A Special Video Message of Hope and Healing From President Russell M. Nelson

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A Special Video Message of Hope and Healing From President Russell M. Nelson

Post by Shulem »

13 November 2020 - Salt Lake City News Release wrote: A Special Video Message of Hope and
Healing Is Coming From the Prophet
November 20


Why announce this one week in advance? Why wait? The time is now and now is the time to find relief and healing from Covid-19. Waiting another week while daily infections and deaths are now at the highest rate, utterly rampant, will only delay matters while the suffering drags on.

This delay is little more than a ploy to lead people on for preparation sake and corral them into a controlled box where they are contained and talked down to like children. The attention whore behavior of the Mormon Church will surely be manifest during this upcoming event.

What ever happened to "For it shall be given you in the very hour, yea, in the very moment, what ye shall say"? Why must a professed prophet need a week to prepare slick words through a prepared speech? Is it because he's a false prophet and doesn't really know what to say at a moments notice and people will notice that? He's used to preparing his words, so let him retire to his room with his lighted pen, therein the Lord can inspire him on what to say when he comes out of his solemn meeting of conversing with God as prophets are wont to do.


I expect the whole thing to be a PR disaster. I expect President NelSatan will speak flattering words and make his most loyal followers practically kneel before him and lick up the dust off his shoes. In reality the man is anything but a prophet and is incapable of bringing healing to the Church let alone put his hands on someone's dying head and heal them on the spot.

Silly Mormons. It's all so silly.
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Re: A Special Video Message of Hope and Healing Is Coming From the Prophet November 20

Post by Dr Exiled »

There needs to be time for fasting and prayer in preparation for the "amazing" message so that the soul may be nourished. Or time to coordinate a drinking game for the big reveal.
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Re: A Special Video Message of Hope and Healing Is Coming From the Prophet November 20

Post by Shulem »

Dr Exiled wrote:
Sun Nov 15, 2020 8:27 pm
There needs to be time

NelSatan is 96 years old and is living on borrowed time. Each morning he wakes up is another surprise event (not referring to a soaked diaper) and going a whole week is practically a miracle. Delaying this event just one week may be more than he can afford because he may not wake up on any given day this week and God's message will have been thwarted.

Using odds, the actuarial life table used by Social Security gives the poor man about 1 in 130 chance he will survive the week.

So, it wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't make it to the 20th to deliver his message. In the meantime, there are a lot of people who are going to die between now and then -- and he could be one of them.
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Re: A Special Video Message of Hope and Healing Is Coming From the Prophet November 20

Post by Moksha »

I can use a message of hope and healing. Looking forward to what President Nelson has to say.
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Re: A Special Video Message of Hope and Healing Is Coming From the Prophet November 20

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:31 pm
I can use a message of hope and healing. Looking forward to what President Nelson has to say.

Well okay, then, more power to you. But, don't you think that this message of hope and healing is going to come with typical strings attached? You know how Mormonism always has strings attached to everything -- if you want the blessing then you have to pay the price, sacrifice. What might that include? Well, think about it. It's time to increase your faith: Pray, pay and obey! Heavenly Father is eager to pour out his blessings if his children will look to him and place their faith in Christ. All blessings are predicated upon obedience (D&C 130:21) and if you don't do what God says through his prophet you have no promise (D&C 82:10).

NelSatan's blessings will come with a price tag and that price entails obedience through keeping the commandments and doing your duty.

The Church is not going to put itself on the hook by making amazing promises that may fail to materialize. Church members are simply going to get more of the same old correlated song and dance. Nothing new, nothing to see here. Just an old man babbling regurgitated crap we have all heard time and time again.
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Re: A Special Video Message of Hope and Healing Is Coming From the Prophet November 20

Post by huckelberry »

Shulem, I checked my calendar, November 20 is only four days away. That is less than a week so your impatience does not have to endure as long as you feared. I clearly have less anticipation for this event than you may have so I find myself thinking that waiting either a week or four days is not a particularly painful wait. 8-)
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Re: A Special Video Message of Hope and Healing Is Coming From the Prophet November 20

Post by Shulem »


I can easily wait the four days that remain. But it won't be so easy for the faithful who are now at this time lying on their deathbeds wondering why they are about to perish when the entire Church endured two separate fasts beseeching the Lord to extend a merciful hand of relief from the pandemic. It seems even the Easter fast failed to slow the suffering wherein at the time there were only 18 deaths in the state of Utah -- now, there are a whopping total of 718 deaths and that count is going to easily double! Could it be that the fasts only made things worse? Asking for blessings for a people that don't deserve them seems to be the Lord's judgment. Will Church leaders tempt the Lord to bless his unworthy church?
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Re: A Special Video Message of Hope and Healing Is Coming From the Prophet November 20

Post by Shulem »

President NelSatan wrote:I invite all, including those not of our faith, to fast and pray on Good Friday, April 10, that the present pandemic may be controlled, caregivers protected, the economy strengthened and life normalized.

