Res Ipsa says words about trolling -- people react

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Res Ipsa says words about trolling -- people react

Post by Res Ipsa »

Marcus wrote:
Fri Jan 13, 2023 12:05 am
Thank you to the mod for the lengthy post.

What I am hearing them say is that when two posters posted in two lower forums, it did not affect conversations in other forums, and it wasn’t an issue until Binger decided to retaliate by breaking additional rules.

What it seems to also be saying is that there is no way to stop his trolling, and he is not going to be held responsible for his own behavior (which I assume because not one word of the mod’s lengthy post was directed toward him or gave him any sort of warning or advice) but others are publicly warned not to “provoke” him.

I disagree that the way to deal with a known troll who is abusing a forum is to tell members of that forum to deal with it by not provoking the troll further and by tolerating his trolling. In other words, he’s allowed to troll, but all others just have to live with it. And it’s their fault.

I posted some research about trolling and moderation techniques before, I will pull those out again. It seems to be a topic worth revisiting.
That’s kinda close to what I’m saying. I’ll address the parts that aren’t so close.

As we all are aware by now, I think, DM doesn’t have a rule against trolling. That’s precisely why Canpakes can troll the hell out of Binger down in Prison. in my opinion they are the second most skilled troll we have on the board. You are the first. When you troll, you generally do it passive aggressively, which is easy to keep within the rules. You are also meticulous about staying within the rules. In fact, you’re one of the few people who can troll in the upper kingdoms without breaking the rules. And, because we don’t have an anti-trolling rule, I don’t have to police it.

And because men in particular have this macho thing about disproportionate retaliation, when you happen to troll a guy — especially one who presents as an alpha male — he just can’t seem to resist retaliating out of proportion in a way that violates the rules. And each and every time, I address the retaliation and not the trolling because one breaks the rules and the other does not.

What we do have is a very general rule that prohibits smooth operation of the board. The sheer breadth and subjectivity involved in applying that rule makes it particularly susceptible to abuse, so we’ve been very cautious in applying it. We’ve determined that it can apply to trolling when the trolling substantially interferes with the ability of other users to carry on conversations. Another area we’ve applied it is when users take actions that substantially interfere with the mod team’s ability to do its job. An example would be flooding us with obviously frivolous reports in retaliation for some action we either took or declined to take.

When trolling is confined to Prison/Telestial, there’s not a good case to be made that the smooth operation of the board is being affected in any substantial way. Binger is not the only person who trolls in the lower kingdoms, although he may be the most irritating. That’s why no one moderated your trolling of Binger over the last month. Technically, we could have moderated the resurrection of old threads. But, in my opinion, what was going on was inter-personal conflict in the forum where inter-personal conflict is supposed to occur, Moderator action wasn’t warranted. The only person who appeared to be inconvenienced by the behavior was me, and I didn’t think that was sufficient to justify action under UR 8. We don’t have an express rule that precludes starting lots of non-substantive threads or bumping old threads without adding substance to the threads, or repeatedly bumping threads to crowd other threads out of visibility, so UR 8 is the rule we would use to address those kinds of situations.

So, no one was breaking any rules before Binger began posting fabricated quotes and changing the URLs of the link arrows. Even then, that doesn’t violate any express rule. But it least warrants examination under UR 8. in my opinion, there is a qualitative difference between the conduct that had been occurring and the fabricated quotes and changed URLs: The latter posed such a risk of deceiving users who read the thread that doing so should be treated as a per se violation of UR 8. In other words the potential for disruption is so large it makes no sense to wait around for some evidence of actual harm.

So I’m saying no one was breaking any rules until Binger started doing things that we agreed violated UR 8.

I’m not addressing Binger in these posts because I have no reason to believe he will read them or pay attention to them. I’ve pointed out repeatedly that our communications in these situations are often off board. I don’t need to communicate with Binger about his conduct because that’s been done. You can assume all you want based solely on what’s been said in public, but you’ll be wrong. I have a very firm position that I think I’ve been very consistent on: No one gets to justify their own rule breaking by invoking someone else’s conduct.

There are two different issues that are easy to conflate. By discussing your and Doc’s role in the incident I am in no way excusing Binger’s rule breaking conduct or suggesting that you, and not Binger, are responsible for his conduct. He could have chosen to engage in proportionate retaliation. He could have stopped fabricating quotes when asked to. He made stupid choices that were his choices. The role that you and Doc played in the incident was completely irrelevant to how we should respond to Binger’s rule violations.

