Disney+ Elton John

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Disney+ Elton John

Post by Jersey Girl »

Last night Elton John said good bye to the yellow brick road with his final US concert (ever) which was streamed live on Disney+.

You know I sometimes forget all about Elton John until I hear one of his songs and then it's like DANG. I don't think the man ever produced one song that was less than stellar in it's musical composition or performance. If he did, I doubt that it was ever released. A classically trained pianist, Elton John (then Reg Dwight) shifted musical gears when he heard the early pioneers of Rock n' Roll. Bill Haley, Chuck Berry, you all know the list.

In the 60's he answered an ad for a record label. Bernie Taupin answered the same ad. Elton was given a set of Bernie's poetry which he set to music and magic happened. It is my understanding that Taupin and John never composed a single piece in the same room. Just as they first began and for decades following, Bernie Taupin sent the lyrics via post and Elton John set them to music.

I can't even imagine that.

The first song I ever heard from Elton John was Your Song. We didn't know we were nearing the end of our hippie days and just about to turn the corner into the Disco era. I own just 2 albums I can think of by Elton John. The album with Your Song and Rock of the Westies. I confess I only bought an LP of Westies because of one song. Island Girl. There weren't any 45's available at the BX in Germany so I bought the whole album.

Last night Elton John, now 75 years old, took the stage at Dodger Stadium for the last time and rocked. his. behind. off. Dressed in sequined tie and tails, and red sneakers. 8-) He was in great voice though he did change some of his vocals to suit his now deeper voice, didn't miss a beat, and perhaps gave one of the happiest and most poignant concerts of his professional life.

By rights he should have been dead by now. He had more than one chance to die and yet, he lives and lives fully. He's earned his reputation as top notch musician, philanthropist, and legend. He worked for it. Darn near died from it. And now he's leaving it...for love.

I think you should watch it. Watch rock history being made in front of your eyes. Watch this legend at work. He's SO good! Watch it until the very end and if you don't tear up at how he chose to bring the concert to a close, you don't have a heart.

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Re: Disney+ Elton John

Post by Jersey Girl »

The usual binge is coming. Just a word of warning.

I think that this is exactly where this song, music and partial lyrics composed by an atheist and main lyrics by, presumably a believer, should be sung. All. the. time.

Video runs 3:18 minutes. by the way, see that brunette singer with the belted outfit in the middle of the front row of the choir? That's exactly who I would be.

Elton John, Border song. John Houston Gospel Choir Cover
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Re: Disney+ Elton John

Post by Some Schmo »

I saw that come up on Disney+ and was thinking about watching it.

Elton John is a bit of an enigma for me, in that I'm somewhat ambivalent about his music. He has several tunes I love ("I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues" is one of my all-time favorite songs), but he also has a bunch of tunes that feel like filler to me.

Just recently, however, I came to appreciate him as a vocalist. He has one of the best rock voices I've ever heard, and what's most interesting about that to me is how long it took for me to recognize it. I think it was watching Rocketman that finally opened my eyes (or, more accurately, my ears), and that's also kind of interesting because I honestly only liked about half of that movie (all of the surreal crap annoyed and distracted me).

Elton John is one of those artists for me who I don't mind listening to at all when he comes on the radio, but I rarely put him on to listen to on purpose. He's kind of a background character in my life, important at moments, but nowhere near one of the main characters.

Maybe it was that they toured together, but Elton always reminds me of Billy Joel. Not sure why, since I love Billy Joel's music so much more on the whole. When is someone going to do a good biopic on Billy Joel? That's my question.

Anyway, thanks for the recommendation. I'll likely get to that one faster than I did Elvis.
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Re: Disney+ Elton John

Post by Jersey Girl »

I loved the performances that Elton John and Billy Joel did together. Both classically trained, top drawer musicians who turned to rock. For some reason I just love knowing that and I think it accounts for the quality compositions they've produced. If you think about it, you can hear some jazz/blues undertones in both their recordings. Not all, of course, but it's there and it's noticeable. I like it.

FIY: John uses that what's the word...bluesy style rock voice in this final concert. I think he really digs in with his vocals in it.

When you get round to watching it, post a review here if you think of it.
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Re: Disney+ Elton John

Post by Moksha »

From Elton John's Tumbleweed Connection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE2MmwUbC_E
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Re: Disney+ Elton John

Post by Jersey Girl »

A very mild spoiler...

Here is Elton John at Dodger Stadium 1975


There's a nod to that outfit in the final performance from last night. That's all I'm sayin'. 8-)
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Re: Disney+ Elton John

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Listen you can hear all the tunes here if you want. I time stamped it at one of my favorite tunes. Look for Billie Jean King singing back up. 8-)

Elton John and his band live at Dodger Stadium 1975 - THE CONCERT
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