer function but I can assure you my ears still do, did you think I wouldn’t hear you heave that sigh? This is most assuredly not about historical trivia and has more to do with your weekly experience as a Mormon than you realize. Do you not think there are parallels to be seen or comparisons to be made? A population of adult males meeting basic criteria being used as extremely cheap labor to staff all the necessary positions to make the group function. Bodies of men being identified by their number, men being identified as Presidents because of the executive duties? In fact Athenian citizens were so put off by the idea of the General Assembly that when it was to be called, 300 Scythian Warrior-Slaves were deployed to the marketplace to herd citizens towards the assembly with a red rope. Do you not think that our own inspired leadership would similarly compel the Saints if they could do it with no consequences?

Yes that is what I’m saying, our common faith took the vocabulary of Greek civic life and put it to use in our spiritual life. Recite for me 1st Corinthians, chapter 14, verse 12:

Even so ye, forasmuch as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church.

And what word do you think we find being translated as “the church”? Yes ἐκκλησία (ekklesia). Now read Titus Chapter 1, verse 5 to me:

For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee

The word for elders there is πρεσβύτερος (presbyteros) and did you know that 5th century Athens had πρέσβεις (presbeis) who were emissaries that acted on behlaf of their city? [FRAGMENTARY] fetch Koltyn, the numbness has spread from my toes up to my knees. I need another blanket. There is no need to snarl at an old man!


SITREP #926535
Offender#17724’s condition has worsened with temporary loss of fine motor skills and numbness of the lower extremities [FRAGMENTARY] was upset by CPL Jaxon’s attitude and called it a demonic manifestation, Offender#17724 refused all food and liquids until provided with a homeopathic dose of of lice bane [FRAGMENTARY] complaining of hand cramps and fears carpal tunnel [FRAGMENTARY]

Authorization for recording and later transcription is authorized.
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Re: Abelard & Peterson: Tractatus de Intellectibus

Post by _Blixa »

Johannes wrote:
Presumably the "Relief Mine" is where Brigham Young used to send the Relief Society when he needed more coal.

The Relief Mine of Bishop Koyle.

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Re: Abelard & Peterson: Tractatus de Intellectibus

Post by _Lemmie »

moksha wrote:Agromanticus means field diviner. Perhaps someone familiar or handy with a divining rod?

Good catch, Moksha!

The Wasatch Front names are too perfect: Koltyn and Jaxon. Maybe there is a deeper meaning there? I'm assuming Winsome and Patches are of the feline variety.
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