But your roles are relevant when you publicly hype the incident as some sort of crisis without revealing your own roles in creating the problem. If you’re going to try start a “Ban XXX” movement, you’d better have clean hands. Neither you nor Doc have clean hands, and you also happen to be the two people who are trying to turn this into a major crisis that requires a perma ban.

If you attempt to engage in self help by trolling or baiting Binger, that’s just ducky in Prison if you stay within the rules. And if Binger is dumb enough to retaliate by in a way that breaks rules, that’s on him. But, in my opinion, self-help is rarely effective and inevitably results in the unnecessary waste of moderator time. So, I’m not going to assist you in any way. And I’m not going to give any weight to your invocation of lofty principles, including the best interests of the board, when what you’re doing is the equivalent of pissing on me and telling me that it’s raining.
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Re: Rules and Moderator information

Post by Marcus »

when what you’re doing is the equivalent of posting on me and telling me that it’s raining.

in my opinion they are the second moist skilled troll we have on the board. You are the first.
I’m not even going to ask what a moistly-skilled troll is, nor am I going to inquire into the specifics of how one goes about posting upon someone while announcing rain.

I am just going to graciously accept the honor of the first, and silently thank the powers that be for the truly awesome gift of pernicious auto-correct. :twisted:
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Re: Rules and Moderator information

Post by Res Ipsa »

Marcus wrote:
Fri Jan 13, 2023 2:54 am

when what you’re doing is the equivalent of posting on me and telling me that it’s raining.

in my opinion they are the second moist skilled troll we have on the board. You are the first.
I’m not even going to ask what a moistly-skilled troll is, nor am I going to inquire into the specifics of how one goes about posting upon someone while announcing rain.

I am just going to graciously accept the honor of the first, and silently thank the powers that be for the truly awesome gift of pernicious auto-correct. :twisted:
That’s what I get for trusting the swipe keyboard on my phone. Sometimes it results in stuff that isn’t even close to what I swiped. My apologies for failing to proof.
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Re: Rules and Moderator information

Post by canpakes »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Fri Jan 13, 2023 2:43 am
That’s precisely why Canpakes can troll the hell out of Binger down in Prison. in my opinion they are the second most skilled troll we have on the board.

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Re: Rules and Moderator information

Post by Dr. Shades »

Marcus wrote:
Fri Jan 13, 2023 3:12 am
Oh my goodness gracious me, we simply can’t have a female besting big ole macho men in a battle of wits! You are absolutely correct to define it as a fault of the female. And it is so very kind of you, good sir, to address the “retaliation” when it’s really those damn female brains causing the problem! Of course, men are men so the retaliation is just accepted as a given, but damn if those uppity females don’t get under our skin with their persnickety ways!
??? He’s clearly pointing out that the problem is with the reactor; i.e. the problem is *NOT* with you.
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Re: Rules and Moderator information

Post by Res Ipsa »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Fri Jan 13, 2023 2:28 pm
Dr. Shades wrote:
Fri Jan 13, 2023 2:05 pm

??? He’s clearly pointing out that the problem is with the reactor; i.e. the problem is *NOT* with you.
You didn’t read RI’s screed. Obviously. He was fine with Ding Dong posting a thousand new threads that would come across his scroll, but when I began to post ‘contentless’ threads in SP he got upset. He was fine with the troll saying heinous crap for years on end, but got aggravated by Marcus’ behavior which he described unflatteringly. Finally, when you saw reason with my recommendations he basically got butthurt, as RI does and because he initially denied my requests for a tweak to current moderation (because he has to be right), and as he does when he’s feeling put on his heels he begins to quibble the issue to death - because he has to win.

God forbid if RI is inconvenienced with content because of the way he chooses to look at the forum, but if we’re inconvenienced we can go get screwed. If he doesn’t like the content, he can follow his advice to others, and simply change his habits. *tee hee*

- Doc
A for effort, Doc, but you'll never be in the same league as Marcus and canpakes.
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Re: Rules and Moderator information

