What are the new changes to the Endowments?

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_Fence Sitter
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Re: What are the new changes to the Endowments?

Post by _Fence Sitter »

Interesting post over at MAD by the Narrator speculating that the recent changes may be because historians are providing more evidence that the changes in the temple affecting women can be blamed on Brigham Young's hatred of Emma.

The Narrator @ MAD wrote:It would be interesting to know if The Brethren felt okay making the change because of historical research that seems to show that Brigham Young introduced the language making women subordinate to their husbands in response to Young's belief that Joseph's death was partly due to Emma's rejection of polygamy. Ben Park wrote a good thread on it yesterday that you can read here.

Also, I was just told about these words by Brigham Young in a book we are editing, from the High Priest Quorum Record on March 9, 1845:

BY wrote:Relief Society—is going to meet again—I say I will curse every man that lets his wife or daughters meet again—until I tell them—What are relief societies for? To relieve us of our best men—They relieved us of Joseph and Hyrum—that is what they will lead to—I don’t want the advice or counsel of any woman—they would lead us down to hell—there is no woman on the face of the earth that can save herself—but if she ever comes into the celestial kingdom, she must be led in by some man—God knew what Eve was, He was acquainted with woman thousands and millions of years befo

See here.

God evidently can tell his apostles and prophets how many earrings a woman can wear but is unable to tell them in more than 150 years that BY incorrectly placed women in a subservient role in His most holy place on earth engaging in His most holy ordinance of all.

Given the after the fact reaction of the Church to ongoing social demands and historical discoveries, wouldn't the church be better served calling sociologist and historians to positions of authority than lawyers and businessmen? At least the former might be able to shave a few decades off the time delays in important revelations.
"Any over-ritualized religion since the dawn of time can make its priests say yes, we know, it is rotten, and hard luck, but just do as we say, keep at the ritual, stick it out, give us your money and you'll end up with the angels in heaven for evermore."
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Re: What are the new changes to the Endowments?

Post by _Mormonicious »

Changes Smanges, still can't beat Youtube, Nexflix, Hulu, or any other electronic entertainment.

All Fraternal and Maternal clubs are suffering a lost in activity. http://michaelbrand.org/why-our-service ... are-dying/
http://www.ciphermagazine.com/articles/ ... s-and-elks

Mormonism's club is no different. It just isn't appealing to the new generations. This is one of the reasons that the Corporation is investing heavily in Commercial projects.
Revelation 2:17 . . give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it. Thank Google GOD for her son eBay, you can now have life eternal with laser engraving. . oh, and a seer stone and save 10% of your life's earning as a bonus. See you in Mormon man god Heaven Bitches!!. Bring on the Virgins
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Re: What are the new changes to the Endowments?

Post by _Shulem »


Go get em, President NelSatan!
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Re: What are the new changes to the Endowments?

Post by _Shulem »

SataNelson is alive and well.


_I have a question
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Re: What are the new changes to the Endowments?

Post by _I have a question »

One of the things that puzzled me about the sealing ordinance was that I needed to know my spouses new name in order for her to get into the Celestial Kingdom, she couldn't get in without me calling her through by name. But my wife is not allowed to know my new name, meaning she cannot call me through, she cannot go through ahead and find me after etc.

I'm guessing that hasn't changed and that by virtue of the new name protocol, females still need to be sealed to a man to get into the Celestial Kingdom.
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Re: What are the new changes to the Endowments?

Post by _moksha »

Juliann At MAD wrote:What eternal principal has changed? Women have always thought they were covenanting with the Lord, despite the language we had to work around.

I agree with Juliann on this point. Just because some old geezer said something to indicate male chauvinism is endorsed by God, does not make that claim of endorsement true.

Are white slippers now permitted for the nude clogging ceremony?
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Re: What are the new changes to the Endowments?

Post by _Lemmie »

moksha wrote:
Juliann At MAD wrote:What eternal principal has changed? Women have always thought they were covenanting with the Lord, despite the language we had to work around.

I agree with Juliann on this point. Just because some old geezer said something to indicate male chauvinism is endorsed by God, does not make that claim of endorsement true.

