Help wanted (Score so far related)

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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Jersey Girl »

Cam before I reply can I ask you one question? Do you know when you're going to get a migraine? Can you see the aura appear and do you develop vision disturbances before the pain event?

ETA: And are you sure it's migraine and not a cluster headache?
We only get stronger when we are lifting something that is heavier than what we are used to. ~ KF

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Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 1:08 am
Cam before I reply can I ask you one question? Do you know when you're going to get a migraine? Can you see the aura appear and do you develop vision disturbances before the pain event?
It started out that way with auras, then it was light sensitivity, then it was a particular point in my dome that would feel a piercing pain, and now it's moved to a weird tightness right where my back neck muscle, the right one, zoops up on into my head. Luckily, I'm on a daily medication that stops the migraine from happening. I've gotten one MRI and two CT scans and they ain't found nuthin', so I guess it's all in my head, ha.

edit: I just saw your edit, I get both
eta2: I should mention I do get the ice pick pain through my eyeball and side of the head and then it seems to transition to that relentless throbbing. I dunno. It sucks.

- Doc
Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Jersey Girl »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 1:17 am
Jersey Girl wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 1:08 am
Cam before I reply can I ask you one question? Do you know when you're going to get a migraine? Can you see the aura appear and do you develop vision disturbances before the pain event?
It started out that way with auras, then it was light sensitivity, then it was a particular point in my dome that would feel a piercing pain, and now it's moved to a weird tightness right where my back neck muscle, the right one, zoops up on into my head. Luckily, I'm on a daily medication that stops the migraine from happening. I've gotten one MRI and two CT scans and they ain't found nuthin', so I guess it's all in my head, ha.

edit: I just saw your edit, I get both
eta2: I should mention I do get the ice pick pain through my eyeball and side of the head and then it seems to transition to that relentless throbbing. I dunno. It sucks.

- Doc
It sounds like you've been appropriately tested but let me say this one thing. I got migraines from high school until I became pregnant with our first child. So...14 years I would say. Bad ones like you describe. Eyeball pain, all of it.

Consider trying this just one time. Just one time.

When you sense a migraine is about to begin...the very first sign...try taking aspirin or Excedrin for migraine (aspirin, tylenol, caffeine) and drink it down with a cup for caffeinated coffee. Or tea or coke with caffeine. It has to be caffeine with at least aspirin.

Think about that and consider it. The reason I say this is because I was put on fiorinyl (whatever) for it and it never even touched it. One day at work I found this combination by chance. I saw the aura and told them I had to leave before I couldn't see to drive. I quickly gulped down Excedrin with a cup of tea before I left. Because that's all I had. By the time I got near home, it was GONE.

That combination never failed me not even once.

Just think about it. If your doc says it's contraindicated in your case, then skip it. It worked for me every single stinking time. That's why I suggest it.

Light in my eyes was one of my triggers,too. At that work place it was the florescent lights on my computer dispatch sheets. Boom.
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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Jersey Girl »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 12:53 am
Thanks for asking, I didn't want to hijack your thread with my issues, but I do want you to know myself and others are reading your updates because you're a valued member of this board.
I don't mind at all. To this day, after coming up on 24 years on these boards, I still can't believe anyone even reads my thank you for what you said.
I'll just tl;dr my crap - out of the blue crippling fatigue with a persistent mental fog along with flu-like symptoms that come and go. add in an issue with migraines that have landed me in the ER two times. oh, also, had emergency oral surgery, but it took 4 days of suffering from a broken molar and an unending migraine before I could get it resolved. and all of this while we sold a home, moved, and buying the right house has been another crazy and lengthy layer of god-tier BS.
:o Could those first symptoms you listed have anything to do with Covid long haulers? That is a LOT going on there to deal with. One thing after a bloody nother. I get that. I hear that. I feel it in my dysfunctional little gut.
Ref medication, I feel you. I feel like I'm taking too much medication, and that perhaps one thing is causing side effects that I then have to deal with. For example, this migraine thing. I'm taking a prophylactic for it, but I suspect it's causing some other things that are difficult to deal with, BUT, it's been the only truly effective thing to prevent migraines. So, it's a sort of damned if you do damned if you don't situation. Whatevs. At some point when I'm settled I'll start up with my routines that have kept me active and healthy, and hopefully it works out. :)
Yeah with meds upon meds, you can get to that place where you don't know what the heck is causing what and is a medication doing it to you or a medications interaction. Me too! Me too! It's that place no one ever wants to be and're there. :shock: I'm being a total hypocrite here but maybe you can just set a time to get outside every day as a way of picking up your old routines. Or set a time and a commitment to walk. I'm being a hypocrite...saying this to you and to myself at the same time.