Post by Res Ipsa »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Fri Jan 13, 2023 2:05 pm
Marcus wrote:
Fri Jan 13, 2023 3:12 am
Oh my goodness gracious me, we simply can’t have a female besting big ole macho men in a battle of wits! You are absolutely correct to define it as a fault of the female. And it is so very kind of you, good sir, to address the “retaliation” when it’s really those damn female brains causing the problem! Of course, men are men so the retaliation is just accepted as a given, but damn if those uppity females don’t get under our skin with their persnickety ways!
??? He’s clearly pointing out that the problem is with the reactor; i.e. the problem is *NOT* with you.
See, Dr. Shades. This is why Marcus is hands down the most skilled at trolling. It is not against any rule to misrepresent, twist, or even outright lie about other's words, just as long you don't misuse the quote function. So no rules have been broken. But I have taught Marcus in the past that I have a strong, emotion based reaction to people who misrepresent things I've said. So, it's a gold medal winning example of a troll. And, to my shame, I have allowed myself to be trolled by Marcus in this exact manner in the past. Not only has Marcus studied how trolling works, he's put that knowledge to work in a very effective manner. It's a remarkable combination of raw talent and careful study. Right now, I'm going to find a hat and put it on, just so I can take my hat off to what Marcus has been able to accomplish.
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Jessica Best, Fear for the Storm. From The Strange Case of the Starship Iris.
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Re: Rules and Moderator information

Post by Marcus »

I’ve been trying to think of the times Res Ipsa is referring to. I do recall these two times when res Ipsa moderated the people responding to what must surely be, according to him, events where i provoked a response due to my trolling, where he moderated the response but NOT me, the troll.

Some months ago, Binger repeatedly made threatening statements about what my employer and my students would say if “someone” just happened to call them and tell a bunch of lies, generated by him. Topics he said would be reported to my employers and my students were my alleged bigotry, use of homosexual epithets, use of hate speech, misattribution of sources, etc, etc. All lies of course, but the threat was deeply concerning to me, especially considering his unbalanced language and demeanor.

Even though the moderators warned him to stop referencing my in real life employers 4 or 5 times, he continued. I finally compiled a list of 9 of his threats, dated and with links, and sent them to the mods. It was dealt with, or I assume it was, because his comments became more vague, apparently just skirting the rule. His intent is still clear, though.

In a post above a mod suggested I consider rule 13, regarding the spirit of the law, not just the letter of the law. I wish someone had thought to request that of the troll as well, because his compliance with no in real life-type threats clearly only follows the letter of the law. Is there anything in place to prevent him from starting up those threats again? Nothing that I am aware of.

Additionally, the troll continues to be allowed to post here. He already proved he wouldn’t stop breaking rules because in my case he made at least 4 more in real life-type threats after his first 5 warnings.

It’s no secret I used to post under a name more easily identified as female. I changed, and for one reason.

The sexual harassment I endured here was unspeakable. It was vile, it was reprehensible, it should not have been allowed to go on as long as it did. It affected me profoundly, and significantly and permanently changed certain elements of my online experiences. I wouldn’t be here at all except I am just stubborn enough to not want the idiots to win.

Some of the sexual harassment was moved to forums where sexual harassment is allowed, a bit that involved my family members was removed, but most, including the subtle but clear stuff remains.

So, those are just two examples. Was it my own fault I was threatened and sexually harrassed, simply because I am a world class troll?

Our mod has publicly stated here that I provoke, people over-respond, and he doesn’t moderate me because I am so skilled at the provocation. ”Every time.”So yes, that’s a mod saying it’s my own fault I was publicly threatened and sexually harassed.
Last edited by Marcus on Fri Jan 13, 2023 3:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Rules and Moderator information

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Fri Jan 13, 2023 2:30 pm
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Fri Jan 13, 2023 2:28 pm

You didn’t read RI’s screed. Obviously. He was fine with Ding Dong posting a thousand new threads that would come across his scroll, but when I began to post ‘contentless’ threads in SP he got upset. He was fine with the troll saying heinous crap for years on end, but got aggravated by Marcus’ behavior which he described unflatteringly. Finally, when you saw reason with my recommendations he basically got butthurt, as RI does and because he initially denied my requests for a tweak to current moderation (because he has to be right), and as he does when he’s feeling put on his heels he begins to quibble the issue to death - because he has to win.

God forbid if RI is inconvenienced with content because of the way he chooses to look at the forum, but if we’re inconvenienced we can go get screwed. If he doesn’t like the content, he can follow his advice to others, and simply change his habits. *tee hee*

- Doc
A for effort, Doc, but you'll never be in the same league as Marcus and canpakes.
Unlike you, I’m not in competition with others with regard to posting. Fail.

- Doc
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Re: Rules and Moderator information

Post by Res Ipsa »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Fri Jan 13, 2023 3:16 pm
Res Ipsa wrote:
Fri Jan 13, 2023 2:30 pm

A for effort, Doc, but you'll never be in the same league as Marcus and canpakes.
Unlike you, I’m not in competition with others with regard to posting. Fail.
BS. Fail.
When I go to sea, don’t fear for me. Fear for the storm.

Jessica Best, Fear for the Storm. From The Strange Case of the Starship Iris.
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