Trump Solidly Walloped.

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Trump Solidly Walloped.

Post by Kishkumen »

In contest after contest, voters handed Trump-backed candidates embarrassing defeats. This despite the fact that Joe Biden is a roundly unpopular president and historically midterms have meant losses for the governing party. Thank a loose and very temporary coalition of Democrat, moderate Republican and independent voters. Thank all the Dem candidates who ran good campaigns against fringe Trump loonies.

It may have taken the stunningly awful Dobbs decision to wake America up, but wake up we did. Hopefully this is the beginning of the end of Trump. DeSantis’ big win in Florida may shift donors’ money and the GOP’s hopes for success away from Trump, after receiving this historic drubbing.
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Re: Trump Solidly Walloped.

Post by Some Schmo »

The question is whether the GOP has learned their lesson yet, and recent history has taught us that the GOP doesn't like to take lessons from their mistakes, but would rather create a false narrative to explain their failures. They don't have a platform except fealty to Trump. Essentially, the GOP platform is whatever Trump craps out of his mouth that day.

Another problem is that they are all scared of what Trump will say about them if they turn away. That's the problem with having no integrity or backbone: you have to suck up to the moronic bully whose ass you're licking.

If they were smart and not so reliant on BS and gerrymandering to retain power, they would quit this cult crap they've been engaging in and come back to the real world. I think it's going to take a lot more defeats to drill the lesson home to these assholes.

Still, gotta love the midterm outcome this past week.
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Re: Trump Solidly Walloped.

Post by Kishkumen »

You could be right! I tend to be optimistic. Look at Kevin McCarthy condemning January 6 only to turn around and kiss Trump’s ass very soon thereafter. The monster the GOP created in its MAGA cult was decades in the making, and it may take a fairly long time to dissipate. As long as Dems continue to attract enough moderates and independents, they should keep the hordes of looneys at bay. Hopefully the looneys come back to some semblance of sanity. The Fundie Christians are lost for good.
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Re: Trump Solidly Walloped.

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

I hope this gives our lawmakers the backbone to hold Trump accountable for the incitement to insurrection he and his cronies caused. We cannot tolerate these continued assaults on our democratic processes that hold this Republic together.

Inb4 some braindead shitgibbon vomit comes out of our board’s fascist’s keyboard.

- Doc
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Re: Trump Solidly Walloped.

Post by Kishkumen »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Sun Nov 13, 2022 4:26 pm
I hope this gives our lawmakers the backbone to hold Trump accountable for the incitement to insurrection he and his cronies caused. We cannot tolerate these continued assaults on our democratic processes that hold this Republic together.

Inb4 some braindead shitgibbon vomit comes out of our board’s fascist’s keyboard.

- Doc
What I want to see is indictments.

Merrick Garland should take this as his opening to indict Trump.
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Re: Trump Solidly Walloped.

Post by Vēritās »

Not long ago ajax/hawkeye assured us we were all just terrified of Trump running in 24' because we knew he'd win easily. He said that was the only reason we were going after him legally. I immediately assured him the opposite was true. I hope Trump runs in 24' and I hope he wins the nomination. You can't ask for a better guaranteed Democrat win than that. The GOP is consumed with delusions that they represent the majority views. They lock themselves in these ideologocal bubbles and thanks to fake news right wing media, they're out of touch with what's real.
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Re: Trump Solidly Walloped.

Post by Moksha »

It will be interesting to see whether Sean Hannity follows Murdoch's lead in throwing Trump under the bus. It will also be interesting to see if Trump's fascist base will be phased by Fox News abandoning Trump. For the most part, Fox viewers have achieved a state of mushroomhood, having been kept in a true news blackout for so long and having been fed bull s**t, but they are way too old to shoot out new spores. They will eventually decay and melt back into the sofa as part of the fungi cycle of life.

It is the young fascists still loyal to Trump that seems worrisome.
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Re: Trump Solidly Walloped.