One thing about me is that I have some kind of resiliency and I never totally lose hope. I always think there's an answer. I always think I can be okay. Even when I slide down a hole I end up thinking I can be okay. It sounds like you are of the same mind.
I will tell you, one of the things that happened when coming out of the worst of it was a new anxiousness about death. I've been low-key obsessing about it since May, when all the aforementioned stuff went down. I also had a sort of 'premonition' when I was younger that I'd die when I was 54 years-old, so this episode hasn't helped. lol I'm not scared of dying too soon, but I'm worried what that'd do to loved ones, and I want longevity for their sakes, not mine (I could give two craps, to be honest).

- Doc
Okay cat's getting out of the bag here. One of the reasons for my declutter/purging efforts, painting our kitchen which is half finished because it got interrupted by the roofing crew for 4 because I'm getting myself ready to clear quarters.


I don't think I'm dying today but I have confronted those thoughts and the reality. And I want to leave behind nothing that causes my kids any aggravation. I selfishly want them crying their baby eyes out over my gone-ness and not cursing me out because I left so much to do or messed up estate stuff. I get what your saying. Even when your children are adults...they still need you. We are living that out here. I know what it is. You want to be here for them.

In the mean time, I find so much joy in my life. I look forward to sorting out this physical/medical stuff. I know I have a kind of youngness in my soul or my spirit. I don't want to lose that. I don't want anything to steal it from me. It's an eagerness, a sense of wonder, an optimism, a joy in discovery. Like a child. I want to experience that every day even when I had the night from hell.

A small list...for the first time in probably 15 years or more, we have Black Eyed Susan's (my favorite flower) coming up in the "yard" and Butter n' Eggs, and Mariposa lilies, Harebells...Lupines. Because the Boy finally stopped mowing the place into a golf course and let it be a forest. I love them and I celebrate them!

The Mama deer and her twins in the yard every day. Mama has a bad leg but she's carried those babies bad leg and all, delivered them on her own, and they're growing so fast! Still some spots! It's against the law here to feed wildlife. I give her apple slices or carrots when I have some.

The coolness of the nights right now, knowing fall is on the way. Sleeping with the windows open to feel the cool breeze while bundled under a down comforter. I love this so much.

The smell of the pines when the sun shines on them and the bark smells of vanilla.


Even the sight of how new paint looks when I roll it on a wall and it makes everything look new again. Standing barefoot on the counter painting and saying over and over again...Oh look at that! Oh I love this! Look at it!

Or simply making someone feel valued or make them smile. Knowing I did it.

I love these things. Little things. I treasure them. I don't want to lose that joy I experience even when life is taking a poke at me. And so I press on. Gutting it out as you called it. I can gut it out for as long as I need to. If I end up with some godforsaken cancer diagnosis, then I'll jump on that beast and do my best to beat the living hell out of it. But I don't want to lose my spirit. I don't want to look out the window or step outside...and not care. If it comes to death (and it will) and if I could approach death and the hope of heaven the way I want, the way I am now, it would be something like...I'm ready! I can't wait to see what it's like!

I'm not going anywhere with this. I just felt like saying it. Peeled off another layer of skin there.
We only get stronger when we are lifting something that is heavier than what we are used to. ~ KF

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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by IWMP »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Mon Sep 11, 2023 8:30 pm
Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Mon Sep 11, 2023 1:07 pm
Do you have any other health issues going on? When I think hernia + heart +reflux I think POTS plus EDS. Probably projecting though.

I think a hernia repair would be worth it to help ease your anxiety. Hope you get answers and everything can be resolved.

You don't know how happy it made me to see your post here! I'm on my way...about to post about it!

<3 awww
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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by IWMP »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Mon Sep 11, 2023 9:07 pm
Appointment report: Wow! Wow! Wow! :)

My appointment with my primary was awesome! The result is that she has ordered the endoscopy and colonoscopy at the hospital where my cardio practice is and put right on the request that I need it to be there because, here I'll quote it...

She has paroxysmal atrial fibrillation so would like to have her scopes at (hospital) so she can have staff there to help if she goes in to afib before or during the procedure.

And she ordered a CT scan with contrast as well! Also routine blood panel which is due anyway.

I love her! I love the affect she has on me. I feel ready for this and more than anything else, I'm ready to get sorted out so I can feel fully present in my own life.

I have full faith that this is going to result in an accurate diagnosis! I am SO happy!!!


Things we briefly discussed: Hiatal hernial, celiac disease, gastric delayed emptying syndrome*

*Watch what this says I just pulled it off the internet. I'm gonna bold something that is applicable to me.