Since April 10 all temples around the world have remained closed and some 231,000 more Americans have died from Covid-19.

Why? Because President Nelson lacks the faith to perform a real miracle and convince God to strengthen the economy and normalize life in America. It's been 8 months of misery and now the prophet thinks to make it better?

Projections indicate that things are going to get much worse and many more lives are going to be lost and the economy will suffer regardless of how hungry Nelson and the Mormons are in skipping a couple of meals.

Excuse me for being skeptical. Mormon prophets talk about miracles but they never perform them.

Let's see Nelson lift up his staff and perform a real miracle like Moses did or do something like Jesus did. Nelson is all talk and no action.

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Re: A Special Video Message of Hope and Healing Is Coming From the Prophet November 20

Post by Shulem »

Tomorrow is the day President NelSatan is going to put on his little song and dance -- his dog and pony show, a faith promoting view of the newly branded Mormon Church. Isn't that exiting? More regurgitation and typical stuff everyone has been hearing from Church Presidents for generations. Nothing new.

There will be no POWER manifest. There will be no MIRACLES manifest. There will be nothing amazing to match the circumstances in which the world is facing during this horrible pandemic. The Church will simply spout a faith promoting pitch about having faith in Jesus Christ (The Invisible Savior) and the promise that by keeping his commandments things will get better, in which there are strings attached -- keep the commandments because if things don't get better it's because the commandments were not being kept. Blame the members!

President NelSatan is a deluded man. He milks the Church and has anything he wants and nurse maids attend to his every need like a fat termite queen laying eggs. He's disgusting. The man makes me want to puke when I look at him and listen to the crap that comes out of his mouth.

Anyway, tomorrow is the day. Are you ready? Have you been keeping the commandments? Paying your tithing? Daily prayer and scripture? Keeping yourself morally clean? How about you, Philo? Have you been keeping yourself morally clean? (no touchy!) :lol:

It's been 190 years since Joseph Smith set up Mormonism's version of the Church of the Whore. Mormon Jesus hasn't shown up yet. The second coming will never happen. It's a joke. It's nothing but a ploy to string the faithful along. Another 190 years will pass and Jesus will continue as a myth. Mormonism will admit that Christ delays his coming for a special purpose and present new doctrine to keep stringing people along.
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March 2020

Post by Shulem »

The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints wrote:
March 25, 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

After careful and prayerful consideration, and with a desire to be responsible global citizens, we have decided to suspend all temple activity Churchwide at the end of the day on March 25, 2020. This is a temporary adjustment, and we look forward to the day when the temples will reopen.

Please be assured of our sincere love and appreciation for your devotion and faith.


The First Presidency

Undoubtedly, after "careful consideration" (prayer or no prayer), the First Presidency was advised by their legal team that they must close the temples immediately without delay or risk becoming super-spreaders of Covid-19. The bit about being "responsible global citizens" factors in automatically but the main driving force for the closure is to prevent the Church from assuming legal liability for knowingly practicing rituals that could be traced and proven to cause death. That being the case, the Church could face massive legal problems.

So the Church did the right thing and closed all the temples. But, note that the First Presidency in the above memo seems somewhat shortsighted in their forecast or ability to foresee the future. Everyone knows that Mormon prophets can't see the future and they don't claim too -- they only claim to have the ability to foresee the future if God wants them to but those things are never made public. The forecast called for a temporary adjustment rather than a long term permanent solution to an imminent pandemic that would rack the world into a state of misery and woe. Or in other words, the temples were not going to close for a temporary adjustment but would be closed permanently for the rest of the year and beyond! The prophets of Mormonism through "prayerful consideration" failed to realize that Covid-19 was going to shut down all the temples permanently for the remainder of the year -- clearly, the First Presidency did not see this coming and like deer in front of the headlights have been run over by the pandemic.

All this is just more proof of the fake nature of Mormon apostles, prophets, and seers. They are fakes! President NelSatan has no power to divine or foresee the future. He's just a very old joke.
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