Post by Gadianton »

Vēritās wrote:
Sun Nov 13, 2022 4:59 pm
Not long ago ajax/hawkeye assured us we were all just terrified of Trump running in 24' because we knew he'd win easily. He said that was the only reason we were going after him legally. I immediately assured him the opposite was true. I hope Trump runs in 24' and I hope he wins the nomination. You can't ask for a better guaranteed Democrat win than that. The GOP is consumed with delusions that they represent the majority views. They lock themselves in these ideologocal bubbles and thanks to fake news right wing media, they're out of touch with what's real.
You know how your doctor said you have to vote with your wallet? Well, Ajax now is forever a Democrat and even admitted to such on the other thread when he said he hopes it all goes blue, because he's all in with his wallet. Ajax has voted for Biden with his wallet. If Trump wins in 2024, he'll save America, reduce inflation and make oil cheap, and thereby wipe out Ajax's non-liquid fortune. Ajax has bet the farm on Bidenflation and if doesn't continue to happen, he'll be wiped out.
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Re: Trump Solidly Walloped.

Post by Some Schmo »

Some Schmo wrote:
Sun Nov 13, 2022 3:13 pm
The question is whether the GOP has learned their lesson yet...
I just found this in the Atlantic. Seems David Frum agrees with me:
David Frum wrote:The Lesson Republicans Refuse to Learn
Voters to GOP: We don’t like your MAGA candidates and their agenda.

Liberals reacted to the election of Donald Trump in 2016 with dismay, horror—and curiosity. Reporters ventured to Trump counties to ask questions. Political scientists studied the voting effect of international trade. Hollywood made a movie out of J. D. Vance’s memoir, Hillbilly Elegy.

Liberals didn’t like what had happened—but for exactly that reason, they wanted to understand it. They strove for understanding until it became a kind of inside joke: the journalist on Trump safari in Pennsylvania diners. But the joke made its own kind of sense. Survival depends upon adaptation. Adaptation depends upon learning.

The question after the 2022 midterms is: Can conservatives learn?

Through the Trump years, the Republican Party has organized itself as an anti-learning entity. Unwelcome information has been ignored or denied.

Trump lost the popular vote in 2016, and by a worse margin than Mitt Romney had in 2012? Not interested: It was a historic landslide victory.

Trump never rose above 50 percent approval (in any credible poll) on any single day of his presidency? Not interested: All that matters is what his base thinks.

Republicans were crushed in 2018 in the highest midterm turnout of eligible voters since before the First World War? Not interested: The result showed only that voters wanted more Trump and more Trumpiness.

Trump got swamped by a margin of 8 million votes in 2020? Joe Biden won the second-highest share of the popular vote than any presidential candidate since 1988, next only to Barack Obama’s blowout win in 2008? No need to pay attention: After all, Rudy Giuliani and Dinesh D’Souza said the election was stolen! Besides, check out those Latino votes for Trump.

Democrats won two Senate seats in formerly bright-red Georgia after winning the state’s electoral votes in the presidential contest? Only a temporary setback; wait ’til next time. By then, Trump will have helped get elected a bunch of “America First” secretaries of state who will rewrite the rules so that a Democrat can never win again.

“Next time” is now. In every way you can measure, 2022 was a crushing repudiation—not only of Trump personally or of Trump’s allegations that the 2020 election was corrupted, but of the larger Republican Party. For the first time since 1934, the party of the president lost not a single state legislature in a midterm year—and actually made gains in the Midwest: Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Every last one of the candidates running for offices to control elections who endorsed Trump’s Big Lie about the 2020 election went down in defeat, as did up-ballot election deniers such as Blake Masters in the Arizona Senate contest and Lee Zeldin, who ran for governor in an otherwise good Republican year in New York.

A Democrat won a Trump district in Washington State from a MAGA Republican who, having primaried the moderate Republican Jaime Herrera Beutler out of the seat she won in 2020 by 13 points, drove away GOP voters by blaming the January 6 attack on the FBI and defending the attackers as “political prisoners.” Supporters of abortion rights won all six contests where the issue was on the ballot: Kansas in August, then California, Kentucky, Michigan, Montana, and Vermont in November.