From the NIH:

What is the main cause of gastroparesis?

Diabetes is the most common known underlying cause of gastroparesis. Diabetes can damage nerves, such as the vagus nerve and nerves and special cells, called pacemaker cells, in the wall of the stomach. The vagus nerve controls the muscles of the stomach and small intestine. If the vagus nerve is damaged or stops working, the muscles of the stomach and small intestine do not work normally. The movement of food through the digestive tract is then slowed or stopped. Similarly, if nerves or pacemaker cells in the wall of the stomach are damaged or do not work normally, the stomach does not empty.

In addition to diabetes, other known causes of gastroparesis include

injury to the vagus nerve due to surgery on your esophagus, stomach, or small intestine
certain autoimmune diseases, such as scleroderma NIH external link
certain nervous system NIH external link disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease NIH external link and multiple sclerosis NIH external link
viral infections of your stomach

See that Vagus nerve involvement?

From Mayo:

Gastroparesis is a condition that affects the normal spontaneous movement of the muscles (motility) in your stomach. Ordinarily, strong muscular contractions propel food through your digestive tract. But if you have gastroparesis, your stomach's motility is slowed down or doesn't work at all, preventing your stomach from emptying properly.

The cause of gastroparesis is usually unknown. Sometimes it's a complication of diabetes, and some people develop gastroparesis after surgery. Certain medications, such as opioid pain relievers, some antidepressants, and high blood pressure and allergy medications, can lead to slow gastric emptying and cause similar symptoms. For people who already have gastroparesis, these medications may make their condition worse.

Gastroparesis can interfere with normal digestion, cause nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. It can also cause problems with blood sugar levels and nutrition. Although there's no cure for gastroparesis, changes to your diet, along with medication, can offer some relief.

So yeah,I feel confident something is going to be found out about the issues I have and even about the afib situation.

Stuff I bolded:

I am treated for hypothroidism and have a Hashimoto's Thyroiditis diagnosis which is an autoimmune disease. I also had Covid which is a viral infection that can indeed invade the digestive tract and I didn't have these symptoms until I had Covid. Well, some of them, but not the stomach discomfort. So...who knows.

Other than that, there is really nothing wrong with me but something-something about my vagus nerve and now my stomach. And I think we're gonna find out.
Look up ehlers danlos syndrome.
I have this and some of my symptoms:

Gasteroperesis/slow bowels
Acid reflux
Food gets stuck
I get sweats and exhausted after eating
Allergy type reactions
A bunch more but these are the relevant things.

I am glad you have found an amazing doctor who is willing to explore this with you and not brush you off.

Good luck and hope you find answers soon xx
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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by IWMP »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 2:08 am
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 12:53 am
Thanks for asking, I didn't want to hijack your thread with my issues, but I do want you to know myself and others are reading your updates because you're a valued member of this board.
I don't mind at all. To this day, after coming up on 24 years on these boards, I still can't believe anyone even reads my thank you for what you said.
I'll just tl;dr my crap - out of the blue crippling fatigue with a persistent mental fog along with flu-like symptoms that come and go. add in an issue with migraines that have landed me in the ER two times. oh, also, had emergency oral surgery, but it took 4 days of suffering from a broken molar and an unending migraine before I could get it resolved. and all of this while we sold a home, moved, and buying the right house has been another crazy and lengthy layer of god-tier B.S..
:o Could those first symptoms you listed have anything to do with Covid long haulers? That is a LOT going on there to deal with. One thing after a bloody nother. I get that. I hear that. I feel it in my dysfunctional little gut.
Ref medication, I feel you. I feel like I'm taking too much medication, and that perhaps one thing is causing side effects that I then have to deal with. For example, this migraine thing. I'm taking a prophylactic for it, but I suspect it's causing some other things that are difficult to deal with, BUT, it's been the only truly effective thing to prevent migraines. So, it's a sort of damned if you do damned if you don't situation. Whatevs. At some point when I'm settled I'll start up with my routines that have kept me active and healthy, and hopefully it works out. :)
Yeah with meds upon meds, you can get to that place where you don't know what the heck is causing what and is a medication doing it to you or a medications interaction. Me too! Me too! It's that place no one ever wants to be and're there. :shock: I'm being a total hypocrite here but maybe you can just set a time to get outside every day as a way of picking up your old routines. Or set a time and a commitment to walk. I'm being a hypocrite...saying this to you and to myself at the same time.

