Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _moksha »

Dr. Shades Kiwi57 • a day ago
Would you mind not using the word "Shadezerian" ever again?

Thank you.

Kiwi57 Dr. Shades • a day ago • edited
It's a little odd that you should imagine yourself entitled to censor the entire internet. Nevertheless, since you asked, I'll honour your request. I won't mention it in connection with you or your internet activities, of which you are right to be ashamed. Should, in the future, I happen to meet another person with that name, I can't promise not to call them by it, as normal protocol demands.

In exchange, would you mind not using the words "Peterson" or "Midgley" ever again?

Or allowing them to appear on your egregiously spiteful message board?

Thank you.

DanielPeterson Mod Kiwi57 • a day ago
Kiwi57: In exchange, would you mind not using the words "Peterson" or "Midgley" ever again? Or allowing them to appear on your egregiously spiteful message board?"

Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Unfortunately, I'm afraid that some folks' heads there would explode from high-pressure bile if they were prevented from voicing their contemptuous hatred for me and for Professor Midgley multiple times each day.

It's a principal feature and a defining characteristic of the Shades board.

Dr. Shades Kiwi57 • a day ago
Thank you very much.

Moksha Kiwi57 • a day ago
In exchange, would you mind not using the words "Peterson" or "Midgley" ever again?
Do you have any suggested code names to use in place of Peterson or Midgley?

DanielPeterson Mod Moksha • 13 hours ago
I would suggest, respectively, "St. Daniel the Good" and "The Venerable One."
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Lemmie »

Moksha DanielPeterson • 14 hours ago

I want to feel safe and secure where ever I post. Professor Midgley did leave something of an ambiguous post that more or less said he would only quit hounding me if I ceased posting at Sic et Non and the Shades board. What can be done about that? You know as well as I that it is unhealthy to fixated upon someone to that degree. Can you funnel him into some more worthwhile pursuit?

DanielPeterson Moksha 13 hours ago

....Moksha: "Can you funnel him into some more worthwhile pursuit?"

I'm encouraging disengagement. ... 4927570578
Probably the single most commonsense comment I’ve ever seen DCP post. Hopefully he has some sway on Midgley’s online stalking and harassing behaviors, be they caused by ill health or just meanness.
_Dr Exiled
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Dr Exiled »

The Midge is a real hoot. My fave is his admitting to contacting the Area Presidency and Stake President so he could definitely not stalk Gina Colvin and/or her husband, half-way around the world in New Zealand. One wonders if his trip was planned for the occasion? Does he have a file on Ms. Colvin? I wouldn't doubt it. Perhaps there is a wall dedicated to her in his house? I once had a case where my client discovered that her husband was cheating on her. She blew up his phone with close to 1 hundred texts in a day and was subsequently charged with texting harassment. One wonders if New Zealand authorities would charge one of our favorite apologists under their harassment laws?
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Lemmie »

Dr Exiled wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 3:01 pm
The Midge is a real hoot. My fave is his admitting to contacting the Area Presidency and Stake President so he could definitely not stalk Gina Colvin and/or her husband, half-way around the world in New Zealand. One wonders if his trip was planned for the occasion? Does he have a file on Ms. Colvin? I wouldn't doubt it. Perhaps there is a wall dedicated to her in his house? I once had a case where my client discovered that her husband was cheating on her. She blew up his phone with close to 1 hundred texts in a day and was subsequently charged with texting harassment. One wonders if New Zealand authorities would charge one of our favorite apologists under their harassment laws?
This story just gets creepier and creepier. So, Midgley contacted higher-ups in a religion to which he is aware Colvin no longer belongs, in an attempt to pin down where she might be and then asks them to facilitate a meeting. When she isn’t there with her husband, Midgley spins the stake president’s assistance into a story that the husband wanted to meet him, which is blatantly untrue, according to Colvin, herself. Midgley falsely represents himself as friendly, and apparently gets enough information that he is able to spin it into several mean-spirited comments about Colvin’s personal motivations. He shows no signs of stopping either, and is now hinting he has emails showing the lds church regrets her minor involvement regarding Maori/lds history in the Saints volume, chapters of which where available online last summer.

I wonder if the original reason for all of this stalking is that Midgley is feeling snubbed that his church didn’t come to him for that section of Saints, so he is directing his anger toward the person they did go to?

Yes, this all certainly qualifies as creepy stalking by an angry man. The fact that lds leaders assisted doesn’t reflect well on them.
_Dr Exiled
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Dr Exiled »

Lemmie wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 3:46 pm
Dr Exiled wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 3:01 pm
The Midge is a real hoot. My fave is his admitting to contacting the Area Presidency and Stake President so he could definitely not stalk Gina Colvin and/or her husband, half-way around the world in New Zealand. One wonders if his trip was planned for the occasion? Does he have a file on Ms. Colvin? I wouldn't doubt it. Perhaps there is a wall dedicated to her in his house? I once had a case where my client discovered that her husband was cheating on her. She blew up his phone with close to 1 hundred texts in a day and was subsequently charged with texting harassment. One wonders if New Zealand authorities would charge one of our favorite apologists under their harassment laws?
This story just gets creepier and creepier. So, Midgley contacted higher-ups in a religion to which he is aware Colvin no longer belongs, in an attempt to pin down where she might be and then asks them to facilitate a meeting. When she isn’t there with her husband, Midgley spins the stake president’s assistance into a story that the husband wanted to meet him, which is blatantly untrue, according to Colvin, herself. Midgley falsely represents himself as friendly, and apparently gets enough information that he is able to spin it into several mean-spirited comments about Colvin’s personal motivations. He shows no signs of stopping either, and is now hinting he has emails showing the LDS church regrets her minor involvement regarding Maori/LDS history in the Saints volume, chapters of which where available online last summer.