So you’d think the time would be right for Fox News to organize some safaris of its own. Maybe the podcast hosts and newsletter writers who argued that “woke” politics was alienating former Democrats will ask why Republican authoritarianism and reactionary culture warring has even more offensively alienated their former voters.

Perhaps that soul-searching will happen—it’s early days. But if it does, it will be a break from past practice.

In their anti-learning culture, conservatives have come to view everything that happens, however unwelcome, as proof simply that the most extreme people were the most correct. In the state of Florida, Republicans are proceeding postelection with more of the draconian anti-abortion laws that cost their colleagues so dearly across the country. Conservative pundits are gamely insisting that they did not really lose the 2022 elections but were once again cheated by a rigged system.

Should conservatives start noticing that they lag among unmarried women and the young? No, instead: Ridicule and insult unmarried women, especially the young. Having hooted and jeered Mitt Romney, John McCain, and George W. Bush, and pushed Liz Cheney and other principled Republicans out of Congress, the right now expresses bafflement and outrage that those rejected leaders did not rally to help candidates who condoned the January 6 insurrection and opposed aid to Ukraine.

The historian Bernard Lewis once offered sage advice to any group that faces adverse circumstances: “The question, ‘Who did this to us?’ has led only to neurotic fantasies and conspiracy theories. The other question—‘What did we do wrong?’—has led naturally to a second question, ‘How do we put it right?’ In that question … lies the best hope for the future.”

For the party of the president to do well in a midterm election is very rare: 2002, 1998, 1962, and 1934 are the exceptions over the past century or so. In all four of those exceptional years, the president’s party was buoyed by some affirmative factor: a rally around the flag after 9/11, the economic boom of the late 1990s, relief after the Cuban missile crisis, the beginnings of recovery from the Great Depression.

This year was one in which all the indicators seemed negative for the party of the president: right-track/wrong-track numbers, presidential approval ratings, and optimism about the future. Yet Biden’s party won and won and won again despite the negative indicators. Yes, for sure there were affirmative reasons to vote Democratic in 2022, but it’s hard to miss the strong smell here of a thorough repudiation, up and down the ballot, of the post-Trump Republican Party, of the January 6 insurrectionists, and of a cultural agenda that seems to many Americans regressive and repressive.

Amid the initial shock of these 2022 defeats, Senator Josh Hawley tweeted, “The old party is dead. Time to bury it. Build something new.” He was right—but in exactly the opposite sense he intended. The Republican Party needs less of everything that authoritarian and reactionary Republicans such as Hawley champion, and more of the democracy and modernity that those Republicans have resisted.

The American electorate has been administering that lesson over and over. Republicans need at long last to open their ears to hear it, their mind to absorb it, and their heart to accept it.
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Re: Trump Solidly Walloped.

Post by Gunnar »

Moksha wrote:
Sun Nov 13, 2022 5:02 pm
It will be interesting to see whether Sean Hannity follows Murdoch's lead in throwing Trump under the bus. It will also be interesting to see if Trump's fascist base will be phased by Fox News abandoning Trump. For the most part, Fox viewers have achieved a state of mushroomhood, having been kept in a true news blackout for so long and having been fed bull s**t, but they are way too old to shoot out new spores. They will eventually decay and melt back into the sofa as part of the fungi cycle of life.

It is the young fascists still loyal to Trump that seems worrisome.
I think you meant "fazed" in the above paragraph rather than "phased." I certainly hope enough of them will be fazed enough to reevaluate the advisability of supporting Trump and his like. And I certainly agree that the number of young fascists who are still unfazed by the enormity of the emerging evidence of Trump's malfeasance and incompetence is very worrisome.
fazed (feɪzd)
disconcerted; worried; disturbed
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phased (feɪzd)
staggered, brought about in stages
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