Trump openly admits to sabotaging Post Office to boost his re-election chances

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Trump openly admits to sabotaging Post Office to boost his re-election chances

Post by _Gunnar »

Trump openly admits to sabotaging Post Office to boost his re-election chances.
After multiple reports from around the country cropped up about severe delays in postal service delivery in recent weeks, there has been speculation that the president is intentionally ordering the Post Office to slow down ahead of the election so that he can more easily challenge mail-in ballots that are delivered late this fall.
Any of you who see nothing wrong with this are despicable traitors to our democracy! In effect, Trump is unabashedly admitting that he is deliberately trying to rig the election in his favor, which is the very thing he is falsely condemning the Democrats for trying to do!

There is no longer any reasonable doubt (if there ever was any) that Trump is the most openly and unabashedly corrupt and self-serving President this country has ever had. And it still remains unequivocally true that no other national leader has botched his nation's pandemic response worse than our own desperately-aspiring-to-be-absolute-tyrant, Donald J. Trump.
Last edited by Guest on Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Trump openly admits to sabotaging Post Office to boost his re-election chances

Post by _Some Schmo »

Without hypocrisy, the GOP and their Trumptard base would have nothing to do. Hypocrisy is the GOP brand.
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Re: Trump openly admits to sabotaging Post Office to boost his re-election chances

Post by _Jersey Girl »

Hate to say I told you so, but I did mention this as a prediction previously. You could see it coming a mile away if you could think like a criminal, I mean, Trump.

One day he's greasily doling out 125 million masks to school children because what a great guy he is, he cares about the children. And the very next day he's admits publicly that he's willing to put the very LIVES of 300 million American's at risk for personal and political gain.

WTH isn't this an impeachable offense? Isn't this a violation of his oath of office? If not, then what is it? It's tampering with the election in a global pandemic. It's putting the entire population of the American public at risk for disease and/or death. He's willing to f-uck up an entire Federal agency.

How is this not actionable by the U.S. Congress?
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_Some Schmo
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Re: Trump openly admits to sabotaging Post Office to boost his re-election chances

Post by _Some Schmo »

One of the things that the moronic Trump base likes to say is, "tell me exactly how Trump's administration has made your life worse." As though if I don't feel something directly, I have nothing about which to complain. Of course they would think that; they are mired in loathsome, psychopathic selfishness. They are unpatriotic fu-cking traitors who don't give a sh-it about this country, or too fu-cking stupid to see how it's been laid low by the moron they want to butt-fu-Celestial Kingdom.

But if they need something concrete, something that directly affects me (besides having to listen to the fuc-king moron and his moron supporters for 4 years, or the fact that we've had to put up with stay-at-home orders for months now because he's too incompetent to do anything about COVID) is this post office delay. I sent a request to the Georgia DMV two weeks ago and it still hasn't even arrived yet.

Trump can go fu-Celestial Kingdom himself, except he can't, since his dick is a tiny mushroom that barely reaches the inside of his diaper. We just had to be saddled with a douche bag upset and overcompensating for his micro-penis and the fact that mommy and daddy never loved him.
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Re: Trump openly admits to sabotaging Post Office to boost his re-election chances

Post by _Jersey Girl »

This guy is going to keep stirring the pot and throwing this country into all out chaos right up to the election and until January if he loses. If he loses, what are we going to end up watching his fat ass being physically dragged out of the White House at gunpoint?

This is America?

This s-hit is now going on in full public view and on record. Can Congress do nothing about this? The only recourse we have is our vote. We're supposed to risk our lives to vote in person? For what purpose? Only to watch him throw a giant s-hit fit afterwards if he loses anyway? Because we all know that's what he'll do.

Either way, vote by mail or vote in person. If he loses he's going to ratchet up chaos "like no one's ever seen before". That's how he gets by every day of his life and that's how he's gotten by for the past near 4 years. Probably his entire life.
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_Jersey Girl
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Re: Trump openly admits to sabotaging Post Office to boost his re-election chances

Post by _Jersey Girl »

Some Schmo wrote:
Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:31 pm
I sent a request to the Georgia DMV two weeks ago and it still hasn't even arrived yet.
Schmo in the past 2 months we failed to receive our car registration tags and my debit card (had to get it shut off because I misplaced the thing).

Jersey Boy signed up for this thing called USPS Informed Delivery. It's emails and it shows photos of the addressed mail coming to your box so if you don't receive it--maybe it goes to the neighbor down the street--you will at least know.

Both the pieces of mail I mentioned were delivered to our next door neighbor who is out of town and sat in her mail box for a MONTH until the daughter collected it while checking on the house. By then, we had re-applied for both items.
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Re: Trump openly admits to sabotaging Post Office to boost his re-election chances

Post by _Gunnar »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:25 pm
How is this not actionable by the U.S. Congress?
Only because the Senate is currently controlled by nearly as corrupt GOP bastards who know that their own reelection is in jeopardy if a fair and open election is allowed!
No precept or claim is more likely to be false than one that can only be supported by invoking the claim of Divine authority for it--no matter who or what claims such authority.

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_Some Schmo
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Re: Trump openly admits to sabotaging Post Office to boost his re-election chances

Post by _Some Schmo »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:39 pm
Jersey Boy signed up for this thing called USPS Informed Delivery. It's emails and it shows photos of the addressed mail coming to your box so if you don't receive it--maybe it goes to the neighbor down the street--you will at least know.
Thanks for this, Jersey Girl. I wonder how long it will last under the new "management."
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_Some Schmo
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Re: Trump openly admits to sabotaging Post Office to boost his re-election chances

Post by _Some Schmo »

Gunnar wrote:
Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:42 pm
Jersey Girl wrote:
Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:25 pm
How is this not actionable by the U.S. Congress?
Only because the Senate is currently controlled by nearly as corrupt GOP bastards who know that their own reelection is in jeopardy if a fair and open election is allowed!
Well, not to mention the fact that most of what Trump does is actionable by Congress, but we've been through that process, and we already know where the GOP members stand on the question of holding the douche bag to account (because, as Gunnar points out, they are worried about reelection). It's almost as though they haven't read the job description, only heard about it, and only think that oversight applies to Democrats. It's a sad day when Romney is the only Republican in the senate with integrity and a sense of duty.

The GOP senate majority could take Trump out any time they want. They have already made their choice.

What can you say? Holy sh-it, what a bunch of traitors to the constitution.
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_Jersey Girl
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Re: Trump openly admits to sabotaging Post Office to boost his re-election chances

Post by _Jersey Girl »

Some Schmo wrote:
Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:56 pm
Jersey Girl wrote:
Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:39 pm
Jersey Boy signed up for this thing called USPS Informed Delivery. It's emails and it shows photos of the addressed mail coming to your box so if you don't receive it--maybe it goes to the neighbor down the street--you will at least know.
Thanks for this, Jersey Girl. I wonder how long it will last under the new "management."

Don't know. There's no guarantee the stuff's going to show up in your mailbox but at least you know it's about to be delivered and can try to hunt it down if needed.

You know what another thing that gets me about Trump and Congress playing ping pong with the relief bill, is not only is he messing with a Federal Agency for personal/political gain or that he's willing to put the lives of the entire population at risk to vote in-person. They are holding up millions of stimulus checks that would bring relief to American's who are financially stressed out of their minds.

Is he proud of the long waiting lines for food bank distribution? Is that another example of how he made America great again?

Sorry, I don't mean to drive this off topic. But yeah, all around him is a country in chaos and destruction. He can see it? He's proud of it?

This, after all, is his handiwork. This is what winning looks like.

My god I have so many horrible things to say about this guy but I'm trying to stifle it.
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