I wonder if the original reason for all of this stalking is that Midgley is feeling snubbed that his church didn’t come to him for that section of Saints, so he is directing his anger toward the person they did go to?

Yes, this all certainly qualifies as creepy stalking by an angry man. The fact that LDS leaders assisted doesn’t reflect well on them.
The more I think about it, the snub scenario seems to be the most logical for his behavior. He talks so incessantly about New Zealand that he probably believes that he is the only one to tell the story. It reminds me of the first time I came into contact with the Midge. I was at a New Zealand missionary society function with family and some ward members back in the 70's. I was young and running around the stake center in the Rose Park area of SLC when I heard some sharp words. The Midge was upset that the gatherings were always in the Rose Park stake center and that area of SLC was beneath him. He was also upset that those from SLC controlled the presidency of the society and he let everyone know, especially Elder Simpson, the GA that was heavily involved in the society.

The Midge was a jerk back then and this is more of the same.
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Lemmie »

Wow, Dr. Exiled. How insulting that must have been to hear his take on unsuitable areas. I keep hearing stories like this about Midgley. He’s had a finger in everyone’s pie, it seems!

This may be a story for Doctor Scratch to follow up on, at this point. I took a quick look into the New Zealand privacy acts, and it seems that Midgley’s involvement of the Area and Stake Presidencies in locating the congregation of and then arranging a meeting with the member spouse of a woman, and/or the woman herself who is no longer a member of their church may have violated the law regarding how churches can use and share personal information. Doctor Scratch? Any thoughts?
_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

Big Baby Lou continues to mew!

"And Moksha thinks that my comment was "something of an ambiguous post." One who is constantly sneering at the faith of others, who is himself perfectly unfaithful, sometimes really nasty, is now begging Professor to "funnel [me] into some more worthwhile pursuit," since he thinks that "it is unhealthy to [be] fixated upon someone to that degree." Should Moksha give some attention to his own obsession, which is sneering at the faith of Latter-day Saints?"

"gemli joins Moksha! I don't think that poor gemli knows what he is getting into. He should flee before he is gobbled up by Shades. Rats! I keep forgetting that Shades wants to be known as fake Dr. Shades."

I suppose if anyone knows anything about sneering and bitching about others it'd be Big Baby Lou Midgley!

- Doc
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Lemmie »

Louis Midgley DanielPeterson • an hour ago • edited

The fact is that the Little Old Donkey is crowing about how the second volume of Saints shows that
Church historians see Marjorie Newton as the one qualified to be consulted and recommended on Maori matters. They actually did, until someone sent them a link to my review of Newton's Mormon and Maori. I was not the one who sent this to them. They were shocked.

And I have in my possession two email messages where "they" are now making every effort to claim that Newton hardly had a thing to do with what got published. I don't believe a word of this.

Instead, Newton called attention to an essay by Ian Barber that appeared in a Special Issue of the Journal of Mormon History, that was edited by Gina Colvin. And this essay was recruited to respond to me, without mentioning my name or what I have published, but going after Dr. Robert Joseph instead. That essay is recommended in volume two of Saints. In addition, Ian Barber spent a year in the Sociology Department at BYU. He is still here in Utah working on a book.

He read a paper at the Mormon History conference in Salt Lake, and I had a long and very useful conversation with him after that session. He admitted that I had crushed Marjorie Newton's Mormon and Maori. I pointed out that Newton claims that Ian Barber was the one who coached her on Maori things. Oh that was a wonderful conversation. But we did not talk about his own essay that Gina Colvin had him write for that issue of the JMH.

I fully agree that I have better things to do than joust with Dr. Velho Burrinho MD.
[Regarding the bolding, given Midgley’s penchant for exaggeration, I don’t believe a word of it either.]

“ And this essay was recruited to respond to me, without mentioning my name or what I have published, but going after Dr. Robert Joseph instead. ”

How paranoid do you have to be to claim something was a response to you, even though not only was your name not mentioned, but another’s was?
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Dr LOD »

The fact is that the Little Old Donkey is crowing about how the second volume of Saints shows that Church historians see Marjorie Newton as the one qualified to be consulted and recommended on Maori matters.
The fact is that that was the only contemporary scholarly book cited in the footnotes. I don’t know how it could more clear on what the church wanted to present, and what they found authoritative.

Midgley can continue with his confabulation and fairy tales. Anyone whom he talked to probably didn’t have any authority in the decision and just wanted Midgley to quit bothering them.

It is funny that he is now strutting around his playpen acting like he proved something. Since DCP banned me Midgley can sit behind the fence like the coward he is.
_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

Big Baby Lou boo hoos with this really interesting tidbit:

"I think that Blair Hodges was that source of my email. In January 1-2 Dr. Velho Burrinho boasted that he is tight with an important person in the Neal A. Maxwell Institute. And that it was someone who had strong opinions about the harm that apologists have done."

Really. Blair. Would you like to respond to this accusation?

- Doc
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