I found the perfect school for your kids

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I found the perfect school for your kids

Post by Hawkeye »

It's $60k/year but that should be no problem for Veritas, Schmo, or Res Ipsa. Maybe Marcus should take this woman out on a date. She must not have many options if she's falling for undercover agents from Project Veritas.
Jennifer Norris, who is employed by Trinity School NYC as its Director of Student Activities, was recorded admitting how her current leadership role facilitates her goal of promoting politics in the classroom. I wonder why no responsible working men are interested.

“I just keep trying to disrupt wherever I can,” Norris said. “And now that I’m in this position, I have so many opportunities to do that.”

The school official claims she uses her time at work to advance her ideological objectives.

“I don’t hide how I feel, but I can’t pretend I’m [not] promoting an agenda even though I clearly am with all the stuff I’m doing,” she said.

To avoid attracting the school administration’s attention to this ideological work, Norris tells the Veritas journalist that some things must be done subtly:

Norris: There’s always groups of teachers who want to do these [activist] things but the administration just wouldn’t let us. So, we’ve been just sneaking things in [through] the cracks.

Veritas Journalist: You do what, now?

Norris: You know, it’s like they don’t -- like, the administration was much more conservative than most of us. I’m really good friends with the associate head of school now. She was an English teacher, and then she just kind of moved her way up. She was department chair and now she’s the associate head. So, I go and talk to her all the time, and she’s been amazing. Like, she really cares and has the power to change things. So, I feel like I finally have an in to get it done. But when I started there, I hid my whole life. I felt like a double agent or something. It’s just nice we don’t have to hide our activism outside of school. We don’t have to hide who we are. Like, we can bring our whole selves to work and do the important work now.

The Director of Student Activities appeared to express disdain for a range of white students who attend the school:

Norris: Unfortunately, it’s the white boys who feel very entitled to express their opposite opinions and just push back. There’s a huge contingent of them that are just horrible. And you’re like, “Are you always going to be horrible, or are you just going to be horrible right now?” Don’t know.

Veritas Journalist: Is there any saving these Republican white guys?

Norris: I don’t know. I think they need to go. I think they’re really awful people. That’s kind of what I’m afraid of with my white students that are rich. I’m like -- do you ever have to deal with this? They’re so protected by capitalism. It makes me sad.

. . .

Norris: We need to find some, like, Dexter, sort of like a vigilante, taking people out. You know the show, Dexter?

Veritas Journalist: Oh, yeah.

Norris: We just need some vigilante, Dexters. Like, “Here’s your community of targets.”

The administrator also suggested that holding conservative views at the school may not be worthwhile.

“I mean, we [Trinity School NYC] are not as left as I am, for sure. But it’s definitely a school where conservatives would not feel comfortable,” she said.

Norris went further. She affirmed that as a decision-maker for student activities, she will not permit right-leaning speakers and ideas to be presented to the pupils:

Norris: Two days a week, I bring in speakers from outside. So, that’s been a huge opportunity for me to just bring things -- any social justice issues or just people with experiences.

Veritas Journalist: Yeah.

Norris: So, it’s been really fun.

Veritas Journalist: Do you have to fight with the staff about not letting conservatives speak and--

Norris: No. I mean, I talked to the principal, and I was like, “So, if I’m running this, I’m 100% democratic with the students. I will tell them the [speaker] options and they are voting.” I’m not going to just be like, “These are our speakers for the year.” I want to make sure the kids are engaged and care. So, I do put a lot of it on them, but I said, “There are some speakers I am not even going to put on the plate for them [students], and if that’s a problem, I cannot be in charge of that.” And he [principal] was like, “No.” He said, “This isn’t the time for both [political] sides.” He said, “We’re not in that place in our society.”

Veritas Journalist: I like him. He’s your dean you said?

Norris: He’s the principal of the high school.

Veritas Journalist: Oh, okay.

Norris: So, he’s not -- I want him to be more firm and, like, push back, but if I’m like, “This is my line,” then he’s never -- he’s always like, “That is totally fine.”

Veritas Journalist: So, you guys wouldn’t let Republican perspectives on campus?

Norris: I won’t.

Veritas Journalist: Yeah. Well, you’re in charge, so--

Norris: I’m in charge as far as they [the administration] are concerned. So, if they want to do that [bring Republican speakers], then somebody else has to do it. Because -- not on my watch, I guess.

