Klan in Government

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Klan in Government

Post by _subgenius »

All KKK members at one time or another:

Jefferson Davis, Democrat and Speaker of the House....and then the president of the Confederate States of America.
Robert C. Byrd - Senate Democrat (Hillary Clinton's "mentor", eulogized by Barry)
Edward Douglass White - Democrat and the Chief Justice of the United States
Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black - ran as Democrat for Senate
Theodore G. Bilbo - Democrat, Governor of Mississippi and U.S. Senator for Mississippi
Benjamin F. Stapleton, a Democrat, was mayor of Denver
John Clinton Porter, a Democrat, mayor of Los Angeles
John Brown Gordon, a Democrat and the U.S. Senator for Georgia
Bibb Graves, a Democrat, who was the Governor of Alabama
Harry S. Truman, Democratic paid the Klan's $10 membership fee
Strom Thurmond, Lester Maddox, George Wallace...
ok, way to many Democrats to continue listing - no worries, there were this many Republicans as well;

Edward L. Jackson became Governor of Indiana as a Republican in 1925
Clarence Morley, a Republican and the Governor of Colorado (we see you Colorado)

during the Civil War in 1862: A bill was introduced in Congress to free the approximately thirty-two hundred slaves in the District of Columbia where the federal government ruled. David Blight, in his superb biography Frederick Douglass, Prophet of Freedom, writes that “The roiling debate in both houses centered on the capacities of black people to cope with freedom and what was to be done with them after emancipation.” The bill proposed to pay compensation of $300 per slave to each slaveholder as well as $100,000 for various plans for colonization after the slaves were freed.
Every Republican in Congress voted for the measure. Every Northern Democrat but four voted against the bill. President Abraham Lincoln signed the bill into law in April 1862

To be honest, can't quite get past the Byrd endorsements - anyone think Hillary Clinton and Barry took the high road? or did they just fall in line with the tried and true tradition of racial oppression by Democratic Party policy?

80 percent of Republicans supported the Civil Rights Act, whereas only 63 percent of Democrats supported the law

"Rather I should die a thousand times . . . than see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." - Robert Byrd, Democrat Senator (1959 through 2010) and founder of the Sophia, West Virginia chapter of the Ku Klux Klan (150 members)

“I did not lie awake at night worrying about the problems of Negroes.” – Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, 1961

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness” - Lyndon B. Johnson (1963)

“I’ll have those n**gers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” - Lyndon B. Johnson confiding in two governors why the passage of his civil rights and welfare legislation was important (1963)

But please, do not let reality get in your way...orange man must surely be racist....because when Biden opposed busing minorities into schools.... :eek:
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Re: Klan in Government

Post by _EAllusion »

Is this post written in the alternative universe where Dixiecrats didn't gradually shift to the Republican party from the 1940's through the conservative ascendance in the 80's?
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Re: Klan in Government

Post by _EAllusion »

Perhaps it was written by a ghost trapped in 1952?
_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: Klan in Government

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

I would suggest most people bitching about cancel culture right now are on the Right. And, yet. Here we are. Whatever the case may be, I'll own the Democrats' racist past. They were racist.

And then they learned. And became more inclusive. And then made amends. And now? Blacks and majority minority voting blocs are Democrat.

Funny how that works.

- Doc
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Re: Klan in Government

Post by _moksha »

A sure sign that Democrats represent Klan values would be for Subgenius, Ajax, and LDSfaqs to side with the Democrats. They do side with Trump, right?
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Re: Klan in Government

Post by _EAllusion »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Fri Jun 12, 2020 8:28 pm
I would suggest most people bitching about cancel culture right now are on the Right. And, yet. Here we are. Whatever the case may be, I'll own the Democrats' racist past. They were racist.

And then they learned. And became more inclusive. And then made amends. And now? Blacks and majority minority voting blocs are Democrat.

Funny how that works.

- Doc
They didn't "learn" so much as switch parties, though. Obviously the politics of racism in the present has different contours than decades ago, but the themes are remarkably similar with strong continuity between the political groups now and then. The organized racists more or less just switched parties. Older Democrats kept their influential positions, barring some exceptions, then saw to it that their proteges would work within the Republican party at the exact same time voting behavior motivated by racial resentment flipped to the Republican party.
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Re: Klan in Government

Post by _EAllusion »

The historian Kevin Kruse gained his fame as a public intellectual by absolutely destroying Dinese D'Sousa for making the dumb, ignorant argument Subs is trying here:

https://Twitter.com/KevinMKruse/status/ ... 6785489921
_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: Klan in Government

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »


What’s that quote from LBJ again? Also, when I say Democrats learned, I’m talking about the people who were moved by the civil rights movement and shifted their views toward egalitarianism. I’m not disputing the fact that the majority of Dixiecrats became Republican, but a LOT of Democrats throughout the country have had to unlearn a LOT of things in order to be open to inclusion. It’s been a process, for sure. I know I wouldn’t suggest the Dems were culturally and systemically a-ok from jump street. They, or we, have had to evolve over time.

- Doc
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Re: Klan in Government

Post by _EAllusion »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Fri Jun 12, 2020 8:50 pm

What’s that quote from LBJ again? Also, when I say Democrats learned, I’m talking about the people who were moved by the civil rights movement and shifted their views toward egalitarianism. I’m not disputing the fact that the majority of Dixiecrats became Republican, but a LOT of Democrats throughout the country have had to unlearn a LOT of things in order to be open to inclusion. It’s been a process, for sure. I know I wouldn’t suggest the Democrats were culturally and systemically a-ok from jump street. They, or we, have had to evolve over time.

- Doc
I'm saying that people, broadly speaking, with liberal social values shifted away from Republicans and towards Democrats and this is more explanatory for the shift towards social liberalism in the Democratic party than changing values of the people within the party. That's not to say that there hasn't been changes among people too. America obviously isn't in the 1920's. People have changed. Loving vs. Virginia's anniversary just happened. It wasn't until the late 90's (!) that interracial relationships were approved of by the majority of the public. Young people replaced old people and some old people changed their mind. That the type of people who oppose interracial relationships went from Democratic voters to Republican voters isn't the result of people changing their mind, though. That macro-change is about a resorting of partisan identification.
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Re: Klan in Government

Post by _EAllusion »

Here's one way to look at it. Ajax18, until very recently, posted on Stormfront under the exact same handle. That was a major online gathering of white supremacists - literal KKK members, neo-Nazis, and the like. While he has claimed to have disavowed this, he has continued on with the same beliefs and attitudes found there into his present posting.

During this time, Ajax18 has been a *hardcore* Republican. He loves Donald Trump so much that he recently on this board pledged undying loyalty to Trump's family members.

If Subs argument is correct, does Ajax18 misunderstand his own interests? Does he not realize that the Democratic party is actually the one who matches his white supremacist values? Is he, like, super-duper confused? And Ajax isn't an isolated example. He is representative of your typical Stormfront type. They're reactionary conservatives who love Trump. What gives?

I think this is easily explained by the fact that they correctly recognize which party better represents their ideological interests and which politicians most closely echo their thoughts. Subs, on the other hand, has a giant KKK sized hole in his theory even if you ignore the abject historical ignorance.
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