One thing about me is that I have some kind of resiliency and I never totally lose hope. I always think there's an answer. I always think I can be okay. Even when I slide down a hole I end up thinking I can be okay. It sounds like you are of the same mind.
I will tell you, one of the things that happened when coming out of the worst of it was a new anxiousness about death. I've been low-key obsessing about it since May, when all the aforementioned stuff went down. I also had a sort of 'premonition' when I was younger that I'd die when I was 54 years-old, so this episode hasn't helped. lol I'm not scared of dying too soon, but I'm worried what that'd do to loved ones, and I want longevity for their sakes, not mine (I could give two craps, to be honest).

- Doc
Okay cat's getting out of the bag here. One of the reasons for my declutter/purging efforts, painting our kitchen which is half finished because it got interrupted by the roofing crew for 4 because I'm getting myself ready to clear quarters.


I don't think I'm dying today but I have confronted those thoughts and the reality. And I want to leave behind nothing that causes my kids any aggravation. I selfishly want them crying their baby eyes out over my gone-ness and not cursing me out because I left so much to do or messed up estate stuff. I get what your saying. Even when your children are adults...they still need you. We are living that out here. I know what it is. You want to be here for them.

In the mean time, I find so much joy in my life. I look forward to sorting out this physical/medical stuff. I know I have a kind of youngness in my soul or my spirit. I don't want to lose that. I don't want anything to steal it from me. It's an eagerness, a sense of wonder, an optimism, a joy in discovery. Like a child. I want to experience that every day even when I had the night from hell.

A small list...for the first time in probably 15 years or more, we have Black Eyed Susan's (my favorite flower) coming up in the "yard" and Butter n' Eggs, and Mariposa lilies, Harebells...Lupines. Because the Boy finally stopped mowing the place into a golf course and let it be a forest. I love them and I celebrate them!

The Mama deer and her twins in the yard every day. Mama has a bad leg but she's carried those babies bad leg and all, delivered them on her own, and they're growing so fast! Still some spots! It's against the law here to feed wildlife. I give her apple slices or carrots when I have some.

The coolness of the nights right now, knowing fall is on the way. Sleeping with the windows open to feel the cool breeze while bundled under a down comforter. I love this so much.

The smell of the pines when the sun shines on them and the bark smells of vanilla.


Even the sight of how new paint looks when I roll it on a wall and it makes everything look new again. Standing barefoot on the counter painting and saying over and over again...Oh look at that! Oh I love this! Look at it!

Or simply making someone feel valued or make them smile. Knowing I did it.

I love these things. Little things. I treasure them. I don't want to lose that joy I experience even when life is taking a poke at me. And so I press on. Gutting it out as you called it. I can gut it out for as long as I need to. If I end up with some godforsaken cancer diagnosis, then I'll jump on that beast and do my best to beat the living hell out of it. But I don't want to lose my spirit. I don't want to look out the window or step outside...and not care. If it comes to death (and it will) and if I could approach death and the hope of heaven the way I want, the way I am now, it would be something like...I'm ready! I can't wait to see what it's like!

I'm not going anywhere with this. I just felt like saying it. Peeled off another layer of skin there.

Awww how wonderful your perspective is. I can't imagine a world without you in it. I often think of you guys, especially you Jersey Girl. You all helped shape me for the better.
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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Jersey Girl,

What colors did you paint your walls? We're moving into a new home and are going balls to the wall with interesting wall paper and paint. What did you do with your space?

- Doc
Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Jersey Girl »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Wed Sep 13, 2023 1:23 pm
Jersey Girl,

What colors did you paint your walls? We're moving into a new home and are going balls to the wall with interesting wall paper and paint. What did you do with your space?

- Doc
I'm half way done with the kitchen. Did the tedious areas around the cabinets which have a display space on top and wall space under the cabinets/above counter top so a lot of taping off, covering, cutting in, etc., including crimping aluminum foil to the top of the cabinets for coverage and put the paint tray/tools up there. Deep cleaning every single wall/cabinet surface and pottery/antique type stuff from display, as I go around. :shock: I stopped because the roof install made me insane. Back on it today!

Previous colors: Warm off-white ceiling. Light tannish wall color that reads golden.

New color: I color matched the warm off white ceiling color. The thought of painting the ceiling made me want to DIE so now I don't have to. 8-) The color is an old Glidden paint color called Sesame. It's not ivory or beige. It's not stark white. It's the actual color of actual sesame seeds. Check your spice rack. ;-)

What's on trend: Modern Farmhouse white and neutrals are still popular. The newest trend is towards "moody" colors and also losing the white/gray MF combination moving towards beige tones. Wall paper is making a come back so good for you!

