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Re: LDS Thoughts and DOCTRINE.

Post by Elizabeth »

The most basic principle of the Gospel is individual freedom, free agency, without which the original war in Heaven and counsel in Heaven would have no meaning.

This principle precedes all the other principles of the Gospel.
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Re: LDS Thoughts and DOCTRINE.

Post by Gadianton »

Did you get a patriarchal blessing, Elizabeth? What tribe of Israel are you from?
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Re: LDS Thoughts and DOCTRINE.

Post by Elizabeth »

From my Patriarchal Blessing:
"You are a sweet and noble spirit belonging to the House of Israel in the lineage of Ephraim.
The Lord is very pleased with your attitude and efforts you are putting forth to serve Him and keep His commandments."
Gadianton wrote:
Tue May 03, 2022 2:52 am
Did you get a patriarchal blessing, Elizabeth? What tribe of Israel are you from?
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Re: LDS Thoughts and DOCTRINE.

Post by Moksha »

Elizabeth wrote:
Sat Apr 30, 2022 4:58 am
The most basic principle of the Gospel is individual freedom, free agency, without which the original war in Heaven and counsel in Heaven would have no meaning.

This principle precedes all the other principles of the Gospel.
For liberal to mainstream Christians, the Great two Commandments are the cornerstone. For Orthodox Mormons, it is usually Obedience.
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Re: LDS Thoughts and DOCTRINE.

Post by High Spy »

Moksha wrote:
Tue May 03, 2022 11:23 am
Elizabeth wrote:
Sat Apr 30, 2022 4:58 am
The most basic principle of the Gospel is individual freedom, free agency, without which the original war in Heaven and counsel in Heaven would have no meaning.

This principle precedes all the other principles of the Gospel.
For liberal to mainstream Christians, the Great two Commandments are the cornerstone. For Orthodox Mormons, it is usually Obedience.
And bowing low to the high, mighty and most fabulous 15. :lol:

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Re: LDS Thoughts and DOCTRINE.

Post by Elizabeth »

The Plan of Salvation is our Heavenly Father’s plan by which we have the best and only opportunity to become like Him. The rules of the mortality game are well-established by our Father, but sometimes arrogance and pride elevate self-image to the point that some believe they know a better way. They think they are wiser, more modern, more progressive, more compassionate, more “whatever” than our Father in Heaven, and consequently demand that He conform to their expectations of Him. It is the equivalent of Christ entering the room and us demanding to see his driver’s license. But our progression in this life is determined by our following the path that our Father has set out for us, not by blazing new trails based upon our limited view of the landscape.

No mortal ever has been faced with a more difficult celestial chore than Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. If ever there were a time for “Yeah, but” discipleship, this was it. “Yeah, but there has to be another way!” Instead, our Saviour demonstrated perfectly how to respond to difficult directives: “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.” Even the Great I AM placed His will second to that of the Father. If Christ was unwilling to overwrite God’s instructions, we should be far more hesitant to do so.
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Re: LDS Thoughts and DOCTRINE.

Post by Elizabeth »

7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

Revelation 12
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Re: LDS Thoughts and DOCTRINE.

Post by Elizabeth »

"Job in the day of dire affliction rejoiced in his testimony of the coming Messiah, and declared with prophetic conviction:

“I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth.”

The songs of David the psalmist abound in oft-recurring allusion to the earthly life of Christ, many circumstances of which are described in detail, and, as to these, corroboration of the utterances is found in New Testament Scriptures.”

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Re: LDS Thoughts and DOCTRINE.