She admits that the school’s current detention program is used to push politics instead of disciplining students who engaged in wrongdoing:

Norris: So, with my role, I give them [students] all the art supplies. They can make posters together. We have people that go to every march. They get excused from classes, or--

Veritas Journalist: Which marches? Like--

Norris: They went to the women’s rights marches after Trump. They went to all the gun -- the March for our Lives. It’s fun, too, because if they do march out of school -- because sometimes it’s a political protest, and so we don’t actually give them the grace period, but we do. We don’t punish them, but if they do it, then they have to serve detention, and then during detention we talk about social justice. We do much more education there.

Veritas Journalist: Yeah, you’re giving them an opportunity to be encouraged.

Norris: So, it’s like the punishment of detention, but it’s not punishment at all.

The Veritas journalist asked Norris for her thoughts on potentially having a man, dressed as a woman, get paid by the school to speak in front of children:

Veritas Journalist: It’s funny, my friend Moses, Moses the drag queen. I told him I’m on a date with a teacher, and he said, “Ask her if I can -- ask her if she’ll have me at her school!”

Norris: Sure!

Veritas Journalist: Would you do it? Are you open to having him talk about his--

Norris: Yeah, I mean, I’m friends with all the librarians too, so I can see.

Veritas Journalist: A drag queen thing

Norris: Absolutely.

Veritas Journalist: You’d be down? Okay.

Norris: Of course!

Veritas Journalist: What if he wants money though?

Norris: How much money?

Veritas Journalist: You might be able to do $500 or $700?

Norris: We have a lower school. It’s a K-12 school.

Veritas Journalist: Okay. I think it would be most effective with like the younger--

Norris: He wants to, like, read to -- I think it would be awesome.

Veritas Journalist: Yeah, he loves that stuff. I think he wants to get into it.

Norris: I can talk to the Director of Libraries and figure that out.

https://www.projectveritas.com/news/pre ... al-agenda/
The best part about this is waiting four years to see how all the crazy apocalyptic predictions made by the fear mongering idiots in Right Wing media turned out to be painfully wrong...Gasoline would hit $10/gallon. Hyperinflation would ensue.
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Re: I found the perfect school for your kids

Post by Hawkeye »

Well on second thought, I guess you can get all this at public school these days.
The best part about this is waiting four years to see how all the crazy apocalyptic predictions made by the fear mongering idiots in Right Wing media turned out to be painfully wrong...Gasoline would hit $10/gallon. Hyperinflation would ensue.
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Res Ipsa
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Re: I found the perfect school for your kids

Post by Res Ipsa »

Uhh, no way could have I ever afforded 60K a year for private school at any point in my career.

My two oldest went to private school through middle school (at the insistence of my ex, who was a public school teacher.) My younger two went to all public school. All four had similar grades and test scores in high school (all four went to the same one.)

From what I’ve seen, the ultra expensive private schools provide one big advantage — networking. I was the only graduate from my high school at my law school, but lots of 1Ls had friends going back to grade school in our class.

Teachers who try and insert their ideology into the classroom in public is nothing new, and is not restricted to one side of the left-right divide.

As for the ironically named project Veritas… 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
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Re: I found the perfect school for your kids

Post by Marcus »

An administrator at a posh Manhattan private school was placed on paid leave after being filmed talking about “sneaking” her Democratic views and activism into the classroom.

The Trinity School also announced in a Friday letter to students and parents that an investigation will be launched into the comments made by Jennifer “Ginn” Norris, a director of student activities at the Upper East Side fixture.

In the school’s letter obtained and shared by Project Veritas, school officials said they found it “deeply disturbing” that Norris was recorded “without her knowledge or permission by someone who misrepresented himself.”

But the school added “the sentiments expressed in the video do not reflect the mission or values” of Trinity.

“The School is retaining outside counsel to conduct an independent investigation. Ms. Norris will be placed on paid leave while this investigation is underway,” John Allman, Head of School and David Perez, President of the Board of Trustees wrote.

“As part of this process, in conjunction with the work of our outside advisors, we will also review school protocols and practices that are in place to ensure that we are living up to our determination to build a more inclusive community.”

...Project Veritas – founded by far right-wing provocateur James O’Keefe — has filmed unaware subjects under the guise of being on a date in the past.

https://nypost.com/2022/09/02/trinity-s ... tas-sting/
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Doctor Steuss
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Re: I found the perfect school for your kids

Post by Doctor Steuss »

So, the school was made aware, and immediately placed her on leave while they conduct an independent investigation?

My god, what a liberal hell-scape. We should all panic, and be afraid.

First they come for their educations. Next, they sell the kids in overpriced armoires to democratic pedophiles that drink baby blood, while wearing their Satanic red shoes.

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Re: I found the perfect school for your kids

Post by Hawkeye »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Wed Sep 14, 2022 5:51 pm
Uhh, no way could have I ever afforded 60K a year for private school at any point in my career.