See? You get it all right here from Ms. Jersey. Chapter by endless chapter. :lol:

Considerations: Light, light, and light. Our kitchen has more shadows than you can possibly count. I could put bright white in there and it'd still look off white in some places or cast a slightly golden shadow. Not exaggerating. So think about the rooms, their light exposure (north facing, etc.) and what the overall tone or decor style is that you're going for. Wood stained trim needs to be considered. If you are planning to live in the house long term, make it fit your style. Pick colors that make your heart happy. If you're going to flip it, I'd go neutral and plain and make sure you are using wall paper that is easily removed. Remember I'm preparing to clear quarters so going back to off white-ish/neutral beige generally pleasing to anyone colors except for my little art studio room.

LRV rating: I know more about this than I want to. Our kitchen is somewhat shadowy and dark most of the day. The color match is from an old paint so I don't know what the LRV rating is. I'd say somewhere in the low to mid 70's.

Undertones: Kill me dead right now. Our paint has yellow undertones because it's warm but it doesn't scream yellow. It hums white. If we use it in the great room with the big South facing's going to look bright white. English oak wood stain on all moldings and frames, so the yellow undertone blends really well I think. Kitchen cabinets are English Oak (not "honey oak") with 2-1/4 x 2-1/4 inch medium light gray ceramic tile counter top/back splash, almond sanded grout.

Advice: Get those paint chips and move them around your house. It doesn't matter where you find your color, just find colors you both like. Narrow it down and buy sample cans. When they do sample cans, you're getting their lowest quality skim milk level flat paint but you're getting the color. Either paint the wall or paint a piece of poster board and move the poster board around the room at different times of day. I matched a cheap ass Glidden paint color (still had the chip!) at ACE made up in high quality Benjamin Moore paint. I paid...nearly $100 for ONE gallon of paint that has the consistency of just about yogurt and it's going to do the whole room. If you're going to roll paint, treat yourself to either lambs wool or microfiber paint roller covers. I started buying quality tools and brushes years ago and never looked back. You get what you pay for and they last forever. If you're going to spray on paint, good luck to you. Airless sprayer (I've never used) and I suspect you have to cordon off each room and cover/preparation everything in it before you start. Paint products: I'd go Benjamin Moore or Sherwin-Williams. Their top of the line paint products have the highest resin content available and you'll never regret that you forked out for them. If those aren't affordable due to the size of your current project, I'd go Valspar with primer from Lowes.

The only regret I have is that the ceiling is done in satin and I purchased eggshell. I have no excuse for that. I went on automatic and said eggshell. For. a. kitchen. :shock: So now the ceiling has a higher sheen than the walls. If I can't live with it, I already learned you can buy satin clear to put over the eggshell and probably no taping or cutting in worries because it's clear. Just go around with a large brush or roller and fix it in winter, I say.

I love refreshing or updating home spaces. Making everything look new and fresh. So yes, I gush over the warm off white because it changes everything about the space and transforms it. Paint is always the easiest, least costly, and satisfying way to do that.

The story of kitchen paint. By Jersey.

The end.
We only get stronger when we are lifting something that is heavier than what we are used to. ~ KF

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Jersey Girl
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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Jersey Girl »

Cam I think the consideration for painting is what kind of vibe you want to achieve. How you want your spaces to feel. Do you guys enjoy a particular style? What feels right to you? Minimal, cozy, warm, calm, bright, dark, cheery, moody, whatever it is. Make your home feel like you guys want to feel in it. Every room could have a different feel to it depending on how you use it. A place for television, music, meditation space, sleep, welcoming family and friends. That's how I look at it anyway and yes, I over think everything unless I make myself go--->do it like a preschooler would do it and just jump in. ;)

Take my kitchen. I like it to look bright, clean, and inviting--kind of like Mom's apple pie and sit down and get ya a cup of coffee or hot chocolate, ya want some marshmallows on that and hey I got whipped cream too, and here's some apple bread kind of vibe. Because everything happens there. It's the hub where everyone congregates. It's where the comfort food is served and if my kitchen table could talk it would tell you stories of happiness, conflict, problem solving, celebrations, pain, suffering, laughter, tears, anger, joy, and grief. I want the kitchen to feel comforting, give you some good food, and a hug if you need it.

And dance. 8-)

And Cam, considering the medical challenges you have right now, if you want to hire out and it'll work budget-wise, then by all means, hire out and give yourself a break. Unless painting and papering takes your mind off things, like it does me.
Last edited by Jersey Girl on Wed Sep 13, 2023 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
We only get stronger when we are lifting something that is heavier than what we are used to. ~ KF

Slava Ukraini!
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