Post by Elizabeth »

https://www.lds.org/manual/jesus-the-ch ... 5?lang=eng

" Jacob’s Prophecy Concerning “Shiloh.”—The prediction of the patriarch Jacob—that the sceptre should not depart from Judah before the coming of Shiloh—has given rise to much disputation among Bible students. Some insist that “Shiloh” is the name of a place and not that of a person. That there was a place known by that name is beyond question (see Joshua 18:1; 19:51; 21:2; 22:9; 1 Samuel 1:3; Jeremiah 7:12); but the name occurring in Genesis 49:10 is plainly that of a person. It should be known that the use of the word in the King James or authorised version of the Bible is held to be correct by many eminent authorities. Thus, in Dummelow’s Commentary on the Holy Bible, we read: “This verse has always been regarded by both Jews and Christians as a remarkable prophecy of the coming of the Messiah. . . . On the rendering given above, the whole verse foretells that Judah would retain authority until the advent of the rightful ruler, the Messiah, to whom all peoples would gather. And, broadly speaking, it may be said that the last traces of Jewish legislative power (as vested in the Sanhedrin) did not disappear until the coming of Christ and the destruction of Jerusalem, from which time His kingdom was set up among men.”
Adam Clarke, in his exhaustive Bible Commentary, briefly analyzes the objections urged against the admissibility of this passage as applying to the Messiah’s advent, and dismisses them all as unfounded. His conclusion as to the meaning of the passage is thus worded: “Judah shall continue a distinct tribe until the Messiah shall come; and it did so; and after His coming it was confounded with the others, so that all distinction has been ever since lost.”

Prof. Douglas, as cited in Smith’s Dictionary, “claims that something of Judah’s sceptre still remained, a total eclipse being no proof that the day is at an end—that the proper fulfillment of the prophecy did not begin till David’s time, and is consummated in Christ according to Luke 1:32, 33.”
The accepted meaning of the word by derivation is “Peaceable,” and this is applicable to the attributes of the Christ, who in Isaiah 9:6, is designated the Prince of Peace.
Eusebius, who lived between 260 and 339 A.D., and is known in ecclesiastical history as Bishop of Cæsarea, wrote: “At the time that Herod was king, who was the first foreigner that reigned over the Jewish people, the prophecy recorded by Moses received it fulfillment, viz. ‘That a prince should not fail of Judah, nor a ruler from his loins, until He should come for whom it is reserved, the expectation of nations.’” (The quoted passage is founded on the Septuagint rendering of Genesis 49:10.)

Some critics have held that in Jacob’s use of the word “Shiloh” he did not intend it as a name or proper noun at all. The writer of the article “Shiloh” in Cassell’s Bible Dictionary says: “The preponderance of evidence is in favor of the Messianic interpretation, but opinions are very divided respecting the retention of the word ‘Shiloh’ as a proper name. . . . Notwithstanding all the objections that are urged against it being so regarded, we are of the opinion that it is rightly considered to be a proper name, and that the English version represents the true sense of the passage. We recommend those who wish to enter more fully into a question which cannot well be discussed without Hebrew criticism, to the excellent notes upon Genesis 49:10 in the ‘Commentary on the Pentateuch’ by Keil and Delitzsch. Here the text is thus rendered: “The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, till Shiloh come, and the willing obedience of the nations be to him.”

“Notwithstanding the slight put upon the Messianic interpretation by some writers, even those from whom we should scarcely expect it, we see this explanation confirmed and not weakened in the events of history. The text is not taken to mean that Judah should at no time be without a royal ruler of his own, but that the regal power should not finally cease from Judah until Shiloh had come. The objections founded on the Babylonian captivity, and similar intermissions, are of no force, because it is the complete and final termination which is pointed out, and that only happened after the time of Christ.”
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Re: LDS Thoughts and DOCTRINE.

Post by Elizabeth »

"With increasing fervency, fearing neither derision nor violence, and driving home to the hearts of his enthralled listeners the fearful fact of their guilt, Peter proclaimed as in voice of thunder: “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.”

The power of the Holy Ghost could not be resisted; to every earnest soul it carried conviction. They that heard were pricked in their hearts, and in contrition cried out to the apostles: “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” Now that they were prepared for the message of salvation, it was given without reserve. “Repent,” answered Peter, “and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.”

https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/stu ... 8?lang=eng
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