My two oldest went to private school through middle school (at the insistence of my ex, who was a public school teacher.) My younger two went to all public school. All four had similar grades and test scores in high school (all four went to the same one.)

From what I’ve seen, the ultra expensive private schools provide one big advantage — networking. I was the only graduate from my high school at my law school, but lots of 1Ls had friends going back to grade school in our class.

Teachers who try and insert their ideology into the classroom in public is nothing new, and is not restricted to one side of the left-right divide.

As for the ironically named project Veritas… 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Yeah, I got to thinking about this. $60k/year is way out of the league of most Republicans I know including myself. On top of that it's New York, not Florida. So I'm seriously wondering who these young white supremacists are that Norris is talking about. I kind of doubt Sean Hannity would have been sending his kids to school there.
The best part about this is waiting four years to see how all the crazy apocalyptic predictions made by the fear mongering idiots in Right Wing media turned out to be painfully wrong...Gasoline would hit $10/gallon. Hyperinflation would ensue.
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Re: I found the perfect school for your kids

Post by Hawkeye »

In the school’s letter obtained and shared by Project Veritas, school officials said they found it “deeply disturbing” that Norris was recorded “without her knowledge or permission by someone who misrepresented himself.”
I wonder if they found it deeply disturbing when Mitt Romney was recorded without his permission when he made his comments about the %47? Or perhaps they're disturbed because there really are Republican kids paying the $60k/year tuition at their school, and the ideology and methods of their teacher staff is best kept under wraps when a school wants a healthy bottom line.
The best part about this is waiting four years to see how all the crazy apocalyptic predictions made by the fear mongering idiots in Right Wing media turned out to be painfully wrong...Gasoline would hit $10/gallon. Hyperinflation would ensue.
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Doctor Steuss
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Re: I found the perfect school for your kids

Post by Doctor Steuss »

Hawkeye wrote:
Wed Sep 14, 2022 7:56 pm
In the school’s letter obtained and shared by Project Veritas, school officials said they found it “deeply disturbing” that Norris was recorded “without her knowledge or permission by someone who misrepresented himself.”
I wonder if they found it deeply disturbing when Mitt Romney was recorded without his permission when he made his comments about the %47? Or perhaps they're disturbed because there really are Republican kids paying the $60k/year tuition at their school, and the ideology and methods of their teacher staff is best kept under wraps when a school wants a healthy bottom line.
I have a hard time believing any involved parent would be unaware of the "ideology and methods of... teacher staff" at a school.

If it's being "kept under wraps," that's likely more-so a reflection of the parents than the adeptness of the school at keeping it that way.

For fun, since this is the oldest Episcopalian school in the country, Pew has a political ideology breakdown for Episcopal Church members. Not saying that would be representative of people sending their kids there, but it would probably be fairly representative of administration (and/or the trustees). Seems to be a pretty even-keeled group for the most part.

31% Conservative, 37% Moderate, and 29% Liberal. Fairly even distribution politically with 6-figure incomes. Education level skews political affiliation pretty wildly. 18% of those identifying as Conservative have post-graduate degrees. Comparatively, 44% of those identifying as Liberal have post-graduate degrees.

One that really stood out to me -- people identifying as liberal attend church much more frequently, have a much higher rate of prayer, and read scriptures more regularly... which makes sense since they have so many lefty sins to atone for...

BUT, liberal identifying members have a lower belief in heaven.
Pew Breakdown
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Re: I found the perfect school for your kids

Post by ajax18 »

I have a hard time believing any involved parent would be unaware of the "ideology and methods of... teacher staff" at a school.
Yeah, I have to agree with you on this one. What did this report from Project Veritas tell us that we didn't already know? What parent wouldn't/shouldn't already know that most US institutions are heavily influenced by people like Ms. Norris and have been for a long time.
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Re: I found the perfect school for your kids

Post by Marcus »

Doctor Steuss wrote:
Wed Sep 14, 2022 8:23 pm
Hawkeye wrote:
Wed Sep 14, 2022 7:56 pm

I wonder if they found it deeply disturbing when Mitt Romney was recorded without his permission when he made his comments about the %47? Or perhaps they're disturbed because there really are Republican kids paying the $60k/year tuition at their school, and the ideology and methods of their teacher staff is best kept under wraps when a school wants a healthy bottom line.
I have a hard time believing any involved parent would be unaware of the "ideology and methods of... teacher staff" at a school.

If it's being "kept under wraps," that's likely more-so a reflection of the parents than the adeptness of the school at keeping it that way....
or possibly a teacher bragging unrealistically. in any case, the school is right to investigate.
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