Political Prisoner Persecuted , Prosecuted, but not silenced

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Re: Political Prisoner Persecuted , Prosecuted, but not silenced

Post by ajax18 »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Sun Jan 01, 2023 9:00 pm
I’m wondering if Ajax’s recent posts on Manafort and Paige aren’t evidence that in four short years political corruption hasn’t been mainstreamed into the Republican Party. Well, at least when the corrupt actors are Republicans. Political corruption hasn’t, to date, been accepted as routine like it has in some countries. Bribes and payoffs at all levels of government are simply part of the cost of doing business in some countries, even democracies. Ajax has turned criminal prosecution of political corruption into political persecution, at least when the criminal is on his team. Jared Kushner, who had a helluva time getting a security clearance, ended up getting a miraculous loan to bail out his failing family business and netted 2B from Saudis after being in charge of Middle East peace. Trump himself siphoned off millions in taxpayer funds into his businesses and pockets. But Ajax doesn’t care.

One of Trump’s most enduring legacies may be mainstreaming political corruption into the highest levels of the federal government. At least when the corrupt actors are Republicans.
Tell us again how the "big guy," on the debate stage and the partisan deep state intelligence agents at Department of Injustice were right about the Hunter Biden Laptop being "Russian Disinformation."
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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Doctor Steuss
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Re: Political Prisoner Persecuted , Prosecuted, but not silenced

Post by Doctor Steuss »

ajax18 wrote:
Wed Jun 07, 2023 2:34 am
No we leave the burning it to the ground to BLM. They've done that all for us. No need to even strike a match.
BLM has been gerrymandering, actively legislating against constitutional rights, and attacked the capitol to attempt to prevent the constitutionally mandated transfer of power to a new democratically elected president? Next thing, they'll be intentionally bankrupting the country by creating massive deficits.

Wild. They've been busy.
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