Are white slippers now permitted for the nude clogging ceremony?

Moksha, i have absolutely no doubt that things have evolved to a nude clogging ceremony, given my last Celestial Room experience some decades ago, which I documented here last year:
Here's my prevailing memory of the Celestial Room. We traveled to the DC temple for a ward event, even spending the night (at the Marriott, of course.)

One ward member, with a BIG church name, had quite a quirky sense of humor. An extremely intense TBM made a comment in the Celestial Room about how it wasn't possible to be frivolous or light-minded in such a glorious setting. The BIG name decided that was not logical, and so proceeded to try to pinch her butt in an effort to get her to laugh. She of course, was horrified, but couldn't do anything so un-Celestial as run away or tell a priesthood holder to knock it off.

So, my very last memory of the Celestial Room is watching the BIG name, bent in half (a very tall guy, to tweak her butt he had to cut his height in half), his baker's hat askew, slow-motion-chase the intense one around the room, as she kept hiking up her long dress and then twitching her butt to the side to avoid him when he got close, during which chase she of course lost both her temple flats and managed to undo her apron. The veil ribbons fared even less well. Everyone in the room was laughing their asses off, while making no sound whatsoever. It was truly surreal.
_I have a question
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Re: What are the new changes to the Endowments?

Post by _I have a question »

I have a question wrote:
Fence Sitter wrote:
  • The movie is new, consisting of little live action at all, mostly still pictures, even of Adam and Eve, with voice-over narration.
  • There is new music, beautiful and appropriate.
  • Much of the repetitive "return and report" was eliminated.
  • God no longer speaks just to the man, but to both Adam and Eve equally.
  • The separate covenants of obedience for man and woman are integrated into a single covenant for all, with new language to obey god, which this temple worker found to be very uplifting.
  • The robes are no longer applied for the Aaronic Priesthood, but rather, only done once for the Melchizedek/Terrestrial Kingdom. Slippers are no longer considered part of the robes and thus are not removed.
  • Instead of "That will do" after covenants, the text now says 'Thank you'.
  • The Law of the Gospel is now referred to as the "Higher Law".
  • The Law of Chastity is expressed with more equality.
  • At the end of the dramatic / movie section, BOTH Adam and Eve direct comments to the audience, and Eve has the last word.
  • No veiling of women.

A new movie, a mere 4/5 years after the last set of new movies?
A year after the LDS Church began using a new film for temple instruction for the first time in 20 years, and six months after introducing a second, a third new film is in rotation.

The latest film presentation began showing Tuesday in 30 of the 143 operating temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a church spokesman confirmed.

The new film is only in English for now. Like the others, its use will expand to other temples around the world over time and as translations are prepared.

The script in each of the films is the same. The films are shown in a rotation to provide variety to temple instruction.

The church released the first of the three new films in July 2013. That version also was released on a smaller scale, but it is now widely used in temples around the world in multiple languages.

The second new film entered the temple rotation in January.

https://www.deseretnews.com/article/865 ... -film.html

I wonder what they spent on filming and producing those new movies 4 or 5 years ago?
I wonder what the actors and actresses think of their work being discarded?
Were any of the actors and actresses in those new-but-now-discarded movies no longer faithful I wonder?

It's as if God keeps changing His mind...

I guess we now know why...
The abuse allegations are against Sterling Van Wagenen a BYU grad, co-founder of the Sundance Film Festival with Robert Redford, director of the Academy Award winning film "The Trip to Bountiful" and the man who was hired by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to direct new videos for the LDS temple endowment ceremony in 2013.

https://kutv.com/news/local/lds-temple- ... ys-website

It now appears that the Church re-did the movies not because a pedophile produced them, they already knew about that from his membership records, but because they knew it was going to become public. Only the pending publicity of the good old boys cover up network prompted them to act.
“When we are confronted with evidence that challenges our deeply held beliefs we are more likely to reframe the evidence than we are to alter our beliefs. We simply invent new reasons, new justifications, new explanations. Sometimes we ignore the evidence altogether.” (Mathew Syed 'Black Box Thinking')
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